Why can't I talk easily in front of my class?
Aug 4, 2021
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You might feel anxious while presenting yourself in front of many people. It might be the lack of confidence or the fear of embarrassing yourself getting in the way of talking easily and confidently. It's alright, everyone feels this way, this is a very natural thing, I have also been in your shoes before Just take a deep breath and keep calm. Everything is going to be fine. I believe in you. You are more capable than you think you are. Things will turn out just fine. Don't be afraid to show your real colors and open up to people.
Aug 5, 2021
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It’s very normal !! i can relate, when I was in school I used to be very shy and it’s very common ! i guess you can start by believing more in yourself and your words. Since you and what you believe in are important ofcourse , to every person in the class !!
Also , your teacher might get very proud of you if you talked ! Think of your favorite title to give a speech and I’m always here to hear it, but you can assume you’re on a stage and start reciting what you wrote ! I guess this might help. Never forget that you’re worthy !
Sep 26, 2021
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This could be anxiety or social anxiety. It can be really scary getting up in front of people you aren’t close with and talking about something. Remember if you need to do this for things such as school speeches - take a few deep breaths. Try deep breathing as it will calm you down way more. Your hands may get sweaty, throat can be dry or start to close up and your heart could be racing. For me, I get really sweaty and have trouble talking and breathing. If deep breathing doesn’t help it, you could talk privately to a school counsellor or your teacher and ask if you can miss out.
Oct 30, 2021
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I really believe that almost every person has difficulty speaking in front of an audience. It is definitely even worse when you are called upon to talk in front of your peers. I know from experience that the first time you have to actually give a talk in front of your class, you almost immediately forget the speech or the steps of the demonstration you were going to give to the class. The reasons are really very clear to understand. First you don't want to look stupid in front of your peers, you also don't want them to laugh at you, so of course the first thing you usually end up doing is exactly that, you forget the words, the class laughs, this raises your anxiety and your brain becomes totally unfocused. It just keeps building one reaction on top of another. The great thing is, that it really is true, with practice and certain techniques you can pull off the "class talk". The way to do this is to practice, yes, really, practice in front of your mirror, memorize, memorize, memorize so your brain keeps taking you where it needs to even if you are afraid that you are going to be laughed at, or even if you do forget the next step or sentence, because all that practice just takes you over the mistake and automatically moves you to the next line or step. Again, and yes it is a cliche' too, it helps to remember that everyone gets anxious, but these are your classmates, literally pick one person in the class to make eye contact with and keep that eye contact, forget about what the rest of the class may be doing. Another important thing to remember is to BREATHE!, if you forget the next line, just take a moment, breathe, reset, take your time, it will come back to you. Finally, HUMOR, humor is a great way to cover up a mistake or a line you forgot, instead of apologizing or acting anxious if you forget a line, just be a clown, say something funny about the fact that you forgot. These techniques really do work. The most important ones though are the practice, practice practice and memorize, memorize memorize. It may never be a fun experience for you, but the more times you have to do it, the stronger your confidence gets.
Nov 5, 2021
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Perhaps its because you are nervous about something. The question is, what?
As an example, I experience the same thing and I realised its because I get nervous and anxious that I'll forget what I was supposed to say.
So, my solution? Practice until I am more confident I will remember what I'm going to say. Give myself more time to practice.
The take away is to find what is causing you to be nervous or anxious when you go up there and find a solution to hinder it. Explore your feelings and thoughts about why you don't like taking in front of your peers.
-hope this helps (:
Nov 5, 2021
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Sometimes it could be the fear of getting the answers wrong and because of that, your classmates might think you are dumb and laugh at you. Your teacher might also scold or accuse you of not paying attention in class when you did. It could also be insecurities that you may have like how you look and whether you look embarrassing. Sometimes you get worried about what others will think of you and hence you find it hard to voice your opinions because of the fear that they may not be that great. It could also be the fear of public speaking and you feel uncomfortable because all the attention is on you and you are not used to that feeling. In your mind, you may be constantly running all the worse case scenarios and hence you become afraid of what might happen.
Dec 23, 2021
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I have anxiety, and talking in front of a crowd would only fuel that anxiety. I also don't want to be embarrassed in case my answer is wrong, so I choose to not talk at all. I really want to be correct but I also don't want to risk ever being wrong, so I can't throw away my pride and just talk willy-nilly. I am also afraid of being called out or perhaps being recognized by others after class. I have tried to calm my anxiety and pride down and it worked a little bit, but I am still anxious to talk in front of a class.
Jan 13, 2022
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Believe it or not, many people share the same question with you! It's certainly not easy to talk in front of others after have been silent for quite a few time. This is not something that should worry much about, as long as you are willing to do small steps to overcome this problem. You can practice talking in front of 3-4 people who you trust and build it up from there. Do not push yourself, though. Try to observe what others do when they speak in public and see if you can adopt any of their techniques. If you are to present something, you can practice it beforehand on your own; if you just want to share your opinion or answer to a question, remember that it is your right to do so! It is very likely that others will admire you for having the courage to speak!
Feb 3, 2022
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There is a lot of anxiety associated with talking in front of other people, especially classmates. It is completely normal to feel this way, so do not be too hard on yourself. Taking deep breaths really helps to bring people into a calmer state of mind when they are experiencing something that makes them anxious. Remember that you are your biggest critic, and no one is truly focusing too much on you! If this is a presentation or a time that everyone is required to talk in front of the class, everyone will be more focused and nervous about when it is their turn to speak.
Feb 10, 2022
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Probably it is because you feel too self-conscious, or even afraid of public speaking, which by the way, it seems to be the biggest fear of most humans, even bigger than death! Breathing techniques help a lot. When speaking in front of your class try to be as conscious as you can of your breath-slow breaths in and slow breaths out. I used to forget to breath when I had to speak in public! It was terrifying to me. But, the good news is that you can train yourself to learn the skills and gain confidence as you start performing with more ease. Practice, practice, practice! If you need to present a topic to your class, chances are that you'll have the opportunity to prepare for it; rehearse at home in front of a mirror, a family member, your pet! The idea is to go for it and do it, regardless of the fear. Public speaking is a skill, so it can be learned and mastered. The more you practice, the easier it becomes and the more comfortable you will feel. Another tip is to make eye contact with the audience, without making eye-contact:) You choose 3 people in the crowd, or group, one sitting on your right, the other in the center, and the last person on the left. Look at their 'noses or their ears, not at their eyes! You will feel more comfortable and nobody would notice that you are looking at the 3 same people and not into their eyes! With time, your knees will stop shaking, your hands getting wet, your voice quivering and your heart will feel warm and confident. fear of public speaking is something that pretty much ALL people have felt at some point of their lives, so you are not alone and you are not the worst public speaker either. So, what do you have to lose? Next time you'll have the chance to speak in front of your class, think that even the best professional speakers in the world have been in your shoes at some point, and they are now all making lots of money and having lots of FUN!
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