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My psychiatrist diagnosed me with bpd but I don’t know if it is correct. I have switched psychiatrists, but I don’t say everything because my mom is there. How do I get an accurate diagnosis?

Profile: KevinListener
KevinListener on Jan 14, 2020 more
Hey! I can understand that you feel concerned about whether that's the right diagnosis, especially when you feel like you can't say everything to your psychiatrist because your mom is there all the time as well. Something you could do, is to ask your mom to briefly leave the room while you are discussing some private things with your psychiatrist, or ask your psychiatrist to excuse her while you're talking. I don't doubt that your psychiatrist will understand, since it is quite common for a psychiatrist to talk with their patients in absence of their parents for exactly the reason you've mentioned, but the question is: will your mom understand? I don't know her, so I can't really say, but you might want to think of a reason as to why you want her to leave the room in advance so that you have something to tell her if she asks you why.
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Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jan 20, 2020 more
Only a qualified mental health professional like a psychiatrist, psychologist, or clinical social worker can diagnose BPD. Usually, a diagnosis is made after a comprehensive assessment, which entails much more than a single test. The process may include consultations and conversations with previous caregivers, family members, and friends. A medical exam is often part of the assessment because it can help rule out other causes for the reported symptoms. Ultimately, an official diagnosis requires at least five of the nine primary symptoms of BPD to be present: Fear of abandonment Unstable and intense interpersonal relationships Uncertainty about self-image or identity Impulsive behavior Self-injurious behavior Emotional reactivity or instability Feelings of emptiness Difficulty controlling intense anger Transient suspiciousness or “disconnectedness”
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Dec 15, 2020 more
First of all I would recommend for you to have a personal talk with the Dr. 1:1 and just tell him or her what you are feeling. This way they can get an accurate and full story from your end so, they can diagnose you properly. The more information you give to the Psychiatrist the more he or she is able to help you. The Dr. can request medication or other type of treatments. Your mother does not have to know because this would be patient confidentially between you and your providers. This is actually something that you can ask the Dr. before hand. I hope that helps you.
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