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What if nothing makes me feel happy anymore?

Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Dec 25, 2015 more
I believe that is called emptiness, when nothing truly makes you happy. Loneliness is the main cause. A lack of faith in humanity brought on by loneliness, my advice, though human but earnest is to find people that make you laugh out loud with happiness. I love people, and I hate them too. They can hurt you and raise you up from the ashes.
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Profile: earthwalker3
earthwalker3 on May 15, 2015 more
If you're finding that nothing makes you happy anymore, you have two things that you can do. 1) Make it a goal everyday to find something that does. It can be as small and minor as you wish. 2) Find out what is causing you to feel unhappy and work towards finding a solution and/or a coping method to help you feel better. You can message me if you'd like to discuss this further, I hope all goes well. :)
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jan 18, 2015 more
For one thing - remember. Remember how your mom used to hold you when you were young. Remember your birthday parties. Remember the feeling of joy and happiness and even sadness because that's what makes you feel alive. And then - imagine your future. With everything that you've been through, your roller coaster can only go up. If you can't imagine a brighter future, you don't have to. It's okay not to be able to believe in something better. But please trust me when I say that it's worth waiting, worth fighting. Your future is something that you should see one day. And something to look forward to
Profile: lauradove
lauradove on Feb 6, 2016 more
If nothing is making you happy anymore, maybe you should try and help other people to be happy. A smile is contagious and someone elses happiness may help to lead to your own.
Profile: sweetDay98
sweetDay98 on Dec 23, 2015 more
It is absolutely normal to feel that nothing will make us happy when we are in a state of sadness or depression. The world just seems to be crashing down on us and we feel that this pain will last forever. I can say this from personal experience, pain is a feeling. It does it's course and leaves. I agree, during the time it stays, you feel hopeless and even when someone tells you that time will heal it, you don't feel like believing them because the intensity of the pain is so much. Just take the pain one day at a time and believe in yourself.. You are strong and you can get through this.. There will be things that will make you smile once this feeling is over.. Hang in there..
Profile: Bobbi9
Bobbi9 on Dec 9, 2015 more
What if you could accept however you feel instead of resisting it? Even just for a day, an hour, five minutes ... allow your "not happy" to be okay.
Profile: blanket7
blanket7 on Jan 30, 2016 more
Then you need to find a new purpose or a passion that makes you feel happy. Mine is helping people here on 7cups.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Dec 11, 2015 more
You could possibly be suffering from depression or another mental health issue. Please consult with a doctor
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jan 1, 2016 more
You will be happy again, I'm sure of it, wheather it's a person or just a song, a movie, a tv show, a dog, something or someone will make you happy again.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Dec 9, 2015 more
It's okay to feel as if nothing makes you happy. It really is. It may sound a bit odd, but when you're ready, you'll feel it again and remember there is always sunshine after the rain :)
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Dec 9, 2015 more
I think that it's important to realize that happiness isn't a permanent state of being. Life is full of highs and lows, and we have to try and make the best of our current moments. If this feeling persists for 2+ weeks, then I would consider speaking to a professional. Also, check out 7cupsoftea's self-help guides to see if there are any tips and pointers you can find on self care and mood boosts.
Profile: goshurcute
goshurcute on Dec 10, 2015 more
When i feel like i am not happy or content with anything in that moment or week i try to just sleep it off or take multiple showers. i find myself binging on foods especially sweets.
Profile: YogiP
YogiP on Dec 10, 2015 more
The first step? Don't worry about it. Worrying will only add anxiety. Things change -- everything is changing all the time. So, this will change, too. Perhaps not as quickly as you would like and not without suffering, but it will change.
Profile: Spade
Spade on Jan 12, 2015 more
Generally this numbness is a major feeling that overtakes a person when they suffer with depression. I would recommend looking back into the past and finding things you used to enjoy, and try to re-ignite that love you had for whatever it was (whether it be movies, games, friends, eating donuts, etc.). Even if it doesn't seem like it will work, emotionally retracing your steps and trying out things that used to make you happy usually leads to finding things that bring back that lost joy.
Profile: uniquePineapple31
uniquePineapple31 on Jul 21, 2015 more
It happens to everyone at times that all the things in the world feel dull and don't tempt you. But that is temporary. Be patient, every feeling of excitement, enjoyment will come back.
Profile: thoughtfulForest99
thoughtfulForest99 on Dec 10, 2015 more
Then there is an underlying issue. You need to take care of your problems before you can feel happiness again.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Dec 19, 2015 more
are you psychic? how do you know the future? you never know what will happen the next minute. trust me, this horrible time you are experiencing will pass as long as you are alive.
Profile: contentedDew80
contentedDew80 on Dec 9, 2015 more
I have been here plenty of times. I find that I begin feeling unhappy when I am alone. I find I am unhappy when my children gave to go to school and I do not know what to do with my time alone. I spent so many years helping them grow and find that I forgot how to live. I am struggling with this but find that with each day it gets easier because I find crafts or take on extra hours at work...I tend to through myself into things fully because I need to feel needed.
Profile: justanotherfool
justanotherfool on Dec 9, 2015 more
First of all I feel like the Question can be interpreted in two ways at least. One being the hopeless version and secondly what else do I need thing, Fortunately I have not gone through the second route but a thousand times through that first phase. I believe that it was my past which made me hopeless about my future and made me reach at the point of why now! What else! But I was expecting myself to be happy someday, and I did have that hope. I will not lie, I had lost that many times but eventually I will get back to it. We all are having many reasons to be happy. I am grateful and happy that I am not one among those dying Syrians. We all have to feel happy realizing the fact that it is not me who is having the worst day of all time. For me faith and hope was very much interrelated. Every time I close my eyes and pray I did feel that Okay it is not meant to happen today, but someday. That tiny little hope could change everything for me. May be for all of us. I mean the belief that I did not come here by myself but somebody brought me here and he did have some purpose and he is not done with it probably. I mean our very existence is the proof that we all should have hope and there is a reason to be happy about. I have heard people saying that the ultimate happiness is when we find ourselves, our inner selves. I never digested the idea behind that. I feel like it is like the last point. So what is that there is nothing left anymore. But instead finding the god, his soul could be a possibility, then I do not thing anyone would be out of hope. And when there is hope there is a reason to be happy.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Dec 9, 2015 more
Such a horrible feeling when you realize it, right? But the good thing is that you acknowledged your apathy. Spend time doing the things you used to love and... Maybe find new ones! Maybe your apathy is just your brain telling that you need a change.
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