How long does it take to get over someone?
Jul 8, 2015 more
It depends from person to person. For some, it takes a few weeks, while others may require months. It is important to be patient and keep in mind that it'll happen at its own pace.
Jul 9, 2015 more
This answer depends entirely upon you as an individual, how strong the feelings were for the other person and how long you have known them. It will take as long as you need for it to and that's ok. :)
Jul 9, 2015 more
Every one has their own way of moving on. No one is going to have the exact same method. Just do what you feel works best and focus on yourself and not worry about anyone else!
Jul 9, 2015 more
It depends on the person, and how deep the relationship was, it's longer when one retires in a shell and can be shorter when goes for a rebound and meets someone better.
Jul 9, 2015 more
Everyone mends in their own time. But rest assured no matter how long it takes, you will get over that person. Everything passes with time and everything is constantly changing.
Jul 10, 2015 more
Each and everybody and also each relationship is different. For some, the pain might faint more quickly, for others it might be far longer. The most important thing is that you don't avoid your feelings and that you grieve properly, because otherwise you can't get over it.
Jul 10, 2015 more
time can't tell you how long it will take a to get over their former significant other it just depends on how each person deals with it
Jul 10, 2015 more
It varies for some people it can take a long time for others I can take a short period time do something to get your mind off it. Talk fi friend Friend or talk to a family member or a trusted adult I fine that to alway help ;)
Jul 10, 2015 more
it can take as long as you want. as long as you stay on your own, do not open your heart to others, it will take a long time to recover from an heartbreak with someone. you should fight to exit this situation of sadness and depression, of loneliness.
Jul 11, 2015 more
However long you make it! There are many things you can do to get over someone-for example, I know this may not seem great, but I list the cons of the person, more than thinking of how much I like them. Whenever I drift to daydream about them, I shift my mind to someone else! It really depends.
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