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Why Has My Boyfriend Been Ignoring Me For 3 Days?

Profile: LittleMissJoy
LittleMissJoy on Jan 29, 2019 more
There could be a number of reasons why your boyfriend has not been in contact with you. He is most likely got things that he is dealing with and his mind is elsewhere. He may not be intentionally ignoring you. Just give it some time and let him contact you when he is ready. If you really feel that after a reasonable amount of time that he still has not contacted you then it may be best to think about if the relationship is a good thing for you. Most of the time men can become distant when they either feel suffocated, distracted or unhappy so you also might want to think about if there is anything you may be doing to make him feel like he needs some space.
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Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jun 11, 2018 more
Maybe he’s going through something and is not comfortable talking about it to anyone. Remember communication is the key.
Profile: Opal70
Opal70 on Jan 11, 2022 more
Why has your boyfriend been ignoring you for 3 days? I guess there could be a number of influencing factors which could be attributing this situation. Firstly, has anything significant happened recently that may be impacting on him? Has he displayed this type of behaviour before and is so what did you do to resolve it? He might need space to try and work out what’s going on for him. In the meantime you could offer him support and let him know that you are there for him whenever he’s ready to talk. Also be kind to yourself and get support when you need to talk because your thoughts and feelings are important too.
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