How to forgive someone who cheated on you?
Dec 16, 2018 more
Firstly find out the situation and understand why they did it. Once you are able to, see if they are genuinely sorry and that they’re able to show more respect for you and your relationship. If you’re able to move on from the situation then you will be able to forgive.
You don’t want to constantly hold it over your partners head and use it against them. Resentment isn’t a healthy thing, but being cautious is completely understandable. Work through your problems together, see if your relationship is tenable and see if this cheating was an anomaly or something that can be forgiven.
Jan 11, 2019 more
Forgiving someone who cheated on you can be hard. You just need tot ale it day by day. Forgiving someone is very important to do. I can not give you any advice but try and think of what you would do if you were the person that cheated on them. You want to think about all of the things and times in the relationship taht made you happy. When you talk to the person tell them how you feel first. You also have to give the person a chance to explain why they did what they did. The best thing you can do is to talk about it with the other person.
Jan 16, 2019 more
The key to forgiving someone who has done such a thing to you is acceptance. Try to figure out why it happened so you can get a better grip on the situation. Once you have gotten a grip, try to look at it from their perspective. Once you have done that you can be able to accept their decision thus letting you forgive them. You must also realize the difference between forgiveness and toxicity. If they cheated on you, it may be helpful to re-evaluate your relationship with them. If you feel that you are not compatible with each other, it may be best to end that relationship. Forgiving someone will always help you, but learn from what happened as well.
Jan 19, 2019 more
In order to forgive them, you have to see a genuine change in their personality. They must be willing to truly become more committed and loyal - only then can the healing process truly begin. From there, you can forgiveness becomes possible, because in a way, you know that the person made a mistake and is repenting for it. Being with someone who merely talks without backing up their words with actions ultimately leads to only further pain and suffering down the road. That's why I think you have to observe a genuine change in a person before you can forgive them and move on.
Feb 8, 2019 more
It's really not easy but ultimately forgiveness doesn't mean that you condone their behavior. Forgiveness is a way to allow your self to accept and move. Forgiveness frees you from being a prisoner of anger and bitterness and means that you will not allow the person to have that hold onto you anymore. It really is'nt easy and cannot happen overnight , but it's a journey of discovery and realization along the way . Taking the first step is the hardest but it does get easier once you've decided. Forgiveness allows you to bring love again into your life because we're looking forward to the future and not lamenting on the past .
Feb 10, 2019 more
Well, I would say to you set yourself free from this person actions. Because it does not do you any good to try to be mad at this person. It's all about you and not this person because in the long run you are actually hurting yourself with stress and unwanted anxiety. It want be easy but you can muster up the strength to let it go or to even move on from this relationship. I know too many people that have wasted years of their life with hate. The one thing I would say to you is do you still believe that you can have a life with this person if not you probably just want to walk away before you get hurt even more.
Mar 20, 2019 more
When someone cheats on you, our mind becomes a chaotic place. You blame yourself, you blame your partner, you blame the person they cheated with, you blame the relationship. It is most important to first talk yourself out of blaming yourself for the actions and choices of another person. Once you are confident about that, you embark on the journey of forgiving your partner. Know that what they did was circumstantial/impulsive/irrational. Understand that as human beings, we tend to convince ourselves to do things we normally wouldn't- and these thoughts are probably driven by negative emotions. Condemn the incident, but forgive the doer- to protect your energy as well. Holding onto the hate/anger will only wreck your peace of mind. Why should you go through negativity that you aren't responsible for? Forgive the thought process that led them to commit that mistake but know that their mistakes don't define them. Concentrate on how they see their doing- are they sorry about it? Do they want to work it out? If you want to work it out as well, concentrate on how to go back to being happy. Treat the problem as an opportunity/wake up call to fix/come up with beautiful solutions to work through together.
Apr 17, 2019 more
Forgiving is the only option you have I guess if you understand the true nature of reality. Whatever happens in one's life is entirely controlled by one's destiny and not by people and places. Though we have this perception that people and things in our life makes us feel the way we are feeling but that is nothing more than an illusion created for us to evolve and nothing else. For you to better understand that you need to know that you were to have an experience of being cheated and that was your destiny. The person who cheated upon you could have been different but you were meant to experience it. Similarly the person who cheated upon you had to have an experience of cheating someone which was again controlled by his/her destiny. So understand one thing today that noone else is responsible for the happenings in your life. It is you who accumulated certain good and bad deeds which are now shaping your life. So take life with open heart and don't blame anyone or anything as the things which happen in your life are purely controlled by your own destiny. And one may find different answers to this question but better to understand life in it's true form otherwise different things will have different answers and whole of your life will be spent finding the answers to useless question. Know yourself and you will understand that answer to each question lies inside you.
May 2, 2019 more
Take small steps to find your trust in that person. Let them know how much they mean to you and how valuable they are in your life. Keep communication open. You don't have to talk about what exactly happened but how you both can be better partners. Find the interests you both share and try to plan more time doing them together. You don't have to let your guard down right away but set a goal albeit small ones you both can work on. Make sure he/she knows he/she can trust you and you value that. Then let yours build as well.
May 7, 2019 more
In my experience being treated as a state of mind. sometimes something that seems like the worst thing that can happen and that being the best later on. In my life I always think that I do not lose, I learned. I only lose if I feel like a loser. And never should anyone feel like a loser for being granted a way out of something that in the end may not have been best for them. Life is about perception, and if you see yourself as blessed instead of cheated or gifted instead of taken from you leave the situation with more positive than negative. And those people exit your life because he knows they don't deserve your time. You have to allow that to happen, and know that it's not about you, it's about what they don't think they deserve and you should be grateful that they saw something in you that needed to be released to someone who can better accommodate them and their emotional needs.
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