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Is it hard to think critically about something you love?

Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jul 2, 2016 more
It depends on the "something". I do think it can be hard sometimes, as really thinking critically on something you love may uncover some flaws or other issues you don't really want to think about. But I think it's good, because once you come to terms with those issues you may either realise that the something is not for you, or you will be able to love it even more and with a more holistic view of it :)
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Profile: enchantedlove
enchantedlove on Aug 1, 2020 more
I think it can be very hard to think critically about something/someone you love. Everyone can be different so this may not be the case for everyone! I think for me the reason behind this is that, because you love it/them so much, you don't want to think of anything bad or possibly something that could diminish your love for them/ it. Your emotions can take control of you and push down any criticism or critical thoughts that you may have. This is my theory, it may not hold much truth for others but it has for me. Thanks, I hope this helps!
Profile: Suryansh
Suryansh on Oct 22, 2020 more
Hi There! Dear we all are humans and our brain works all around the clock except when we sleep. We see millions of things from our eyes in the whole day and we think so much about everything. Our imagination as above and beyond and endless. We think about anything so critically if they are so close to us. That is so obvious to feel that way and your feelings are completely valid. Even I too would feel the similar way if I would have been in your shoes. Dear whosoever, we love so much, it is truly normal to feel deeper and deeper about them, what we have to do is believe. We have inner feeling of exploring new things and this is only possible when we think about it deeply to get all the facts and related things so if we love someone, it gets obvious to think critically. Thinking critically could also be so positive many times. So I should say your feelings are valid and understandable. Hope this helps you. Have a great day ahead and take care!
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jul 10, 2016 more
Yes it is hard to think critically about something I love because they are my loved ones and deeply care about them
Profile: Remina
Remina on Jul 15, 2016 more
Sometimes. When you love something, you're more often than not quite bias. It's hard to see beyond the rose-tinted glasses. This can be both a good thing and a bad thing. But yes, to answer your questin, it's not easy to think critically about something you love.
Profile: glowingTouch43
glowingTouch43 on Feb 22, 2018 more
Yes, sometimes we don't want to think much about whom we love or what we love. Maybe we are so used to to that person or thing that we tend to become blind and not even consider thinking about it.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jul 20, 2018 more
Yes but it's not impossible. You can recognize you enjoy something and and still think it's problematic. You can condemn criminals without losing track of things which deserve our sympathy. It's not contradictory to feel like you love something or someone despite of the person who they are or your opinion of them. In fact, I'd even go so far as to say that if you can't think critically about something or someone, you don't really love them and have just impressed some sort of ideal into them. Love isn't about delusion or thinking something is great and perfect. Love is about recognizing and appreciating things as they are, but knowing how you feel all the same.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Mar 31, 2018 more
Sometimes it is. You just have to have the right mindset. When you have that mindset, it can and sometimes can`t be hard to think critically about something that you love.
Profile: intelligentBeauty89
intelligentBeauty89 on Apr 5, 2018 more
Yes it is hard to think critically when emotion is involved. Love can be biased. Seeing things critically can help provide a new perspective.
Profile: Caringheart23
Caringheart23 on Apr 5, 2018 more
It can be because you're very invested in it with positive feelings towards it. What might help is opinion of people you trust. They can help you to realise what's the truth.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Apr 6, 2018 more
That ca be true for some people, when you're totally in love you fail to see or think critically about something/someone you love because your heart tends to focus more on their positive traits than the negative ones. But it can also be harmful in some cases because not everything meets the eye.
Profile: lovelypumpkin
lovelypumpkin on Apr 11, 2018 more
No. You can think deeply and critically about something you love. If you cannot, it may be a type of obsession.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Apr 21, 2018 more
For a lot of people, yeah it is. People forget that you can love and appreciate something, like a film or a song, whilst also recognising the things you don't like about it, and that doesn't mean you have to throw away the positives. Appreciation and criticism can exist in the same space.
Profile: Joyfulsmile
Joyfulsmile on Apr 26, 2018 more
critical thinking is not that complex...Critical thinking is the opposite of regular, everyday thinking....Without critical thinking, it’s easy for people to manipulate us and for all sorts of catastrophes to result.
Profile: NRomanoff
NRomanoff on May 18, 2018 more
No, it's not. Its easy to be critical, but whats hard is being the right amount of critical. Criticising myself is hard, but its good to know that a small amount of critique helps me be a better version of myself.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on May 31, 2018 more
yes, often when it comes to thinking rationally or critically about things you feel strongly about or love, it can be very difficult and often challenging.
Profile: Pugcanisegosum
Pugcanisegosum on Jun 7, 2018 more
No, but it would depend on the kind of love you have for that object. Is it just a caring kind of love? or infatuated? Or is it unconditional. The more you think about something the easier it is to think deeply about it especially if it is unconditional or caring type of love.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jun 9, 2018 more
Yes, it can be. Sometimes your emotions and love make you blind to certain things that you rather not think about. However, for some and about some things, you might find it easy to think critically.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jun 15, 2018 more
Not at all but sometimes we convince ourselves that we love some things even though if we were being honest we actually do not. Sometimes though you are stuck and have to work on getting unstuck. (FYI work doesn't continue to feel like work when we absolutely love doing it even though other people might see it as work. It won't feel like work to you. It will feel more like play or fun or enjoyment.)
Profile: intelligentMist75
intelligentMist75 on Jun 22, 2018 more
I think if you really love something you would be able to think about it from many perspectives but it may be hurtful to see any negatives about the object
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