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Should I go to the hospital for unhealthy eating habits?

Profile: mikethedj4
mikethedj4 on Sep 4, 2016
Weight Management Expert more
If you have a Doctor or Primary Care Physician (PCP) I'd suggest seeing them first before a hospital visit. However if you think you are in danger, it could be a good idea to go to the hospital. In addition it also helps talking about your concerns to a friend(s) or even family. Now there's many different types of unhealthy eating habits so my main recommendation is to take a look at your diet and see if you're getting 3 essential things adequate, "protein, healthy fat and fiber". If you're consuming more calories you may want to cut that down as well. Lastly I would recommend exercise as well. Can't say it has correlation for you, but often times food is the most abused anxiety drug and exercise is the least utilized antidepressant.
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Profile: dreamingCat7474
dreamingCat7474 on Jun 17, 2016 more
Yes. At the very least tell an authority figure who'll take action and help you. Eating disorders are a messy and nasty business that is addicting and very painful emotionally and physically.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jul 17, 2016 more
If you notice health problems such as potential getting of diabetes, then yes. If you feel sick and if your blood pressure is rising to the dangerous point, then go at the doctor and check your vital signs.
Profile: sweetsummer75
sweetsummer75 on Aug 27, 2016 more
Yes! A hospital is a great place to get help. I don't mean go to the hospital simply because you ate a candy bar but it you are highly under-eating or over-eating then it's better to get help than do nothing.
Profile: wonderfulSoul16
wonderfulSoul16 on Sep 7, 2016 more
There is no harm in going to a hospital, this can be a serious issue and it's better to go than to sit there and wonder!
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Sep 14, 2016 more
It depends on what the unhealthy eating habit is. But for the most part, getting help for unhealthy eating habits is a good thing.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Apr 8, 2018 more
You should seek professional medical help for unhealthy eating habits, yes. Consider seeing a dietitian
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Dec 21, 2019 more
Yes, it's really important to have check-ups or talk to your doctor if you are having unhealthy eating habits. If you feel uncomfortable talking to your doctor or family. Try to look for a trusted adult or someone that you really trust. When our body is not eating properly, we can't function the right way, either our brains. It's important to balance life and always remember to eat super healthy! I struggle with eating disorders and I know it can be really hard once in a while, but it is worth the trying! Most important when you can trust someone to talk about it or to you ask question like : how should I improve in this area? What should I eat at this time? Or what vitamins could I take in order to improve as well. Things like this can help too.
Profile: HolisticOmni2020
HolisticOmni2020 on Dec 21, 2019 more
Only you are the expert in this issue. I would say if you are questioning if you should or should not then I would probably suggest talking to a loved one or your doctor right away. Hey are trained to be able to inform you on what your best course of action should be. Be mindful, become aware not why you are asking yourself these questions. If you are not feeling stable or safe there are a lot of resources out there to help. 7 cups has free services and provides you with access to trained individuals who can help in times of need. Do not hesitate to reach out.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jan 28, 2020 more
My name is Happy and I am one of the listeners at 7cups. It depends. As a listener I cannot give and advice. Here are some questions I can ask you: How is your health been? Are you having any breathing issues? Any chest Pains? Bad headaches? Trouble seeing? If your answered yes to any of these questions, then you have your answer. Only you can make that choice, and no one else. I hope this helps. That is all I can do to help you. If your not happy with the answer, I have given, and you would like someone to give you advice, then I suggest you seek out a therapist who deals with this problem you have.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jun 28, 2018 more
You should always seek help for unhealthy eating habits. It is very serious and can cause a load of problems
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jul 5, 2018 more
Yes, if it is very serious I'd recommend you seek professional mental help as soon as possible and also a hospital.
Profile: ElaineSaysHello
ElaineSaysHello on Jul 7, 2018 more
Being aware of your eating habits is a good first step. If you're worried that you're eating unhealthily, seeking medical help from a licensed professional would be ideal, or something for you to consider.
Profile: Pumpkin74
Pumpkin74 on Jul 10, 2018 more
Unhealthy eating habits can always be looked into by a medical professional. Deciding where or not a general practitioner or a hospital is based on your symptoms. Some things such as severe dehydration, fast/slow heart rate, low temperature and severe weakness are life threatening and should be seen immediately in an emergency room. Other traits such as brittle nails, loss of muscle, poor skin turgor are something that can be done in a general doctor setting. Since none of us are doctors, it is ALWAYS best to call your general doctor or head to the emergency room when you are in doubt! Its better to over treat something rather than wait or under treat it.
Profile: Allears247
Allears247 on Jul 25, 2018 more
If you think you have a medical issue than maybe, but if not no. I would not waste your time going to the hospital for something such as this. You will just waste both your time and money. I would just make an effort to make better nutritional decisions.
Profile: OptimisticSpace30
OptimisticSpace30 on Jul 25, 2018 more
You should visit the hospital if you feel especially unwell. If these eating habits have caused you problems both physically and mentally, it is advisable to visit the hospital.
Profile: Nemo12
Nemo12 on Aug 11, 2018 more
I feel like the fact that you have considered it is such a good step. I say yes please go! They can help you overcome this and refer you to people who know how to help you. It's good to start as soon as possible.
Profile: romanticthi3f
romanticthi3f on Sep 6, 2018
Weight Management Expert more
It depends! Generally, when people go to hospital for unhealthy eating habits they are at a stage where they are very underweight and aren't eating/drinking enough to sustain them. If however you are at a normal weight but feel like your eating habits aren't very healthy, then there might be no immediate need to go to hospital. You may find that you can get some help either through friends, family, 7 Cups, therapists, doctors or dieticians/nutritionists. Either way I suggest your first step to be your GP! They will know you better than any of us can and can give you the best advice.
Profile: Pianorose
Pianorose on May 3, 2019 more
It honestly depends on what you mean by ‘unhealthy eating habits’ ; If you’re struggling with maintaining a healthy diet in terms of eating enough fruits and vegetables or overeating junk food, consulting your doctor or a registered dietitian would be a good start to getting on track. However, if you’re restricting caloric intake or excessively exercising to a degree that you’re hurting your physical or mental health, or engaging in purging or laxative use, consult your doctor immediately and ask for a psychiatric referral. These behaviors are trademarks of eating disorders and require special and immediate care to prevent further damage to your health.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jun 7, 2019 more
Having bad and unhealthy eating habits can be managed at home, however if the person is facing a problem in customizing a meal plan for themselves or they just can't follow a plan, they then can just refer to professional help to make a plan that can be followed, and have regular checkups with the doctor who gave them the meal plan to review their weight and their progress, or just to know what should be changed and what should be sustained. Hospitals are not bad places, they are just like markets and stores, we go there when we need to.
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