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I'm so nervous during presentations and meetings, how can I improve my public speaking?

Profile: Manifestation
Manifestation on Sep 16, 2015 more
Rehearsal and practice will lend themselves a long way. If you have a friend to practice your presentation this would be ideal.
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Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Sep 17, 2015 more
Practice Practice Practice. There is no other way around it. Without practice, you can't get the experience you need. Try with people you are comfortable with. Then move on to people you know less well.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Sep 23, 2015 more
Try speaking to yourself in front of the mirror and then try your presentation out on your family or friends. They can give you feedback and helpful suggestions.
Profile: NickManUtd92
NickManUtd92 on Sep 24, 2015 more
Start off talking to a mirror. Sounds weird, I know, but watch yourself as you do it. This well help you kind of see what other people will be seeing. And you're seeing yourself, so no big deal right? Then, ask your parents or siblings if you can present your project to them. If they're not available, see if you can get some friends together. This will help you prepare for presenting in front of a group. After all that, you should feel comfortable presenting in public.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Sep 27, 2015 more
Realize that whatever presentation you're in is not the end of the world. Also, there is a wonderful technique one can use: Make the "Hmmm" sound a few times with a high pitch. If you can't get away to a private place to do it, pretend like you're blowing your nose.
Profile: PVS90
PVS90 on Sep 30, 2015 more
Always prepare, even if this means reciting in front of a mirror or close friends. You will feel more confident when the time comes
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Oct 21, 2015 more
Think if what you are spreaking of. Imerse yourself in this to lower the stress. Calmly going about it as if the subject is positive
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Oct 29, 2015 more
practice practice practice... better practice in front of a mirror and practice speaking loudly it brings a great change. be confident, be thorough.
Profile: pufferfish
pufferfish on Nov 1, 2015 more
Make sure you know your material really well and practice as much as you can, whether it's in front of a mirror, in front of your pets, or to your friends and family that feel comfortable around and who will give you honest feedback.
Profile: wildlandf
wildlandf on Dec 27, 2015 more
Imagine the presentation going above average. Most of the time our nervousness is caused by a deep underlying fear that we will fail, get rid of this idea and replace it with a positive idea, and the nervousness should subside.
Profile: BrandonM219
BrandonM219 on Jan 1, 2016 more
Public speaking can be very daunting. Improving your self-confidence can help a lot. Asking a group of your close and trusted peers to sit and listen to a mock presentation can be great practice!
Profile: Unlocker3674
Unlocker3674 on Jan 8, 2016 more
Simply try to take the initiative to speak in public more often, and work on your worry of what others might think of you as well
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jan 29, 2016 more
A lot of people have those problems and you should ask device from people how overcomes That sort of problem personally
Profile: FriendlyRyan21
FriendlyRyan21 on Dec 5, 2017 more
Imagine like no ones in the room and present with confidence. Surround yourself with positive people.
Profile: Price42
Price42 on Sep 23, 2014 more
One way to improve public speaking in this case is to plan. Planning helps prepare you for what you are going to say to your audience. Once you have planned your speech, practice it. Repetitive practice in front of a mirror and in front of others can rid you of some of this anxiety. So planning and practicing your speech are essential for better performance.
Profile: kittykat
kittykat on Oct 30, 2014 more
Practice makes perfect. Before your presentations, know what you're going to say and what point you're trying to get across. Then practice in front of a mirror, making eye contact with yourself and practicing your tone of voice. If possible, practice the presentation in front of people you know to get the feel of standing in front of an audience. During the meetings themselves, take deep breaths as you're speaking and try not to speak too quickly, leaving time for the audience to process the information.
Profile: Uniqueg
Uniqueg on Nov 17, 2014 more
I completely understand, I have the same problem when I do presentations, you have to take it one day at a time
Profile: Pozio
Pozio on Aug 22, 2015 more
Trying to improve yourself in the front of a mirror might be a good training. Also a few tutorials about being confident would be a great idea. Internet is full of those. Just believe in yourself! :)
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Sep 4, 2015 more
Practice makes perfect ! Try standing in front of a mirror to reflect how you would look standing in front of a crowd. The more you feel comparable with what you say the easier it will be.
Profile: Huggler
Huggler on Sep 6, 2015 more
There are lots of courses that help improving public speaking. Also, practicing in front of small groups (for example your family) helps a lot. Make sure you drink something before you start and you do a little relax exercise to calm yourself down. Then pretend the audience isn't there and just tell what you were planning to tell. I hope this helps you a little!
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