How can you unlove someone?
302 Answers
Moderated by Maria Wasielewski, Master of Arts in Counseling and Guidance, University of Arizona
Updated: Jun 10, 2022
Sep 18, 2016 more
This question is something that is one of the hardest to answer but I think time is the bet healer.
Oct 2, 2016 more
That's is extremely hard believe me you can't I love someone you have to just get over them the feelings of course will stay but if you don't think about them you won't even know they're there
Oct 4, 2016 more
I wouldn't say it's about unloving somebody as to some extent it is still important to retain memories and thoughts no matter how feelings change over time. The idea of potentially moving on is more accurate issue and time can be the best medicine
Oct 12, 2016 more
Spend enough time apart, talk less, just realize that there is life without them...otherwise just suffer through it and take the time to heal
Oct 19, 2016 more
You can't. Due to certain circumstances in life, the relationship and personal growth you can fall out of love with that person. You can still love them and not want to be around them all the time anymore.
Oct 26, 2016 more
you cannot unlove someone, you just have to learn to move on, learn to live without that person, learn that that person is not there with you anymore, you have to learn to be independent and do everything yourself.
Nov 3, 2016 more
Well, in all honesty you can't. Once you love someone, you love them forever. It if they change, that doesn't mean you love who they've become. If someone you love has changed and ruined/terminated a relationship, you're not just going to stop loving them. You loved them for a reason, yes? But that doesn't mean you need to love them now. If you don't like that you love someone, think of all the want to "unlove" them. Remember that you don't love what they've become, but the good memories you've made.
Nov 4, 2016 more
There is no right or wrong in love. If he/she is not suitable for you, then leave. Don't force it to happen. It's gonna hurt both of you in the end.
Nov 30, 2016 more
You can't. Not without time. It's going to seem like it takes forever, believe me, it will. But it's hard. It's hard to wait so long for something you feel will never happen, but it will. I believe in you.
Dec 4, 2016 more
You can unlove someone by understanding how or why they are bad for you if they are causing you great anxiety, physical pain or you just are not interested. Understanding the situation and its negativity is the first step towards moving on.
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