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I have Borderline illness and I am having issues thinking people are intentionally wrecking my life. Anything I can do to help stop this?

Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Dec 13, 2019 more
Hey love, how are you?❤️ Having a fear of abandonment which is one of the major symptom of borderline personality disorder and this leads to having the constant fear and overthinking about people actions towards us and how they react. One off converstation and the spiraling starts and it is endless. But this is something you can overcome, there are various ways like dialectical behaviour and cognitive behaviour therapy and some ways and techniques with which you can learn to trust better and let people in your life without the fear of being left alone after them wrecking your life being there. And as a person who understand personally how this feels let people in if they haven’t given you any reason to not trust them, trust me sometimes it gets very lonely and having and trusting people around you just for today is enough and will help you, Take it one day at a time❤️ Take care and be safe❤️
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Profile: Dante1807
Dante1807 on Mar 2, 2021 more
I understand that it can seem like a daunting task to completely turn your feelings in a different direction right now and people can be confusing in their actions towards you as well so I believe that your first step could be to be grateful towards the people that are supportive to you in your surroundings and look for any good traits or actions in those that you feel are intentionally causing a havoc in your life while keeping in mind to maintain a respectable distance with them that would help you better not only your image of then but your own mental health.
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