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Kajsa Futrell, RTC
I specialise in respectfully helping people navigate their way through trauma and relationship issues. The adversities in our life can actually transform us.
Top Rated Answers
Being mad or angry all the time is easy and the norm for a lot of people. There is so much in this world to be angry at; bad drivers, politics, your children being slow to get going in the morning, being late and much more. I grew up with a mother who hates everything and everyone it seems. So as an adult it became a challenge for me to stop that cycle but somehow I managed. I realized that when I wake up in the morning I have a choice to be angry or happy, I choose happy. When my daughter is having a meltdown before school, I choose to let that frustration leave with her as she leaves for school. When something happens throughout the day, I know it was a moment in time and not a whole day, so I let those feelings go. My new motto in life is:
Was it really a bad day or was it a moment you turned into a bad day?
Count from 1 to 10 each time you get mad. Wear a rubber band on your waist and pull it each time you get angry on others.
Train urself to identify what triggers you outbursts. Usually itd be rounded off to a handfew. Once uve got them noted, work on reasoning how u react to scenarios related to it and that consequences of your outburst to you and those around you. Practise being happy. Singing. Loosening up, yoga, redirect anger energy to sports. Sports might be a good way to release that extra energy. And ud made even more friends and social contacts too. Good day. :-)
March 26th, 2015 6:58am
First, take a deep breath. Think about why you were mad. Most of he time you would realize it wasn't a big thing to be mad about.
Look at things that make you happy. That bring you joy. Realize this is what I live for. And that angry isn't okay.
January 11th, 2016 12:52pm
Start doing the thing which you like the most, or just grab a dark chocolate and put ear phones on.
Try to think hard about why you feel such anger, the root of the problem, and then work on reducing it. When you figure out the reason or reasons, you will have to process it and probably talk to someone so you're not alone with the issue.
You have to stop your thinking angry. Everything we do starts as a thought. So think happy thoughts.
Us being mad is our body telling us something. If you want to stop being mad all the time, then it's best to do some introspection and look inside of you to see how you really feel, maybe do some journaling.
Anger is a natural feeling. It’s healthy and normal to get angry sometimes. But if you always feel angry or it starts to affect your life, then it might help to find out what’s making you feel this way.
tips to help you calm down
Doing physical activity can help you calm down and bring back some happy emotions again
Let your anger out in a safe way
If you feel like hitting something, you could punch a cushion or pillow. Or you could try scribbling on paper and screwing it up and throwing it awayÂ
Distract yourself
Listen to some calming music. Or think about something that you love, or a place that makes you feel happy and imagine being there
Tell someone
You could tell someone how you feel and talk about why you feel this way. And remember you can always talk to a trained counsellor about how you feel.
when you feel like this..just close your eyes..havea deep breath and drink some water. it will surely help :)
If you feel you're angry all the time, try doing some breathing exercises! Maybe take your anger out with art or music or physical activity. :)
you waste energy when you are angry and it's just not worth it. don't keep it bottled up inside though, find a way to use that anger like through writing or photography.
March 8th, 2016 10:52am
Focus yourself on doing something you enjoy- even though it may be small. Read a book. Go for a walk. Eat an extra slice of cake. Completely indulge yourself on something just for you. You will enjoy doing something that will benefit you and only you.
June 28th, 2016 2:42pm
Start analysing why you feel this way, allow yourself breathing space, and then try to deal with the root of the problem.
I close my eyes. Calm down by breathing in and out several times, or I leave that particular area preferably a place with fresh air.
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Dr. Tara Davis has been really helpful with processing difficult emotions and...
Reviewed Dec 5, 2024
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