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Should I ask my tutor if he would like to go on a date with me?

Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jun 2, 2020 more
is the problem of power dynamics similar to dating your boss. There is the real, potential or perception that the teacher or boss might coerce the student or employee into acts that are not consensual. Given the power dynamic it is difficult to say no to your boss or teacher. Perhaps even without there being an explicit demand and even without there being an explicit refusal it is hard to say that true consent has been met, it may never be able to be met. It is a problem of real, potential or perceptions of quid pro quo. Are grades or pay and promotions being prostituted? Even if there is not an exchange transaction, there might be a tacit agreement of an unspoken exchange going on, or others might worry or perceive that such an exchange might have happened. For the students or employees not directly involved in the triste, is their pay or grades suffering due to preferential treatment of those dating the professor or boss. Is there real potential or perceived pressure on those not dating the professor or boss to do so in order to improve their lot in the allocation of grades or pay. It just becomes a morally fraught entanglement for everyone, even those not directly involved.
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Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jan 22, 2019 more
There is usually a taboo with dating your educator. However, I don't see it as a problem if both parties are clear of boundaries between a student and an educator. Most people will think that the educator will give the student better marks or show favoritism compared to other students. It's important to understand the consequences that may come and how will you overcome the consequences. You can ask your tutor if he would date you but I suggest it would be better for both of you to talk about what you want of the relationship and your boundaries. I hope this helps.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jun 14, 2018 more
I would wait until he is not your tutor any more and you can explore the prospects of a potential relationship, without having the conflict of interest there.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jan 27, 2020 more
Hello depending on your country/state rules there are some restrictions. These would be age and student-teacher relationship restrictions. For example here in the UK , dating age restrictions are limited to if both parties are over the age of 18. It is a responsible adults duty to provide care and protection over a minor, any violation would be a serious criminal offence. Some places have a strict ban on tutors/teachers having any relationship with their students. This is also the case in the occupations where employees working at the same establishment are also restricted in forming relationships together. Please read up about the enforced rules that may apply to you 🙂
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