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What's the best way to fall asleep whenever stressed?

Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Feb 17, 2015 more
I pray and surrender what ever is bothering me to the Lord It has never failed me , I know this is too simple and can not possibly work ... To practice this release daily is the key to my sleeping through the night I have done so with bad news delivered with money issues pending with family struggles all a rage .whatever life throws at me I carry to Jesus in prayer this relieves me in a way nothing else has .Its confidential its free and its easy.
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Profile: 360Degrees
360Degrees on Dec 23, 2015 more
Hey :) Sleeping well when stressed can be quite ..... well, stressful. I read about a method a few months back and it has really helped me and some other people I know. It's a sort of breathing technique called the 4-7-8 breathing technique. It's very simple and you can do this either while sitting or lying down. Breathe in through your nose for four seconds, hold your breath for seven seconds, and exhale through your mouth for eight seconds. Repeat a few more times. Hope this helps :)
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jun 15, 2015 more
In my personal experience there are many things that can be tried in this situation. There are relaxation exercises & deep breathing techniques, mindfulness, and creating a healthy sleep environment for yourself. If you have access, there are now apps that can guide you through some of these processes, as well. Also, trying to reduce stress in general would be a really good idea, if at all possible.
Profile: RebeccaH
RebeccaH on Jan 14, 2015 more
I like to use guided imagery podcasts when I can't sleep. They mix soft music with sleep-related meditation and are incredibly relaxing.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Apr 15, 2015 more
some ways that i find helpful to help myself to fall asleep when i am stressed or anxious: try and get the thought out of your head, listen to calming music, self hypnosis, meditation before bed.
Profile: Emily619
Emily619 on Jul 28, 2015 more
The best way to fall asleep whenever stressed (for me) is by counting as high as you can get to. That method does not work for many people. Other common and working methods are falling asleep while reading, watching a movie, or even while on 7 Cups of Tea.
Profile: Flinch59
Flinch59 on Dec 22, 2015 more
Close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths, breathing in through the nose, and out through the mouth. After doing this a few times, you should start to naturally de-stress
Profile: PeacefulBeauty55
PeacefulBeauty55 on Apr 25, 2016 more
Aromatherapy always works for me. Find anything with notes of lavender, vanilla, honey, or chamomile that you could bathe/shower with before laying down at night.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on May 3, 2016 more
One method that I've read about is to write down all the things you're stressed about, then put it away to look at tomorrow. In any case, just lying in bed quietly with your eyes closed is also a form of rest. I always remind myself of this so that I don't get more stressed about how little sleep I am getting, rest helps too :)
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on May 24, 2016 more
Do some meditation for example to relax your whole body. Meditation isnt always spiritual. The breathing exercises help you to calm down :) Everyone has another stragedy, which helps the best. Some people read a book before going to sleep, others may listen to an audiobook or calming music.
Profile: GeeListener
GeeListener on Jun 20, 2016 more
Try to write down all the things that you are stressed about down on some paper. Then to run a bath and try to calm yourself down before getting into bed. Once in bed say to yourself you have written everything down and you can look at it again tomorrow, there is nothing you can do right now.
Profile: RelaxingGiant
RelaxingGiant on Dec 13, 2016 more
I usually put on some calming music for a few minutes and try to meditate, clearing your mind of all the negative and reliving the positive for that day seems to work well for me.
Profile: Cody1313
Cody1313 on Mar 19, 2018 more
It can be difficult to fall asleep when you are under any amount of stress. One thing that has helped me is to try to focus on things that make me happy instead of anything I'm stressed about. I just pretend that those things no longer exist. I also listen to my favorite music or calming music which can help greatly.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jul 2, 2019 more
Focus on your breathing so you can relax. Breathe in for 4 seconds, hold your breathe for 7 seconds, and breathe out for 8 seconds, and just repeat that. Fixing problems overnight is not realistic. If you’re focused on your problems and how you are going to fall asleep, you just won’t be able to. Focusing on your breathing helps you calm down. I also find that just listening to music and focusing on things that you enjoyed that day help. List out what you may have done right, rather than things you have done wrong or still need to do.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on May 2, 2022 more
I put on white noise on my phone. I know it sounds hard, but I just close my eyes and try to fall asleep. I've got a blanket I've had since I was a little kid so that helps. If nothing works, I like to just sit at my window and watch the world go by. I try not to think about whatever is stressing me out, that won't help. I would maybe make up fake scenarios in my head, you know, the ones about celebrity crushes. If nothing works, I scroll on my phone for an hour or 2 then try again.
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