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I can't study at all. I wake up and plan to study daily and after that my focus changes and I either sleep or watch tv or surf internet and forget that I even have to study. It's too serious. Ideas?

Profile: Friendlypanda23
Friendlypanda23 on Jul 16, 2018
Student Life Expert more
It's very simple my friend. Life is a series of choices between "sense" and "conscience". Sense is what you like to do and conscience is what you ought to do. Sleeping, watching Tv or surfing internet are all examples of work led by sense while studying is a work led by conscience. Work related to latter is not always enjoyable but that's what is the right thing to do. Your brain doesn't enjoy you doing the work that you don't like. So, your brain will always fool you by making you plan. My friend, you have to stop planning and start working, it is as simple as that. It is you who has to make your brain work according to you, not the other way around. You have to break that cycle and start studying. There's no other way around it, my friend.
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Profile: 7Fabi7
7Fabi7 on Feb 5, 2019 more
I think that a great way to improve your efficiency is to set a daily list in which you write down everything you want to do that day. It is a very old-fashioned, but effective method. There are also apps for your mobile phone that help you with reaching your daily goals. Me for myself, I always feel so much better when I see that my list for the day gets emptier and emptier. It is possible that I am the only one experiencing this, but I think that dinner is much more delicious after I've done something good, like studying or especially after I went for a run. And of course: remind yourself of that list again and again!
Profile: JuliaCho
JuliaCho on Sep 3, 2019 more
Well first, study as soon as you can right after school. After school you’re still in ‘work mode,’ so that’s the prime time to get your homework done! On the weekends/holidays, do your work in the morning. It sucks having to do that the first thing after you wake up, but it is effective. You won’t forget about it, after that, you have the rest of the day to do whatever you’d like! Another tip that you can use is set little reminders for yourself. Put them on your phone, leave little sticky notes, whatever works best for you. It’ll help you remember that you have to study. Try to keep your study sessions around the same time, too. At some point it’ll become routine, and you’ll know something’s off if you’re not studying like you’re supposed to at that time. Studying with friends is also a great idea. Not friends that goof off, but the smart friends that you really admire. Making things a group effort creates a really good study support system, even kids at top schools do this. Try to stay away from your phone, too. Don’t play distracting music, especially ones with lyrics. Turn your ringer off so you won’t check it every time you get a message, less distractions mean less study time. Lastly, stay motivated! You’re not going to want to do any studying if you don’t have a goal. Give yourself a grade that you want to meet, or a certain academy or university that you strive to get into! It’ll push you to work even harder, and you’ll be on top of your grades in no time~ Good luck!
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Feb 10, 2022 more
i have had the same problem a number of time. and in my case even if i did start studying, i am not efficient. like finishing 2 hour lecture in 5 hours, etc. my teacher told me some ways to overcome this problem, and they are working! 1) figure out at what time you can be most productive, like for me is 9am to evening, no one is home to disturb me at that time 2) check the topic going on in class, read it a bit before class,even if you don't understand anything, you will grasp concepts easily in class when teacher explains it to you. 3) sit in sunlight, for atleast 30 minutes a day, it energizes you by reducing melatonin production, and is beneficial for overall health. 4) instead of making a goal to study specific hours, make goals regarding questions you have to solve, or no. of pages you will read. like, make a goal that says, "today i will solve 30 mcqs on cell division, after attending my lecture at 10 AM 5) exercise a bit, not heavy exercise but get your body moving for atleast 20 minutes a day, ride a bicycle, do some yoga, or stretch, or jump rope. 6) aim to be better with every step. for example if you want a habit of waking up at 9 AM, but you woke up at 12 PM. its okay, carry on and study what you can instead of getting demotivated. and you have to wake up at 11:30 next day, like this eventually you will start getting up at your desired time. in academics, give tests, and if you scored like 20/100 in a test, don't get sad. analyse your mistakes and aim to get 25/100 in next test. and study sincerely for next test, you will surely get above 25 and get happy that you crossed your minimum goal. 7) don't hurry while you are understanding the concepts, listen to lecture like you have whole eternity to learn that. always ask and try to fing answers to "how and why" in subjects like biology, instead of only memorising. and while revising be quick, revise like you have an exam in few hours. best way to revise subjects like physics, math is solving 2-3 questions daily, based on formulas on your formula sheet of a chapter. 8) if you do not vibe with your teacher, try to find online lectures and find a teacher you will vibe with. vibing with a teacher means, their way of teaching is best suited for you. if thats not an option, discuss the problems you are facing with your current teacher. 9) also note down all the chapters you have to cover and make a schedule to cover them. these were some tips my teacher told me. and only motivation isn't enough, sometimes you will have to force yourself to study, because its important. more
Make a compromise with yourself to be disciplined and find some time during the day (same everyday) in which you will study. Also focus on the importance of study, what will you gain and benfit from it. Those should help.
Profile: supportiveWaterfall316
supportiveWaterfall316 on Aug 10, 2020 more
I've felt so frustrated by similar situations! Some things that have helped me are: - going out for a walk when I wake up in the morning (gives me energy and gets me away from my cozy bed) - working somewhere other than my bed - having an accountability buddy (a friend, partner, sibling, anyone who also has work to get done, and with whom you can check in at some point) - setting timers to take short breaks from working (especially if I'm using a computer) - the app SelfControl, which allows you to block websites for a set amount of time Hope this helps!
Profile: SapphireDiamond1998
SapphireDiamond1998 on Apr 22, 2018 more
Give yourself a reward. Make a plan to study for about 1 hour a day, if you complete the hour without any distractions then give yourself a reward it helps trust me
Profile: gracefulSmiles7397
gracefulSmiles7397 on May 26, 2020 more
I like to plan study time. Schedule it in my day and keep the electronics off in order to not get distracted. Sometimes I'll set my phone to "private time" and only check it during breaks where it isn't a distraction. I have found it difficult to stay motivated and on task during the lockdown situation that I am in right now but before I begin my homework, I like to sit and reflect on why I'm going to school and what it means for my future to reach my goals and how not being diligent and focused can derail those plans. Doing those things help keep me on track.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Nov 30, 2020 more
I am currently a nursing student and I continuously have this same issue. I have download this app called "Be Focused". What it does to help is that it notifies you that you have to study for 25 minutes 10 times a day. If you aren't big on apps you could always set a reminder in your phone. Usually if I have something constantly reminding me it helps. You could also get a classmate, friend, or family member to remind you or help you study. People like these are usually willing to help. Hopes this helps you with your studying. Happy studying :)
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