Why do anxious feelings create the need to go to toilet frequently?
Jul 21, 2015
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Being nervous or anxious can make you need to go to the bathroom frequently because the nervousness can make your stomach turn or hurt. When I get nervous or am excited or scared about being in public places, I tend to have to look for the nearest restroom.
Oct 27, 2015
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Good question; there is actually a biological reason for this!
Many animals (mammals particularly) including humans have something called the "fight, flight or freeze" response, an autonomic reaction to fear.
Thousands of years ago, this response would have been useful to us because we lived in a way that put us under certain dangers in which the ideal response would have been to either fight or flee what was terrifying us: for example in the case of running away from a large, angry bear moving towards us.
When we perceive a danger, we get anxious/scared. The danger prompts our adrenal glands to release a hormone called adrenaline, which travels all around our body and can cause all kinds of different responses evolved because initially, they would have helped us to survive certain threats.
One of these responses was feeling the need to urinate/defecate, or even involuntarily doing so in the most extreme situations. At one time, this was a helpful response to us as:
a) It would make us lighter and able to run away faster, and
b) It would quickly deter certain predators and possibly slow them down.
Obviously, in today's world, the response is no longer so useful at all and can actually cause considerable problems and even make someone more anxious. However, the evolutionary response remains to a considerable extent and we have to seek out different ways to cope with it.
May 29, 2015
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If you feel anxious and have the need to use the restroom often when you become anxious, you may be experiencing your stomach muscles tightening which press down on your bladder/bowels and cause you to feel that urge to use the restroom. This is a normal reaction for most people, even though some may not feel the urge to use the restroom, being anxious can cause tightening of muscles in the body.
Dec 28, 2015
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I swear that this happens to me a lot. This is because during anxiety your heart beats fast, your breathing gets faster and this way you will go to the toilet frequently
Apr 30, 2016
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Anxiety can cause stomach upset,digestive problems,digestive illnesses,collitis,irritable bowel syndrome,ulcers,frequent urination all of which can cause the need to go to the toilet frequently.
May 12, 2016
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It's the first thing that pop into our mind when we need to be alone. Anxious = need to be alone = toilet.
Jul 21, 2015
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Eh, I'm no doctor, but here goes a biological explanation. If you have severe, and we're talking straight-up disruptive anxiety, odds are you are spending a lot of time with a heightened heart rate and BP measure. Combine this with some moments of adrenaline on a particularly rough day? When you're body is stressed like that, it has to work harder, quicker to keep the BP and HR up to snuff. Those fast processes make fast waste. There's just the cold, hard, facts.
Mar 31, 2016
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It's not about the toilet itself..it's more about being alone in a place where no one will bother you .. In this case this special place is the toilet cause it is the most isolated place in a house right ??
May 8, 2016
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It is usually because I always feel like something is wrong. so i go to make sure nothing is wrong .
Apr 23, 2016
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Because when we feel anxious or nervous, Our bladder muscles tighten up which make us have to use the restroom frequently, Depending on how nervous or anxious you become on a daily basis.
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