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Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Apr 1, 2018 more
Faithfulness asks for a willingness to trust. If you have a specific religion that you love and that you feel is healthy for you, you can start by trusting in yourself that you know you enjoy your religion. You can then begin to set goals for yourself regarding your religion. For example, do you want to learn more about your religion? Do you want to read specific texts of your religion? Do you want to start attending religious services? Do you want to help out more in your religious community? After you come up with some broad goals, you can then begin focusing on achieving them while being mindful of the time that you have to dedicate. This can help you build faithfulness.
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Profile: sillyseraph002
sillyseraph002 on May 11, 2018 more
faithfulness is often a matter of intent. once you have identified something to which to be faithful, such as a religion or a code of ethics, learn it, and stick to it
Profile: incognitoknight0101
incognitoknight0101 on Jun 22, 2018 more
Being faithful is when you strongly believe a way of thinking and living. If there exists doubts or confusion then one need to go to its core, understand the cause of the doubt, critically analyse the elements and then you would be more clearer on the matter. Being faithful also depends upon how close or connected you feel with the substance. And the different experiences you come across in the process. Don't dwell on borrowed opinions. You have the power to choose what you believe in. Perceive its significance in your life, have trust in yourself, establish the connection, release yourself from the clutches of fear and insecurity and don't forget to be aware of you, your thoughts, actions and surroundings.
Profile: ComDar87
ComDar87 on Feb 16, 2021 more
Faithfull has a variations but the most basic is inclusion of honesty and truth, we all agree that no one is perfect in this world as such, but yes everyone builds it, so does honesty, trust and being faithful, it is the way you describe, show your dedication, affection, love, care, concern which builds towards it. Faithfulness grows, it is not a one day task or such, but what plays as a major role is oneself as to how he or she has kept himself or herself into the situation, I believe our simplicity and dedication to a relationship is what the core reason is to becoming faithful
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