Why do I always fail even when I try my hardest?
Dec 22, 2018
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Universally, what we send out into the universe, is what comes back. If we allow negative thoughts and doubt to enter our minds, the universe translates it as such and our chances of success become minute. If we apply ourselves and realize our victory, we have a greater chance to succeed. We all fail as a part of our life lessons, but it's when we are hard on ourselves after that affects us. We tend to dwell on the things we can't do instead of praising ourselves for the things we accomplish, no matter how small or insignificant. Everyone matters and everything we do makes a difference not only in our life but the lives of others.
Dec 26, 2018
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Failure is a part of life. It seems harsh and heartbreaking but we all go through it. Even the most perfect, flawless, genetically superior human beings fail. They fall down on their knees and bleed and cry, but they get back up and they rise and find themselves back to working harder and harder no matter what. Life isn't about being perfect and being successful. It's a perk, but this world is meant for improvements, for flaws and for hard work and dedication. Failure comes with the territory, and instead of allowing it to become your enemy, allow it to motivate you to try harder, to work better, and to continue to strive to be the best version of yourself.
Jan 16, 2019
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Often times it’s not a matter of how hard one tries but how they try. If your walking in the wrong direction your never going to get any closer to the destination. I think it’s important to step back and evaluate what steps your taking and if they are actually taking you in the direction you want to go; if they are not then it’s time to try something new instead of continuing to struggle the same way.
It’s also important to make small achievable goals. Breaking things down into smaller components and celebrating minor achievements is important to keep up motivation. Make a “to do list†and check off each step so you can see the progress your making.
Feb 6, 2019
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Have you ever heard the sentence "It is not about how hard you get hit, it is about how hard you can get hit", and life is like that. We get punched, we stand up and move forward. Of course it is not always easy but it is worth it because there are also so many beautiful moments in life that let those moments where we get beaten to the ground seem like small unimportant things. If we wouldn't have any hardships we also wouldn't appreciate the beautiful moments. And of course the more you try the more you notice the moments where you fall but at the same time you can also experience even better moments afterwards.
Feb 8, 2019
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If you have tried your hardest then you have not failed! Throughout school and college I tried my hardest and sometimes I still 'failed', but the point is if you are giving it everything you have whether you pass or fail should be besides the point. There is little point making yourself ill because you can't do something the way you want.
As a perfectionist and someone who feels they get things wrong more times than they get something right I can tell you it's not the grade that tells whether you passed of failed. It's about whether you understood where mistakes were made. For example if you sat a practice maths paper and got an answer wrong, you wouldn't beat yourself up about the fact you didn't get it right, you'd ask why it was wrong and try to understand how that question needs to be answered so you are less likely to make the same mistake the next time. Life is about learning from mistakes so we don't make them again
Mar 20, 2019
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There are too many factors which are unkown to me: expectations, competition, timing, team, just someone/reviewer had a bad day.
It is difficult to find out. However, consider taking feedback from trusted people if possible who knows most your situation. I also feel the same way. But, during a hypnosis session my counselor said that my achievement is certainly not 100% of my hard work, however, I do have 75% success rate unlike many who don't. That was an eye opener. You may want re asses, the level of success and your expectations. Sometimes, we quickly expect a lot.
May 8, 2019
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maybe it's because you expect failure, trying multiple times only to fail can have that effect, and what we expect to happen does come true most times. why don't you train yourself to expect success, tell yourself you're going to make it this time and believe it. After all by telling yourself you're going to succeed this time around you unconsciously start working toward that. Or if you feel like you can't do it and try anymore, try taking a break and do something for yourself that relaxes you, and you'll find yourself refreshed and ready to tackle whatever challenges that come your way. best of luck.
May 18, 2019
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I have lived for a mere quarter of a century. I have fallen so many times. It hurts each time. Frequently, when I reflect on my life, that's all I see. Surely, there must be times when I succeeded but I just can't see. And I know I'm supposed to get up, dust myself off and keep going but I don't feel like it. People might offer a helping hand to lift me up, which I shrug off oftentimes. Sometimes, I just want to be left alone. Sometimes, deep down, I wish someone would insist on staying. At some point, when I'm ready I do get up. I figure I've got three-quarters of a century to get something right.
Jun 12, 2019
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Maybe, you aren’t failing. You might be accomplishing the task, just not in the way you expected. When you try your hardest, whatever the task may be, when you think you have failed that task, keep searching for other ways you did accomplish it. When you do something, don’t always assume you’ve failed it, have a good positive outlook on it. Be positive and reassured that you truly did try your hardest. And even if you seem to have “failed†the task at hand, just know that you tried as hard as you could. And when you have a goal your trying to accomplish, don’t make it a giant general quest. Make miniature milestones that will eventually lead to the main goal. When you hit one of the milestones, feel happy and proud of yourself, come up with little rewards for yourself when you hit one of the milestones. That way, during your big goal, you aren’t just bettering yourself in one way. Those little goals will better as well. Hope this helped. :) . STAY POSITIVE! :)
Jun 12, 2019
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Honestly, maybe just by constantly asking yourself this question your chance of failing could increase, only due to your increased worries and overthinking, and not due to your actual performance. The fact that you are trying your hardest also implies that there is much pressure involved in the whole situation or project or a challenge, so that pressure is what might cause your uneasiness with the given challenge. Of course, not being comfortable in doing whatever task or project or challenge you have to conquer leads to the decrease in your chance to have your best performance. This doesn’t have anything to do with your ACTUAL knowledge or abilities, but rather, as I already stated, with the pressure factor.
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