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Is it normal to suddenly become very self aware when someone compliments your appearance?

Profile: Healtogether702
Healtogether702 on May 24, 2022 more
I do. I always feel self awareness of the flaws I have, and when people compliment me I feel like they actually do it out of sympathy. I always try to say "thank you" and smile but actually, in my head, I deflect. I feel like there isn't anyone can compliment and be honest. I know it is just a perception. Inner critic in me is a strong presence, but I try to work with it and find things to like. that is not always easy. but you need to keep trying because how you feel always shines through. reflects on what people perceive and then creates a vicious loop of self prophecy.
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Profile: c1ov3rda1e
c1ov3rda1e on Feb 18, 2015 more
Yes, because by them drawing attention to a good part of your appearance you brings along awareness of EVERY part of your appearance. Therefore, you become hyper aware of the things you personally don't like about yourself.
Profile: zaix
zaix on Feb 18, 2015 more
It is, because sometimes we don't really notice our features and how we look and what we are like until someone points it out for us.
Profile: CoffeeTeaAndHonesty
CoffeeTeaAndHonesty on Apr 3, 2015 more
I think it's a natural response; it makes sense that our first thought might be 'what about X made them think I look good?' which would naturally cause one to become more self aware in moments such as these.
Profile: HealingLotus
HealingLotus on May 3, 2015 more
Yes it is normal. They are bringing your attention to how you look. There's nothing else I can say on this.
Profile: Clissyy
Clissyy on Jun 9, 2015 more
Of course! For the most part of our day, we tend to just go with the flow and think more about what's happening in front of our eyes with what we can see versus what we can't, such as our physical appearance. Once someone compliments us, we're suddenly reminded of the fact that 'hey! I'm actually a human being!', which then leads to you imagining what you currently look like, which then leads to self-conciousness.
Profile: Greatlistener87
Greatlistener87 on Nov 6, 2015 more
That is normal yes, when someone talks about you in anyway you will become more self aware this is because that is how your brain functions.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Nov 9, 2015 more
Absolutely! I'd become very self-aware, and wonder what caused them to give me attention, and try to change it, usually quickly. I've had enough attention. It usually just causes me to feel fear. It's not ideal, perhaps. I'm trying to change that.
Profile: Falworth
Falworth on Feb 23, 2016 more
Well, it's certainly not abnormal. I can only speak for myself, but when you hear something- you think about it. It's simple and reflexive. However, anything in extreme amounts should be approached with caution. So if you're extremely self-aware, perhaps you should examine or look for the cause why?
Profile: CopperSkies
CopperSkies on Jun 2, 2016 more
Yes it is normal. I think most people suddenly become hyper-aware of their appearance if somebody were to compliment them. It's a natural reaction.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jul 18, 2016 more
When someone compliments on your appearance the focus of the conversation suddely lies on you so i think it's totally normal.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Sep 19, 2016 more
Definitely. Something you were not aware of is made known when someone compliments you and suddenly you're thinking about it. That's a perfectly normal reaction.
Profile: amazingMusic21
amazingMusic21 on Jul 18, 2017 more
I think so. I think we tend to forget to remind ourselves that we are beautiful, so when someone else does it, it bring us back into focus and a viewpoint of self love.
Profile: politeTree46
politeTree46 on Jun 19, 2018 more
Yes definitely! The compliment brings our attention to the detail/details they complimented us on and we can become hyper aware! It’s completely normal
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jul 24, 2018 more
It is normal to become self aware when you get a complement, it happens all the time. You just have to remember, that at the end of the day, you're perfect in your own way.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jan 13, 2020 more
It is normal. In the meantime you may also be aware of the fact that you pay more attention to what others think of your appearance. It is more like others' opinion makes you realize what you look like. Compliments make you feel in a certain way. My question is, "How are you feeling about it?" You look in a certain way. That is it. Others' perception of your is outside of you. When they give you the good feedback, you react in a certain way. Now you are wondering whether it is normal. It is a way to solicit validation from a person who has never meet you.
Profile: sunnystorms
sunnystorms on Oct 13, 2020 more
Based on my personal experience, I would say yes. Because generally people compliment you on what they like and not necessarily something you like. Also, for many people, they don't compliment something unless it really strikes them. Which means you may probably not have thought that the scarf you put on hurriedly in the morning because it was by the coat rack would be something that someone else would love to the point of complimenting. So the compliment makes you more aware of something you were oblivious to, hence why you would become self aware.
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