Why do I always fail even when I try my hardest?
Feb 3, 2017
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Sometimes one fails, it happens, it's usual. Sometimes, no matter how much you try, you fail. And that's okay, some things are just not meant to be but they happen for a reason. What you can take from this is how much effort you put in it and be proud of it, no matter the results, you have to proud because you did what you could. And also, if something doesn't go how you want it, maybe it wasn't for you but it means there's something else! You could go and look for it instead of standing by and not doing anything about it. :)
Feb 16, 2017
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Well. Sometimes things aren't meant to be. Sometimes we can try our best and hardest and give all we have but if it's not meant it won't work out.
Mar 15, 2017
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If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. If you're trying your hardest and things just seem not to be working, reevaluate what works and what doesn't.
Apr 8, 2017
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This answer may cause some frustration, but it is simply because you are human. Everyone here on earth has made a mistake at some point in their life. Mistakes in life are easier to be seen by us when we are upset or overwhelmed, so that may contribute to why you feel you are failing. I can assure you, however, that we have all felt like we are failing, when in most situations the problem isn't as bad as we make it out to be:)
May 5, 2017
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Sometimes things are just too hard for a persons skill limit, both physically and mentally. This isn't a bad thing, because trying is what counts, it helps you find out your strengths and weaknesses
Jul 6, 2017
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As long as you try your best, you cannot do much else; giving your 100% will ensure you do all that you can.
Nov 24, 2017
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I'm sorry you feel that way, it's really hard to feel like you aren't making progress even when you're doing your best. Try to keep in mind, the fact that you try your hardest is a testament to your character. You're doing your best, and that's all anyone can ask of you. It's very admirable that you keep trying, not everyone could or would do that. Things will get better. Sometimes it's like riding a bike. You have to fall a lot before you figure out how to balance, but every time you get up you're closer to figuring it out, and one day it just clicks. It might take a while, though. Be patient with yourself, you'll get through this. If nothing else, keep in mind that I believe in you and I know how you feel.
Feb 4, 2018
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Sometimes, things do not come easy to everyone. Things come at different paces to different people. This is okay, and we can seek out extra help from services such as counselors, tutors, peers, teachers, supervisors, and others services to assist with achieving success.
Mar 27, 2018
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Sometimes when we are hyper focused on what we want, we put too much emphasis and stress on the situation. This limits your ability to give it a real try. If you are trying way too hard for something you want, it is likely making you lose sight of the small steps it takes in order to reach a large goal. Try stepping back and reassessing if there are smaller goals you should be striving for on the way to what you really want.
Mar 30, 2018
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Not everyone is good at everything that's why. no matter how hard you try your not gonna succeed in everything.
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