Why can't I talk easily in front of my class?
Sep 5, 2019
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The words "public speaking" cause fear and anxiety in the minds of otherwise competent and confident people. Does the thought of speaking in front of a group evoke fear, make you sweat, and get your heart pounding? It's likely you have glossophobia - the fear of public speaking.If you're new to the world of public speaking, start small. Find a few friends and family to practice on. Begin by speaking to smaller groups and build up from there. The size of the audience makes no difference. If you know your topic, your pre-speaking fear will quickly evaporate.Nothing helps ease the fear of public speaking more than knowing your material. The ability to connect with your audience comes from having the confidence you won't get lost during your delivery. Rehearse several times before the big talk. Time your presentation and always have back up material in case time is left over.The most fearful moment of any presentation is the one minute before your stage entrance. Use the tactic of elite athletes by visualizing a positive outcome and using deep belly breathing to reduce stress and build confidence.
Sep 8, 2019
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It can be very scary talking in front of class because you are worried about what others will think of you, how you will be perceived and scared of making a mistake. Everyone worries about how others are perceiving them. It might help to remember everyone struggles with this and you are not alone in this feeling. Try some breathing exercises on the progress path on here and some positive self talk. It’s ok to feel this way. The more you do it, the more it should start to feel easier and less scary, I promise you. Keep going.
Sep 13, 2019
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Maybe because you are nervous maybe relaxing and breathing might help you relax and might make you feel ready to talk in front of your class! taking time always helps . and you can alway come back to your breathing to relax in front of the class. Most people have this problem to talk or present in front of the class but breathing and relaxing will always help when you are talking in front of your class or presenting in front of your class its ok to take breaks and to relax and chill out if you are nervous.
Dec 8, 2019
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Its all about perception, you might have preconceived notions about it, probable past unfortunate speaking events or something that your mind picked up unconsciously.
The right way to deal with these kinds of things in my personal experience is through the use of mental rehearsals and affirmations. It requires a bit of will power and persistence too, you always have control over what you feel so always feel self-confident and remember there are going to be uncertain and trying times, these times prepare you to work with greater enthusiasm renewed and even improved clarity. In short, the power lies in thought + emotion, if you can feel it, you can achieve it
Dec 13, 2019
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it can be hard to talk in front of so many people, and if they are the kind which would laugh at you or try making you uncomfortable for any possible wrongs, then it's even worse but the thing is people who are looking for you to do a fault do not matter, humans are capable of wrongs, without any of us being an exeption, not me, not you and not anybody in your class, so let the fear and anxiety go to hell, be you, show who you are, cause you are amazing!!
Dec 24, 2019
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Public speaking is not for everyone sometimes. It's okay to feel nervous or insecure before or while you are giving a speech in front of your class. It's completely normal and it shows you're a human being. It's important to be well prepared, practice a lot and if you can give the speech to someone you know so they can tell you how to improve. Also you can take public speaking classes which can improve your oral skills and the way you handle yourself in front of an audience. In fact, not everyone is paying attention to you and sometimes looking at someone you know or like while you speak helps too.
Dec 29, 2019
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You may find it difficult to talk easily in front of your class due to social anxiety. This involves the fear of being embarrassed in front of others and causes things like speech to become difficult. You may find it hard to talk as you are nervous about what others may think of you-which is a very common feeling among all different types of people. You may worry you will say the wrong things, be judged-causing you to get embarrassed. However, it is most likely that others in your class are suffering from the same issue. Therefore, you could try to talk to others about your experience and see if theirs is similar.
Jan 3, 2020
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Talking in front of others can bring up a number of different fears! The biggest one for me is fear of rejection or ridicule. I'm so scared that I will say or do something embarrassing, and people will remember it for the rest of my life, or even worse they may start to dislike me! I think this is a very normal feeling, and it's understandable to find public speaking difficult. I find it's the most scary when it's a group of people I know well! Try to remember a time when someone else did something embarrassing, you'll often find that you don't really remember it or think any worse of that person. You can also accept that speaking in front of people will bring on anxiety, but find yourself some tools to manage it. It's ok to feel scared of things, and you can certainly use some strategies to make it more manageable. These things only get easier with practice as well. I hope you find some good tips, be sure to share them!
Feb 14, 2020
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It's hard to talk in front of people for nearly everyone. You might ask yourself why it is so damn hard to talk in front of your class while others just do it perfectly. There's not one perfect answer, but there's a few points I'd like to make. So I think it has a lot to do with all the pressure in this situation that you're not used to. You barely ever get the attention of even 5 people and suddenly you have to talk in front of 20 or more. It's silent and you have to entertain them. Also you are graded, so you try to do it as perfectly as possible. This requires concentration and multitasking, but you still have to seem confident and happy. That's hard to do. Also whatever embarrassing mistake you make will maybe be remembered forever. At least that's going through my head. I hope this answers that question.
Feb 15, 2020
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Not many people were born a public speaker. It takes practice if you have problem doing public speaking. Consider a good chance to grow. You can call yourself shy. But once you make up your mind to be good at public speaking, you are making it happen. Some people would recommend to get yourself trained by joining Toastmaster. Or simply volunteer for some organizations to be a leader of a team. Once you feel more comfortable speaking with people in a group, you will have confidence to prepare for a class speech. Again practice and more practices. It takes efforts to grow.
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