How can I feel happy about being single?
302 Answers
Moderated by Maria Wasielewski, Master of Arts in Counseling and Guidance, University of Arizona
Updated: Jul 30, 2020
Jan 11, 2020 more
They say you can't be happy in a relationship unless you're happy alone. Happiness should come from within for it to be a lasting one and for the next relationship to be a healthy one. A shortcut to feel joyful is to remember your mortality and to feel love. when you keep in mind that you have a limited amount of time, you'll be able to make better use of your time and not waste it on hate, anger, jealousy... and to feel the feeling of love, you don't need a relationship. You don't need a motivation. You can start by loving yourself, your pet, your family, friends...
Jan 19, 2020 more
By realizing that being single isn't a bad thing. Whether you just broke up with someone or have been single for a very long time, there's nothing bad about it. It's a great time to get to know yourself better, have more time for yourself and to do whatever you want to do. Try to figure out what part of being single makes you unhappy. Is it the lack of intimacy, the social pressure or maybe it is the thought of a past relationship that's over now (if it's the latter, give yourself time to heal). And know that you always have to ability to seek out romantic relationships if that's really what you want. There are enough fish in the sea. But just remember that there's nothing bad about being single.
Jan 25, 2020 more
Focus on the things you like to do and things that make you happy. Being single means having go more time for yourself as well as other people in your life such as friends and family. Spend time with your beloved ones and show love towards yourself. You don't depend on another person for your happiness! It can be hard to manage on your own after a break up or after being hurt by someone you like so you can give yourself time to accept that and to completely move on. Finding new interests and taking up new hobbies can also be helpful- its what helped me after braking up! Good luck
Jan 31, 2020 more
It's a way of life.
You want to live that life for granted.
This does not mean that you will have a life without obligations.
A single man / woman could be happy because:
1. They have time for themselves
2. Do what they want in life
3. If they want to play with a child, go to their friend's house and play with their children.
4. Go on vacation alone.
5. They choose a company to associate with when they wish.
It's not scary to live a single life you just need to know how. Wish you success. Show courage by making the decision and stand behind it.
Good Look
Feb 15, 2020 more
Well in my opinion, being either single or in a relationship doesn't matter what matter is that are you able to do stuff you want to or do you think you will be able to do your favourite things in a relationship. If you are single then you are able to explore more people and find a person better suited for you and there is more chance that whatever experiences you will gain while being single will help you maintain better relationship in future pressure by friends can sometimes be harmful to your mental health so I suggest that for being happy you need to consider weather you are single or not
Feb 23, 2020 more
Being single you don’t have to worry about always being perfect, you can see whoever you want, like whoever you want and do what ever you want, when your with someone sometimes you can feel a bit restrictive and can end up losing friends in some cases, sure it’s nice to have someone there when you need them, someone you can trust, someone to hold you and love you but at the end of the day you would want someone who loves you and treats you right, someone you can be honest with and them to you, you don’t want to go for the wrong person and end up heartbroken.
Feb 27, 2020 more
One word: Freedom. Being single gives so much freedom and seriously lifts some serious weight off of you. Being in a relationship means that you are being tied down. You have to plan dates and other outings. You also have to explain to all your friends any questions they ask about your boyfriend or girlfriend. Being single means that you have WAY more free time. More time to hang out with your friends and family. Let’s also not forget that being single means you can get more action (if that’s what you want of course, me personally wouldn’t) if you know what I mean. That’s pretty much because then you aren’t worrying about cheating too,
Mar 15, 2020 more
Being single is a unique stage in our lives. Whether you're single out of choice or not, it can be difficult when we see all of out friends dating other people. But remember that being single can carve out room for some important self-reflection and self love. For example, try going out one evening by yourself to a dinner and a movie. Seem's weird ? But I promise it'll get you thinking. In this stage of life, I want you to dig deep, and find out who you are and literally date yourself. It's sounds silly but it helps.
Apr 2, 2020 more
When we’re not in a relationship we really have some time to get clear about what matters to us and what we value.
And that is the time when you can recalibrate and reflect on lessons learned from past relationships. Being single is the perfect time to reassess who you are and where you want to be in life. What changes do you want to make? What classes, associations, or new attitudes would you like to develop? You now have the time and the ability to focus on the one consistent factor that will create the change you’re seeking– yourself and that is pretty important IMO.
Apr 9, 2020 more
Being single is a great thing! You are free to explore and try new things that you have never done before, and just get these new experiences that you would’ve never had. Being single has let me find myself and have more self confidence! And when you finally meet that special someone in your life, you have a lot more to bring to the table in your relationship. So don’t take it as a bad thing, take it as a time where you are free to try new things and just explore, have fun, and just find your true self.
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