Why do anxious feelings create the need to go to toilet frequently?
May 20, 2016
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Maybe because when you are anxious. You tense up your mucles. And your bladder is a mucle. So that may make you have to go to the rest room more frequently.
May 21, 2016
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Excitement probably, your body releasing fluid to deal with the feeling. Quite a few people can relate to what you mean by this and wonder too.
Apr 5, 2018
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from my personal experience going through answers feelings that causes me to go to the bathroom is simply because it is a lot to endure when you are still delicate and fresh from a situation you just barely got over as you are trying to move on with life
Jun 2, 2016
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nervous or anxious can make you need to go to the bathroom frequently because the nervousness can make your stomach turn or hurt. When I get nervous or am excited or scared about being in public places, I tend to have to look for the nearest restroom.
Mar 18, 2016
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Brain has a way of reacting to stress. Our body is controlled by the mind which in turn is governed by our emotions. So when you are stressed you get anxious. Being anxious puts a lot of pressure on the brain which leads to stress on the organs. So is panic attacks manifested in different ways like racing heart or visiting toilet, feeling light headed, shivering, loss of voice, fainting etc.. Basically the brain gives up due to stress and so the other organs try to relieve you of the stress in the way they function.
Apr 10, 2016
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Panicking and having fears make us feel the need to go to the bathroom more frequently because the anxiety that we're feeling puts stress on our bodies as well. Stay calm and keep yourself healthy.
May 20, 2016
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Fear is what makes you want to go to the toilet frequently. Because scientifically speaking as simple as possible the adrenal glands secretae adrenaline when you are scared and the adrenal prepare the body to act in an emergency and the sphincter in the bladder opens up when you're in extreme fear beucase of adrenaline. So anxious feelings have some impact on your kind like fear so that's what happens.
Jun 5, 2016
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Being anxious alone affects all parts of the body. Your body responds to different moods. So it is normal to have to "go" or feel sick if you are anxious, sometimes meditation, or reading, or spending time with family or pets can lower the anxiety levels and may reduce the amount of times needed to use the restroom.
Jun 11, 2016
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When you feel scared, your body activates your stress response/fight or flight response. This response sends signals to different places in your body and one of those signals is about getting rid of bodily waste as quickly as possible - so you don't have to deal with it when your fleeing/fighting. That's why anxiety can make you need to visit the toilet more often.
Aug 8, 2016
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Your anxiety may be fooling your brain into thinking that you need to use the restroom but perhaps in reality your body uses the bathroom as a place to hide your anxiety and relax for a few minutes. Just being in the bathroom may calm your brain and help stop your anxiety temporarily.
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