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Why do I always start mumbling when I have to read in front of the class?

Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Feb 15, 2015 more
When we're under stress, our bodies tense up and we start to breathe shallowly. The combination of a tense jaw and face and shallow breathing can lead to mumbling. Posture can really help with this: if we take strike open, confident poses we are more likely to feel that way. Breathing helps also. Trying to extend the length of our exhalations will help relax us.
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Profile: Minyaa
Minyaa on Jan 20, 2015 more
Usually we mumble in order to not attract other attention or in this case, the entire classroom. It usually because we are embarrassed and/or to make mistakes if made less noticeable but overall it's because the urge to not be the center of attention
Profile: Shannice
Shannice on May 4, 2015 more
Mumbling is something we can do to try to register what someone has just said. When you mumble, try to figure out what your mind is trying to tell you or what you're saying. It could be signs of anxiety. If you get nervous or anxious, you could always explain to your teacher. They're there to support you, after all.
Profile: Happycharm03
Happycharm03 on May 6, 2015 more
Its intensely personal yet universal experience..! Itz because we are not sure how we will perform. But some nervousness actually makes us perform better..!
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jun 5, 2015 more
You start mumbling because your body is diverting all of the brain's thinking energy to being nervous! We have an natural response to flee when we are scared. If you are nervous or scared, you body wants to flee - however, your grade depends on you not fleeing from the room! So it takes a moment for your body to overcome this response and allow your brain your to do its job and read.
Profile: thantophobiaxo
thantophobiaxo on Jul 13, 2015 more
You might have fear of speaking in front of people. Anxiety. There are ways to overcome it but it'll take time and effort.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Aug 4, 2015 more
It's normal and common to be nervous when you have to read/speak in front of others, but you should always remember that basically everybody is feeling the same about it and that nothing bad is going to happen to you, if you get nervous and start to mumble. If it happens, just have a good laugh about it and take it easy and the others will do the same. Always remember that it isn't a big deal.
Profile: glowingpeace18339
glowingpeace18339 on Sep 16, 2015 more
A lot of people start to feel scared or stressed when it comes to public speaking, it's totally normal. You may have social or generalized anxiety, which can be treated but will take some time
Profile: kindLove97
kindLove97 on Sep 28, 2015 more
Reading in front on a class is stressful so our body tenses up causing it to react in a weird way because it feels vulnerable and we got into a flight fight or freeze mode.
Profile: Lalaxoxo
Lalaxoxo on Dec 1, 2015 more
It shows that your nerves are kicking in, and you may not be 100% comfortable speaking around those in class.
Profile: PuerhBlueLemon
PuerhBlueLemon on Feb 2, 2016 more
Being nervous is natural when speaking to an audience. Three simple tools that I found very effective in combatting these nerves are: - PRACTICE, with your eyes closed or in front of a mirror, out loud, over and over and over; - Be confident in what you're saying/reading and slow down!! - Engage with new people in conversation on a daily basis to get used to that exposure. Look them in the eye and ask them how their day was; and - Memorise your speech so that you can engage actively with your audience through eye contact.
Profile: ladycat946
ladycat946 on Jul 5, 2016 more
It is very intimidating to talk in front of people, so it's normal to be a little stressed about it. Don't forget it's gonna be for a short time and nobody wants to read haha, so they understand you :)
Profile: stevejones66
stevejones66 on Jul 24, 2018 more
Many people find it difficult to speak publicly, this is very natural and why we mumble, quietly....
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