Apr 11, 2015
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Well honestly you have to get to the core reason of why you are being rude. Are you trying to push people away? Are you scared what people may think? is expressing yourself emotionally hard or embarassing for you? Perhaps you grew up in a home where having emotions or crying wasn't accepting. and more than anything, maybe you are hurting inside and being rude is the only way you know how to communicate anymore.
Mar 29, 2016
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If you find yourself being mean to other people, you are likely dealing with your own emotional problems. Addressing the source of your negative emotions and making yourself happier in general can help you have a kinder personality. Additionally, learning to communicate with and understand others can help you reduce situations in which you are accidentally mean. You can change your thoughts, feelings, and actions to make yourself a nicer person.
Nov 23, 2015
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Try wanting to be not rude, because rudeness often is a choice. Making a rational decision to be not rude is a great start.
Apr 25, 2015
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I have a problem with being standoffish, which can also been seen as rude. When people ask me questions, I often reply with one word answers and then continue to ignore. I never engage in conversations and I never care to ask people about themselves. I decided that this is not the person that I really want to be. I started by taking small steps... Every day I try to say at least one nice thing or ask one nice question. even something as small as "That is a pretty shade of blue you're wearing" or "What is your cat's name?". Also, smile when you talk. it makes a huge difference.
Apr 12, 2015
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I am wondering if you could tell me a little bit more about what you mean by being rude? I have heard the word rude being used in different ways so it would be good if you could explain what you mean
Nov 10, 2015
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I lived my whole life trying not to be, and this only ended in me not defending myself and letting other people walk over. There is a time to be nice, and there is also a time to be rude. BALANCE IS THE KEY.
Jul 27, 2016
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when you start to be rude,think how do you makes people feel ? try to see their feelings.you want someone to makes you feel this way.or how would you react to someone rude.
Jun 17, 2015
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I'm not rude. Other people are. All I do is try to help people but when I ask for help nothing happens and everyone ignores me and ostracizes me, I mean, how the hell is that supposed to make me feel???
May 23, 2015
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Imagine what you would feel if what you said was said to you. Why bring darkness in the world when you could bring light with kind words instead of snide comments
Jun 14, 2015
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I think the best way to address this is to consider whether or not you are being rude intentionally. Social conventions mean that sometimes we cannot say what we think or feel transparently and can appear rude if we do so. Becoming aware of the ways in which others react in similar situations and having a trusted friend or family member to guide you can help a great deal with this. Being rude on purpose is a different matter with a whole set of motivations, you need to become aware of what your one is for example common ones might include, anger, a desire to be noticed, or a need to push social boundaries. Once you know what your motivation is it might help to try and find alternative ways to address it, for example a desire for attention could be satisfied by building up social relationships, or anger could be dissipated by or practicing healthy coping mechanisms such as letting it out though music or sports such as boxing.
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