What does being bipolar feel like?
Mar 7, 2018
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Bipolar comes with mania and mania can make you feel out of control sometimes. It makes you feel alone and weird.
Mar 28, 2018
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Sometimes a low level bout of Mania can feel good. You are happy, chatty, and enjoy a productive time. Mania can be frightening when you barely sleep for weeks on end. Now you are sleep deprived and you don't feel tired. The chattiness rolls into inappropriate talk at times, causing others to withdraw from you. Racing and often erratic thoughts exacerbate this. One physical symptom is the inability to sit or sit for any length of time. Blood will pool in the lower extremities imbalance and pain in the bottoms of the feet will occur.
On the opposite swing of the mood path is depression this is the more common mood experienced with the Bipolar person. This too can be experienced in various levels and for different lengths of time. The extreme symptom some may experience is suicide ideation and even attempts to deliver themselves from their mental sufferings. Attempts can lead to death.
(These phases will occur in spite of the medication, however medication needs to be monitored and adjusted to achieve level or at least a less extreme variance in moods)
Mar 31, 2018
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Feel like you can be crazy at anytime... you seems like a weirdo because of the sudden mood swing. And only a little people can understand it
Apr 3, 2018
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It feels like something is inside you and taring you down.then it slowly feels like your starting to become it yourself. It will feel like a part of you that is like a filter that makes everything bad.
Apr 15, 2018
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It is a consistent switch off. Depending on the type, whether you cycle rapidly or more slowly, your life seems like a death sentence, or a mad party. Mania is an exciting thing and will learn you very little. Depression is... well it's depressing, you know? The thing is, when you are bipolar, it's not really your choice. It's one or the other often enough. And when you're lucky (or medicated) neither one.
Apr 18, 2018
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It’s hard, it’s like your never happy. Everything sucks, When it actually dosent, being bipolar is confusing And hard.
Apr 22, 2018
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Being bipolar feels like an emotional rollercoaster. You are consumed by sadness, guilt, suicidal ideation, hatred, anger, worthlessness. However, there are highs which are euphoric and dangerous. It effects everyone differently. Not everyone gets highs.
Apr 29, 2018
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Bipolar Disorder is a spectrum disorder that's why for every person who have it, they experience different symptoms and traits.
I have a Mixed Bipolar Disorder. Wherein my high and lows can change in a matter of days and sometimes may even occur at the same time.
It had been really hard for me to cope up with it especially with the hectic school schedule. My lows (depression) ranges from moderate to really bad. It can be one of those that feels like the world is a really dark and gloomy place where everything is full of negativity to feeling like life is purposeless, getting panic attacks thrice a day and planning my death.
While my highs (mania and hypomania) are sometimes a blessing while a curse at some. It's one of those moments that you just suddenly feel so energetic, so full of life, so full of motivation. You suddenly need to make a to-do list, go to the gym, do the general cleaning of your house, do the laundry, go grocery shopping and do more productive things. And you actually do it all in a span of hours. But the bad part is I never get any sleep, not even a wink. I stay wide awake for 3 days straight and do stuff to perfection. I get hallucinations and delusions. I'm really really irritable and speaks and does thing in fast forward. I get so mad when people can't keep up with me and end up quarreling with people a lot.
And after the high wears off, depression always follows suit. It's like a cycle, a cycle you want to break but can never accomplish.
Having Bipolar Disorder is horrible, but it's something you got to live with all your life. So I just see the good things it bring instead of the bad and well, I'm pulling through my life slowly. :)
Jun 22, 2018
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The main effect of bipolarity comes in the form of the way people interpret the world. If, for example, you give someone a gift, they may dislike or like it; what happens with bipolarity is that, depending on a wide set of circunstances, they may both like and dislike it, even at the same time.
Jun 24, 2018
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There have been times I have felt powerless to my mood swings. It took many years and much practice to recognise symptoms for my manic and depressive episodes. I believe family and professionally support has helped me find coping strategies. I believe this will be a part of me for the rest of my life. Acceptance, for me, is a big part of recovery. xx
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