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Profile: NaturalScience
NaturalScience on Jun 26, 2016 more
Frequent OR heavy use of any substance that impacts our physiology can be substance abuse. There is no exact point at which use becomes abuse. If we impair ourselves physically or mentally, use important resources to acquire recreational drugs (including alcohol), or cause problems for others or ourselves through substance use, it is almost definitely abuse. If you are too intoxicated/high to drive, you are abusing, not using! But keep in mind: addiction and abuse are not (necessarily) the same thing.
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Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Nov 29, 2017 more
Typically substance abuse is when a person is using a substance long-term, especially but not limited to daily use, or when using a substance has become part of our habit energy under specific circumstances such as certain times of the day or in stressful or uncomfortable situations. Substance abuse can lead to addiction or dependency. If using a substance has impaired or interferred with your wellbeing in any scope, such as social interactions, finances or work, or the ability to seek other means of coping or 'having fun'. Many substances can abused, from socially acceptable forms of substances such as smoking, alochol, prescribed medication, street drugs, or even caffeine. It may be considered substance abuse when the individual is willing to go a variety of lengths to obtain the substance, such as long distances, spending a lot of money, putting themselves in dangerous or uncomfortable situations, and so on. Often people who abuse substances will rationalize this behavior so as to not feel as though they have the situation under control. Such rationalizations may be 'this is the last time', 'i only do this for fun', 'i only need it to relax', 'i only do it with these friends', and so on. 7cups recently started Daily Check In threads with regards to alcohol and drug abuse - please look at this link ( Additionally, 7cups has an Alcohol and Drug Abuse self-help guide, which may further help you understand this condition ( It is recommended to seek professional help, as often addiction is not a matter of willpower, but a physical unbalance in our brains that may require medical attention. It's always okay to reach out and seek help. In the meantime, please feel free to reach out to listeners or use our resources here until you or the person you know is ready to be free of their substance.
Profile: Sunshine1995
Sunshine1995 on Jul 10, 2016 more
Substance abuse, also known as drug abuse, is a patterned use of a drug in which the user consumes the substance in amounts or with methods which are harmful to themselves or others, and is a form of substance-related disorder.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Mar 20, 2017 more
Substance abuse is a formal name in the area of the addiction medical and treatment profession. To be considered abuse, it when a person keeps on using despite having negative consequences in their life. There could be lots of types of negative consequences, for example; upsetting your family, getting into trouble at work, legal problems, medical problems, or spending too much of your money so it's hard for you to cover other things you need the money to cover.
Profile: VinylFly
VinylFly on Aug 18, 2017 more
That's a very broad question and can be relative to the person and the situation. Generally speaking, I think that where substance use crosses the line into being abuse is when it starts to impact the person's life in a negative manner. For example, it could be causing them to miss work, putting strain on their relationships, causing them to isolate themselves from their friends and family, making them ill, making them do things they regret, putting them in situations where their own safety and/or the safety of others is threatened, etc. Another tell-tale sign can be a person not recognizing and/or denying the fact that their substance use is getting them in trouble. They could also experience trouble stopping or cutting back on their substance use and feel that their urges to use are beyond their control.
Profile: Annasear
Annasear on Dec 23, 2017 more
When drug or alcohol use interferes with your ability to function in daily life or in the real world. more
Substance abuse is a dependency on a chemical. This may hinder someone from carrying on their daily life.
BLESSYHALLSOHARD on Oct 7, 2016 more
Substance abuse is whenever you are doing any activity that has a negative impact on your general life .
Profile: Freespirit04
Freespirit04 on Mar 9, 2017 more
Substance abuse is anything harmful to your body. Whether it be alcohol or illegal drugs entering your body. Using these excessively is considered substance abuse and you should seek professional help.
Profile: MissyR70
MissyR70 on Apr 8, 2017 more
Substance abuse is drinking to excess or taking illegal or prescription drugs to excess. It becomes abuse when it gets in the way of you living a normal life or when it becomes more important than all other aspects of your life.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jul 5, 2017 more
Every substance that gives you pleasure and in the other way harm you is a very dangerous substance. It is worst than weapons...
Profile: Mikeandike007
Mikeandike007 on Aug 3, 2017 more
Substance abuse is when drugs, and or alcohol start to interfere negatively with your everyday functions. For instance I used to be addicted to pills. It came to a point I wasn't doing well in any of my classes and my friends stopped hanging with me. Because it changed me into a drug dependent person who built a physical dependency
Profile: caringfriend83
caringfriend83 on Aug 9, 2017 more
Stubstance abuse is when you use medication or alcohol in a way that it was not intended for. People that have Stubstance abuse only get better when they want to get better, not when someone wants them to get better.
Profile: sereneNarwhal18
sereneNarwhal18 on Aug 11, 2017 more
Substance abuse is to use legal and or illegal drugs and alcohol for the purpose of. becoming intoxicated, Often times there is a genetic component to the abuse or addiction.
Profile: Summer28
Summer28 on Aug 13, 2017 more
when you use a substance more/when it is not intended to be used. A substance abuser often is addicted to the substance they are abusing
Profile: kp2597
kp2597 on Oct 18, 2017 more
From personal experience with an addict, I would describe substance abuse as using drugs or alcohol in a way that it is not meant to be used. For example, taking prescription meds way too much or through alternate means besides orally. Alcohol abuse can mean needing a drink as soon as you wake in the morning. We all have different definitions, but you know someone has a problem when they can't get through the day without said substance.
Profile: EmilyDennis
EmilyDennis on Nov 8, 2017 more
substance abuse can relate to alcohol or any forms of drugs, this means taking an amount that is unhealthy and can affect you negatively
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Dec 29, 2017 more
Substance abuse is using substances such as mood-altering drugs for purposes other than their intended medical usage, usually for recreational purposes or with the intention of numbing emotional pain.
Profile: Cierrabelieves
Cierrabelieves on Jan 14, 2018 more
From a standpoint of my personal experience, Substance abuse is using a substance in order for you to fill the pain a hurt inside.
Profile: wonderfulSoul777
wonderfulSoul777 on Feb 11, 2018 more
Substance abuse is when your body starts to rely on whatever substance you are taking. Whenever anything is consuming you, and is mind altering is. Abusing your body. Anything in. Excess is abuse.
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