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How to cope with recurring thoughts/flashbacks of bad/embarrassing things you’ve done in the past?

4 Answers
Last Updated: 07/10/2022 at 6:06pm
Perfect therapy for people who need help. I would like to say, I never can imagine it could be possible to heal people like that
Ta Tania
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Moderated by

Brenda King, PsyD


I treat life changes, women’s issues, and issues of aging using evidence-based treatments with healthy doses of warmth, empathy and humor to enhance healing and growth.

Top Rated Answers
November 11th, 2020 9:14am
You will have to learn to accept the things you have done. We cannot go back in time. Sure, we all have done terrible things, but we must realize that the only thing that can ease us of the guilt is acceptance and then working on the words and the thoughts that try to keep us enslaved by reminding us of what we did. That inner critic whispering and sometimes yelling in our ear tormenting us with our past baggage. Silence the noise act the action but reject the shame and the guilt associated with it. It is alright to grieve the shame and guilt of the deeds we did but don't allow your self to get stuck there.
Profile: DaisyDaph
October 29th, 2020 8:23am
Flashbacks are awful. Especially when you're laying in bed and you get the most embarrassing one ever. Such thoughts are most likely to fade with time, the recurrence of it. However, it could possible help to try and convince yourself that you're just human and you are allowed to make mistakes. Of course we are. The embarrassment you feel is an emotion separate from the mere situation at hand. There are many things for why the thing happened which lead to an unfortunate mishap. Nevertheless, you are human and it happens. Accepting that might help lessen the embarrassment of the flashback and help get rid of it faster.
Profile: Kpopcat2020
June 19th, 2022 6:52pm
The main way to deal with relapsing negative memories is to remember them and think "Things are better now." That was the past-and nothing's going to change about it. Put your focus into making good, new memories and doing the right thing. This is vital. These negative memories may make you think "What was I doing?" and will make you wish that you could change it. But no, you cannot change the past, and you must move forward now. For now, keep the present bright and hope for the future even brighter. Good luck with these flashbacks, you can get through them.
July 10th, 2022 6:06pm
There are many times we feel embarrassed coz ofcourse there are things we just can't avoid but most often than not time really changes everything- be it a horrible mistake or an embarrassing moment. Today, what made the situation awkward will be funny tomorrow...similarly today what made you sad will make you strong tomorrow. All things that happen to us is just for us to learn and we usually attach a certain emotion to this learning and tend to focus on the emotion than the learning. We often also end up getting anxious over what others might think but let's be honest how many times a day or week or month or even year do you think about the embarrassing moments of your friend's. Its either very few or none right? Same applies to you. So just accept the thought that crosses, don't focus on the emotion attached to it, just smile and move on. We got lot of other things to focus! ;)