How to trust someone again who has consistently lied?
Jul 12, 2020 more
Sounds like you and hurt and scared for being lied to. Sounds like you would like someone to talk to about betrayal. I have had some relationships that it was hard to trust again and its scary and uncomfortable. May i ask you about this relationship? Is it a family member, friend/s or romantic relationship? Life can sure let us down sometimes. Have you ever experienced this type of situation before? If so how was the outcome? Sounds like you really care about this person. You sound like a caring person. Have you a close friend?
Sep 18, 2020 more
You can forgive them but it's unsafe for your mental health to try to mend that bond. You have to make sure you're setting a boundary for yourself to ensure that you aren't getting hurt over and over by the same thing. You are your own person, but don't let someone that continues to lie be in your life if it isn't worth the heart ache. You have the control over the situation and if you don't want to trust them, you're not going to be able to. It is very hard to mend that when you know it's been done more than once. Hope this helped, love.
Nov 25, 2020 more
We all face such circumstances in our daily life where we have to make a choice between the truth or the lie, we all come across situations where we have to trust people based on them. The important thing is that not only the choices but also people's behavior and actions are influenced by this.
Our relationships in this world are also based on this to a very large extent. We trust people on the basis of their actions and sayings. This also plays a very important role in marriage. For a marriage to work in the long run, years of commitment, respect, faith, honesty is required by both the parties.
In reality trust is lacking behind in the relationships of today. Even spouses are not faithful towards each other, reading articles on social media or hearing stories of people having affairs, infidelity are becoming common with the passing time, which is causing lack of confidence among them, a feeling of shame & a lot of anger. People are not having any information about what their partners are up to as they more engaged in themselves or in the pursuit of their career or money. They are not having enough time for their relationships which may result in lack of truth or trust among people. People gradually start taking the support of lies, which eventually ends in the failure of the relationship. Even the children are affected very badly if their parents are going through something like this, it damages their childhood and their happiness which is really a topic of concern. Broken trust can sometimes take months or a long time to move on from, as these experiences are challenging opportunities.
The only way for a healthy relationship is trust and it only gets stronger when truth is the backbone of it. Trusting someone who had constantly lied will only hurt our feelings. Even apologies don't work in such cases. The next step is to cut ourselves away from such people, it may be a difficult process but it is much needed. Someone who constantly lies holds little or no respect of how the other person will feel when he gets to know the truth. The key to a happy life is to maintain a distance with such people and not to trust them blindly. Choose wisely whom to trust. The choice is always ours.
Feb 16, 2022 more
It’s hard to put trust in a person after they lie to you. I know how much it hurts to place your trust in somebody and they miss use that trust. It has taken me a long time to understand that people are just that people. We make mistakes, and we do some really dumb things. But I have also learn that people can change, and that there is reasons to give people a second chance. I tried for most of my life to do everything on my own. I have been used, manipulated, lied to, and toss aside. The feeling of being alone or isolated would make me depressed all the time. Turning to methods that wasn’t healthy for me to cope. But as I went through the different trials and situation that life had for me I have had the pleasure of meeting some of the kindness, loving, helpful, people. Yes some have lied to me. Even used me to gain in someway at the cost of me. But if I hadn’t learn that sometimes you have to forgive, and give some one a second chance. And by doing this the same person that had used me, end up saving my life, and I don’t mean figuratively speaking. So I know try to see every situation in all angels. You never know what someone maybe dealing with at any time. I try to understand the situation from their view. This has help me grow and saved many of my friendships
Mar 5, 2022 more
Trusting someone again who has consistently lied to you is one of the most difficult things a person can do, as trust is not easy to earn back. It is important that the person who broke your trust and consistently lied wants to change and they want you to be able to gain trust back. Otherwise, it is helpless, as they will continue lying to you. Building trust back takes a lot of time and it is a day by day process. It will not happen every night. You have to let yourself trust this person as well. Start small and work your way to bigger things
May 19, 2022 more
Trusting someone who has lied over and over is a very hard thing to do. Its nit something you can you just forgive and forget super quick either. I have experienced this more than just a couple of times in the past. Dealing with people that lie constantly isn’t easy, they usually tend to make it a habit. Sometimes it gets so bad to the point where they start believing their own lies. I think the best way to try and trust someone again is to let them show you that they are in fact trust worthy. It will definitely take some time but don’t shut them out everytime they say or do something. Give them a chance to prove themselves.
Jul 9, 2015
Alcohol/Drug Abuse Expert more
It takes awhile to build trust with someone. Once the trust is broken it takes an even longer time to repair it. Lying is something I'm sure that everyone has done at some point or another whether it be a small or big lie. Lying isn't right period. It's always within your best interest to be honest. You will learn how to trust a person who has consistently lied to you when your heart and mind tells you that it's time. How to trust them? You will have to be willing to forgive that person and give that person another chance and an opportunity to come forward with the truth.
Sep 3, 2015 more
If someone is consistently being untruthful and they are a part of your most of your life, than we must find out the "why" Why do they feel the need to lie? Something must be causing this effect. Also, explaining the consequences if this person chooses to continue misleading people. Like, the bridges that will burn and not allow this person to cross anymore. Asking this person how they feel when someone doesn't believe something they've said to be true. Then taking that and multiplying it by everyone. This is what the future holds for that person if they continue their deceiving ways. OK so first, finding out the "Why". Secondly, explaining what the consequences of their actions could lead to. Thirdly, wait.... see if any enlightenment happened and if so, slowly bringing in the trust.
TRUST, so hard to gain,
so easy to lose.
B-Blessed & Safe
Sep 13, 2015 more
That is really a tough one because a consistent liar is one who is likely to continue to lie. I think the best way, if they are working toward becoming trustworthy, is to take what they say as possibly a lie. Don't hang your hope on it being true until you notice the pattern changing. Consistent liars CAN change and you CAN eventually trust them, but protecting yourself and not putting complete trust in them is the best thing for you. Holding them accountable when you do see they've lied, but in the gentlest way possible, is the best for them. But if you aren't sure that someone is even trying to change their pattern of lying? You probably should not trust them.
Sep 17, 2015 more
It's very hard to build up trust again, but if you truly believe that the person deserves another chance. I would give it.
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