How to forgive someone who cheated on you?
Apr 22, 2020 more
A strong person can forgive . Not every person has such a power . Because in order to forgive someone you should try to understand ,, and give another chance maybe .. Forgiving does't come always with another chance .you can forget and move one .. But i think the question is ... is enough to forgive only ... ?Does that comes with forgeting too ?are like ying and yang ?Forgiving someone who cheating on you depends on how much that person means for you ... how much are part of their life and how much you know them
May 24, 2020 more
Relationships are between two imperfect people. And they can be messy, if you feel that you want to forgive someone, and it is OK to still have moments of not forgiving, you have to get in touch with compassion, for yourself and your partner. It is an active emotional state that you have to choose and maintain with love, positivity and most importantly open communication. Please don't shoulder this betrayal alone- now you need good people in your corner. Keep in mind that you may try to forgive and then decide that the cost is too high. Writing down your feelings helps, honouring your hurt helps too.
May 29, 2020 more
Cheating is a horrible breach of trust between people. It's like a punch in the gut. It is very hard to forgive someone after that. However, I think it is important to realise that you are mainly hurting yourself by being angry at someone. It's a natural reaction, but it is not healthy to keeping this negative energy inside of yourself. Try to focus on learning from this experience. Focus on yourself and your gut instinct about where you want the relationship to go next. Expect that this whole process will take time, but it will set you free. Forgiveness brings peace to you and that's the most important thing. Keep in mind that forgiving does not mean forgetting.
Jun 10, 2020 more
Firstly, understand that it has nothing to do with you, and doesn not define your worth in any way. After this, proceed to evaluate whether you think they have learnt their mistake and only proceed if you feel certain that they have undergone a positive change. This can vary from person to person, but most often is evident in changes in toxic attributes of attitude, speech and reactions to situations. After confirming and believing that your significant other has improved for the better and will not intentionally hurt you again. Feeling safe and accepting that human beings sometimes make miscalaucted decisions are the first steps to adopting a more forgiving mindset. Next, begin to let them back into your life in little ways, and slowly, so that you feel comfortable and can forgive them at every step of the way.
Jun 12, 2020 more
Forgiving Someone That Has Betrayed You In A Way Is A Good Step. In Order To Move One You Have To Forgive That Person. You Have To Learn Not Carry So Much Hate In Your Heart. One Way You Can Forgive A Person Is By Closure. Talk To That Person, Make Peace With What Happened And Move On. When You Talk To That Person Ask For Answers As In Why Did They Do It & Just Simply Forgive Them. You Will Feel So Much Better And Moving On Would Be Way Easier. Make Peace With Your Past. Good Luck!
Aug 8, 2020 more
Forgiveness is a very challenging thing. I personally think that forgiveness is a choice, and whether or not you you want to forgive that person is entirely up to you. The other aspect of this is that the person that cheated on you, do you feel that they are truly remorseful for what they did?
Forgiveness should be done on your terms, and for your own peace. You are not obligated forgiveness to anyone. That's not a very popular opinion by any means but you're not obligated to forgive someone that has hurt you. They will have to live with your decision even if they don't agree.
Oct 3, 2020 more
If you want to continue a relationship with this person, talk to them and try to understand the motivations and thoughts they had that lead them to the cheating. Understanding the cause will help you address the cheating in a way that separates it from the hurt they caused and you may be able to work on the underlying issues forgiven that person. If you want to end communication with this person, you can forgive them for yourself, to let go of the anger and the hurt and betrayal. That forgiveness doesn't mean you are ok with them hurting you, but that you don't want to carry that hurt with you anymore.
Oct 11, 2020 more
This is a tough question. Based on my experiences, it is important to take some time to heal, look at your own needs and take care of yourself. Once you feel that you are a bit more stable and safe, you can try thinking of situations where you did not meet your own standards. Could you forgive yourself for not meeting your on standards espite knowing better? Then, try to see that the person who cheated on you genuinely regrets their actions and also did not meet their own standards. Can you now forgive them for making this mistake despite knowing better? Nontheless, from my experience it is still important to voice your needs and talk openly and get to a place where you are sure that your partner is more committed then ever to honor your needs. Than you can feel loved and safe again in that relationship.
Oct 15, 2020 more
To forgive someone who cheated on you takes time and effort. You may start by reviewing the whole situation once again after the anger and sadness are not bluring your thoughts. Try to see the event from an outsider's perspective, be fair to both your partner and yourself. The questions to ask are not about who are right or wrong but more how it happened and what caused that. When things are put in front of you without bias, naturally you would see that the cheating behaviour might have something to do with your own behaviour as well. Imagine how you would do in his/her shoes, accept that people can make mistakes and they might not do things to hurt us intentionally. If there are things you and your partner could still work on about the cheating issues, talk openly and nicely. You don't need to be able to forgive on a specific day, only wanting to forgive and starting the process of forgiving is already a good step. Fully forgiving is a process.
Oct 29, 2020 more
Not forgiving someone is like a double edged sword. You are hurting yourself more but not forgiving them. Forgive them so you can move past this. Understand that it was not your fault. Moving foreword can mean that you need to let go of the past as if it was a heavy bowling ball tied to your ankle. You can move foreword all you want but life will be a lot easier to cut it off and out of your life. Pray to who you want to pray to and ask for the strength to forgive and then let it go and move on. Leave it to fate.
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