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Is it bad that I masturbate now after having been sexually abused in my past?

Profile: snarcoleptic
snarcoleptic on Aug 29, 2018
PTSD Expert more
Of course not! It's one of many healthy ways for you to reclaim your own sexuality after having it imposed upon and abused by someone else. The only problem would be if you're feeling any shame or guilt that's making the experience (or the time afterward) unpleasant for you. That would be worth talking to a therapist about to help you process and heal from your past trauma (and yes, sexual abuse is traumatic, no matter how much of 'not-a-big-deal' you may think or have been told it was. Give yourself permission to hurt from it, and to be angry/sad/confused/etc. about it. It takes time to sort through all those feelings).
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Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Feb 1, 2018 more
It is not bad. The question to ask yourself is: do you feel like you're forced to masturbate or do you want to masturbate because you're comfortable with it? Only do things that you're comfortable with
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Dec 7, 2020 more
Masturbation is a normal part of life. Sometimes trying to clear the mind does wonders . Unfortunately being sexually abused can have a (-) psychological effect on individuals. It can impact an individuals whole life, not just in terms of sex. Physicians are usually a start to be able to get help with those type of issues. They then decide to refer patients to a gyno, therapist, psychiatrist, etc.. I'm speaking based on my own personal experiences with doctors. There are usually lots of help and support for people who have suffered from abuse and more.
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