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How do people with OCD deal with intrusive thoughts that have a religious theme? Other thoughts I can rationalize, but since I can't prove or disprove religion I can't rationalize these thoughts.

Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on May 16, 2017 more
It sounds like you might be battling with scrupulosity. I don't want to give you too much advice because I don't know what your religious affiliation is or to what extent you practice your faith. One way to overcome scrupulosity is to seek help from a licensed medical professional, even if it's just your primary care doctor to start with. You can also find a lot of valuable links online that discuss scrupulosity treatments and talk about other people's stories. You may find the following link helpful: Also, please know that you aren't alone! I've battled with scrupulosity and beat it.
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Profile: 1AlwaysThere1
1AlwaysThere1 on May 15, 2017 more
Rationalising is a part of mental rituals.It only brings a sense of temporary belief.The first step to control the religious/blasphemous thought is accepting them as they are.If it is difficult to accept them,at least let them flow.Do not control or direct them in any direction.It's a long journey. Have compassion for yourself.Also meditation is a great tool.It gets time to get the hang of it, especially if you're dealing with OCD but it is worth it.Hope this helps.Take care :) If you are facing distress, please consult a therapist.If you can't search for online therapy or follow paths is 7cup app.Have a good day.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Mar 3, 2017 more
There is actually a subtype of OCD specifically about religious & moral obsessions/intrusive thoughts. It's called scrupulosity and it is treatable in more or less the same ways other types of OCD are treated. I recommend looking for a therapist who specializes in OCD, cognitive behavior therapy, or exposure and response prevention.
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