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Danielle Gonzales, PsyD
Hello! My name is Dani, I am a Psychologist and registered Psych Assistant. I have a passion for helping a different types of clients from all diverse backgrounds!
Top Rated Answers
May 7th, 2018 7:31am
Take some time to understand yourself and the things you love. Then, when the time is right and you’re ready, go for it.
Having lost your job is a difficult period, as work is more than a monthly salary; for some people, the workplace is also the place where they connect with other persons, have interesting conversations, but also a place where they get to use and develop their skills, and feel appreciated for what they accomplish.
So losing your work might well trigger depression, it is something that happened to many persons.
Now, about the coping part, there are lots of things to do in this situation. Obviously one good idea would be to look for a new job, but depression may interfere with that. Looking for a new job is like a job per se. Be ready to ask for help from your family, friends or pairs (even old colleagues at work): they could offer valuable advice, practical help or emotional support. This are the kind of help you may need badly right now.
You may also talk to a counselor or your general practitioner about how you feel psychologically and physically. They might help with depression and that will give you the courage and the energy to do whatever is needed to get another job and move on with your life.
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October 26th, 2020 4:13pm
Talking about what your feeling and why you're depressed is a good start! I've been there before, and I know that it can be really hard to handle. When I lost my last job I didn't really know how to react. What I found most helpful was talking a to a professional, in my case it was talking through it with my therapist, and that really helped a lot. Talking about it to my friends and family that know me so well was also incredibly helpful, and they were able to help me see that there will always be another job, it just might take a while to get there.
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