Why am I so shy around big crowds, but when I'm with one friend than I'm fine?
552 Answers
Moderated by Anna Pavia, psicologa psicoterapeuta psychotherapist psychologist counselor
Updated: May 25, 2022
Apr 9, 2020
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Maybe it is just the fact you don’t have an existing relationship with people in a crowd and you are frightened of making a bad impression.It is quite natural because throughout human evolution there wasn’t very much need for skills to deal with other such issues. The opposite could even be said to be me true as a lot of people feel they have a fight or flight response to big crowds. With one friend you only have to connect with with them and there is therefore less at stake in the case of a slip up .
Apr 9, 2020
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Maybe your introversion level is high, introverts in general find it hard to stand crowds more than a close friend or a single people since it drains the battery, i understand as i am an "Introvert" too and i find it hard to deal with crowds. When we are communicating or interacting with people as an introvert, we are spending our energy to that person, so the bigger the group, the more energy we employ. On the other perspective; the more people around, the more expectation there are. And sometimes the thought of a consuming amount of expectation around us is making us feel awkward and anxious and overthink that if they like me or if they're judging me. It not wrong to be averse to crowds, its just part of the personality. A case of social anxiety too can be involve as they show the same symptoms too.
Apr 9, 2020
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Crowds are full of unknown, people you’ve never met, strangers, loud people, and it can sometimes feel like chaos. When you are with just one friend, it is a comfortable warm environment, and it’s just you and them. You are safe, you feel safe. There’s none of that uncertainty you feel in a crowd. Since you know them better as well, it is easier to talk and it is easier to be calm. Crowds are harder to trust. Probably the most obvious reason is that it’s much easier to manage talking with one person than it is to be with a large group. It’s overall more controlled.
May 1, 2020
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I believe that it is because I feel secure when I am with my friends and know my friends' reactions. Therefore, I am relaxed compared me in crowds. It is also related the possiblity of making mistakes in front of crowds. It makes me frustrated if I say or do something embarrassing. I believe that people can get over it by making practices. For example, presentations, starting to be with small groups, and taking feedback from the audience. Also, imagining how I should talk before my presentations helps me to increase my self confidence and cut off my shyness
May 21, 2020
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There is a lot of pressure when you're with a large group of people. In crowds, you may not know everyone intimately and that can create a feeling of being "spread too thin". I, personally, am a person who strives to communicate and maintain friendly relations with everyone I am around. With a lot of people, that is a lot more difficult to do. Also, crowds and large friend groups have high energy, which can be overwhelming, sometimes bordering on exhausting. With one friend, you only have to focus on them. If you're comfortable with them (which I'm assuming is the case because they're a friend) there isn't a constant pressure to please them. Being with one person is also a lot more "chill" than being with a lot of people.
May 22, 2020
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First of all, it is very common for people to feel uncomfortable around large crowds. This is probably adaptive in some circumstances as well. Acknowledging that this is not an uncommon experience may first help to appreciate that there is nothing per se "wrong" with this emotion, but rather that the shyness is telling you some important information about yourself. For example, perhaps being shy in a crowd stems from a fear of being judged by others. What could that concern tell you about your core beliefs about yourself, or about the world, or about your values? Perhaps, for example, it demonstrates that you value harmonious relationships with others, or that you distrust strangers / that the world is a dangerous place, or that you are in some way "less than" those around you in the crowd. It could be all or none or some other reason. There may be may different reasons, though often shyness stems from a general worry that hits close to a core belief of being judged by others.
May 28, 2020
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When someone is around big crowds, it is natural to be more shy than if you are with only one friend. Where you are with only one friend, nobody else is listening or can listen to what you are talking about. Therefore you can tell your friend whatever is on your mind. If you are around big crowds, you can't talk about everything what is on your mind and have to be really careful not to tell anything what isn't suitable for wrong ears. Not everyone is entitled to hear about your intimacy, your intimate issues, intimate struggles, etc.
Jun 5, 2020
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Big crowds can be very intimidating for anyone with anxious tendencies. Friends are a familiar territory for us, and that safety of familiarity can relax us. In contrast, crowds contain people we don't recognize or particularly trust. Often, we can even perceive threats in places where there aren't any because of paranoia we have inherited from cable news or others who have experienced trauma while in a crowd. If the anxiety is debilitating, this might be something to talk to a licensed professional about. If it is manageable, however, try and use calming techniques such as mindful breathing or grounding to bring you back to reality.
Jun 13, 2020
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With one friend, you can feel more comfortable since you have known them for long enough. Big crowds may have people new to you. For me personally, I am shy with big crowds because there are way more people who could be giving me judgement. Since you know your one friend well, you would not be as likely to feel judged by them. Big crowds can also be overwhelming since there are so many individuals there with you in the room. You may be fine with one friend because you are used to being around them and experiencing their presence with you.
Jun 13, 2020
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This is a very common experience and I have been through the same thing with my social anxiety! It’s totally okay to feel this way. I used to think that I had to be like the super friendly and extroverted girl like in movies to fit in and have friends. I eventually learned that this isn’t the case! Being around big crowds can be nerve wracking, but spending one on one time with a friend gives you more space to open up and feel comfortable, without fear of judgement. This is just one possible answer for why you feel this way. Keep doing what makes you feel comfortable and know that you aren’t alone! 💕
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