How can you unlove someone?
302 Answers
Moderated by Maria Wasielewski, Master of Arts in Counseling and Guidance, University of Arizona
Updated: Jun 10, 2022
Nov 3, 2019 more
This is a tough question. Love is a strong and intense feeling. It can mend but it can also break. How can you unlove someone? Well...I don't think you can. How did you come to love them in the first place? What did they do to make you want to unlove them? Why do you want to unlove them? Was the love real? I guess these are more questions...not answers. In my opinion...I don't think you can ever 100% truly "unlove" a person if you honestly loved them. It's molded into your mind and brain...that love. So I guess you'd have to ask yourself if you actually loved them in the first place.
Nov 14, 2019 more
This is a tricky question to answer. There are many tips and tricks out there that can help people deal with a recent breakup, or unrequited love. However, the only real proven effective method is time. It is an unfortunate part of life that we all experience unrequited love, heart break or loss that may leave us feeling like we wish we could just hit the "Love off" switch. Give yourself space to hurt and cry, focus on yourself and just remember that time heals. I know that doesn't sound helpful, but trust yourself and do what is best for you.
Nov 30, 2019 more
If you truly loved someone, your love for that person still lives inside you forever.
You cant unloved someone you loved before.
If the person you loved became a stranger that you cant recognize, even then You cant unloved the person you loved because you never loved this stranger.
You can just let the stranger out of your life if its necessary, to be at peace with yourself.. But you can never unloved someone you loved. Its like that someone is no more to unloved them..
We cant go back in time to right our wrongs but we can always learn from our experiences. May not be now but Someday you will find the hope to love again,to love more,to love the love.
Jan 4, 2020 more
I think there is not any one way you can do that. It depends on an individual, some may slowly overcome it with time for other it may happen when they find someone else. There are some people that might never actually stop loving but it just fades alittle with time. The best thing to is to stay away from the person you're trying to forget and get rid of everything that reminds you of them, like pictures texts gifts ect..
Mar 13, 2020 more
It depends on whether it's a romantic partner or a close friend or family member. When it comes to a close friend or family member I'm not sure that the bond just gets cut off. However, what has been very helpful for me is to remind myself every time that the temptation to talk to a friend or an ex that hurt me or treated me badly that what is best for me is to stay away because I will get hurt again. I even made flashcards for one of my exes with all the reasons why this relationship was toxic for me and why I should stay away from him and it worked really well. Blocking him from social media was also a great idea
Mar 13, 2020 more
Unloving someone is hard because its hard to forget about the memories you made with them. I think you can never truly "unlove" someone. We get sad, we get mad, but somewhere, deep down the love we had for that person is still there. The only thing I can equate "unloving" someone is not being sad when I think about them not being with me. They were present for a portion of my life, and that's all it was. No one is permanent. People leave, and we have little to no control over that. How we respond to those situations, either by becoming sad or taking them as happy or needed experiences dictates how we remember them.
Mar 15, 2020 more
Remember all the negatives which made you to breakup your love rather than the positives. Think what exactly making you feeling hatred or want to stay away from the person you loved. Try to slowly erase all kind of memories of the person you loved like gifts, photos, mutual friends and erase entire contacts of that person right from mobile to any kind of social media and divert your mind, if you have no control change your contact number and also block their contacts and move on very strongly. (Keep in mind that it's not end, you have some thing better to come in future) accept and move on.
Mar 25, 2020 more
Its difficult but not impossible.
Those strong feelings will always remain no matter where but they can fade with time and things going on in your life. Depending on how to loved this individual, the memories can be powerful and pull you back, re experiencing everything again or they will fade. Disgarding objects associated can help but then again for some this can be a reminder of what you've gained and lost. Its best to reflect on this experience: how you have grown, lessons learnt and why this has ended. Just remember you are so much more than one person.
Mar 28, 2020 more
You can unlove someone by discontinuing to show interest in their activities, for example stop asking or trying to find out what they are doing or have been doing. By keeping yourself busy. By not allowing them to keep track of your activities. Try to envision your future without the person. Plan activities for the future that do not include the person. Plan activities that you enjoyed prior to your relationship with the person. Stop friends and family from discussing the person to you or in your presence. Be realistic about your relationship with them. If you are religious, pray about it. Keep a positive mindset about your future.
Apr 2, 2020 more
As much as we might wish for it, there's no such thing as "unloving" someone. When you love someone, it affects you and it's not something that you can just hit undo on.
Sometimes however, we have to move on or leave a relationship and that's okay. We may not be able to hit undo and pretend like it never happened, but we can learn from it and eventually move on. Hopefully we can take those lessons on with us and make better choices the next time, but pretending like the love never happened isn't ever a good way to deal with things.
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