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Why am I gay?

113 Answers
Last Updated: 12/16/2019 at 5:09pm
Perfect therapy for people who need help. I would like to say, I never can imagine it could be possible to heal people like that
Ta Tania
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Graham Barrone, ICHP, MCBT


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Top Rated Answers
March 10th, 2015 4:00am
I have a lot of feelings about other girls. Not necessarily sexy feelings, but I feel much more romantically attracted to them.
June 8th, 2015 4:10am
You're gay because that's the way you born. That's who you are, there is no other answer. You're not sick nor a demon is inside you.
Profile: blue09
June 1st, 2016 9:04pm
There is nothing, listen to me, NOTHING wrong with being gay. Some people like fish, other like meat, and other like both. You are a fish who loves fish as well and there is absolutely nothing wrong with you. You are gay because you are human and unique. You are gay because you have feelings and a mind that tells you what matches your personallity better. You are gay because you are yourself. Being gay, straight, trans, whatever, is beautiful. You are beautiful
May 13th, 2016 11:54am
There's no real reason. It sounds like you're feeling guilt about it. Don't. It's perfectly okay to like the same sex.
Profile: Keeplookinup
May 25th, 2016 11:54pm
There isn't really an answer to that. It more got to do with how you were born. Its a prefrence you can't control.
Profile: Aayla
- Expert in LGBTQ+ Issues
August 12th, 2019 10:53am
Because you were born like this. Orientations are something innate and natural, as science has confirmed. You simply have a different way of loving and finding happiness, but you too have this chance!
Profile: MKDavis
June 15th, 2016 3:30pm
Because it is natural and is simply the way you were born. It is normal and people these days are more accepting than ever to homosexuals, if that is what you are concerned about.
Profile: PeacefulFlute74
June 23rd, 2016 2:50pm
You are gay because you were born that way. The same reason people are straight. They were born that way.
Profile: WingedGiraffe
July 2nd, 2016 9:38pm
From religion to evolution there are many different theories on why someone is gay. They often go with either what a deity has said or nature versus nurture. Whatever you believe, it is not wrong to be gay. There are many people in the world who are gay and they are very important to society. Don't change yourself for anyone.
July 4th, 2016 12:47am
Making this question is the same as asking why do I have brown eyes? well, it's really simple. It's just who you are. maybe it's not what you'd choose. but some choices are not up to us to make. and being gay is one of them. you're just born like that and there's nothing wrong with you. the only wrong thing are people who try to make you feel different and uncomfortable with that. so just feel free to be yourself and don't let anyone push or force you to be someone you're actually not. you love yourself more than anyone so the only one that cares about it is you. say it out loud: "I AM GAY!" and be proud of it...
Profile: HannahInk18
June 12th, 2016 6:26am
There is no reason as to why you are gay... You just are! It's like asking, why do I like painting? why do I like looking at trees? You just do! :)
Profile: varun19
June 16th, 2016 8:36am
You are born that way :) And it's quite normal and natural. Over 1500 animal species exhibit homosexuality and therefore, it is quite natural. There are various part answers that indicate hormone levels during gestation (embryonic development) create these conditions, and suggestions that environmental factors can facilitate the expression of homosexuality. There is no definitive answer. One thing that can be said definitively is that there is no particular gay gene - the complex of genetic factors that plays into sexual orientation is certainly polygenic (a collection of genes responsible for the expression of a trait).
Profile: Sunburst223
June 12th, 2016 6:17am
You're gay because you are. There's nothing reason to it, and there's nothing wrong with that. Sometimes, we just are how we are, and that's totally okay.
June 12th, 2016 5:30am
There is no why. You just are. Being gay isn't a choice, you were just born the way you were. Being gay is okay.
Profile: Belbelbel
June 11th, 2016 1:56pm
No one is sure why people have the sexualities they do. You're a construction of many things, genes and the environment you've grown up in as two of the many factors - and no one knows for sure what causes sexuality. No matter what, every sexuality is valid and every sexuality should be accepted.
Profile: AngelStarlight
June 10th, 2016 3:32pm
Because I am following my heart. I wasn't born this way but merely fulfilling what my heart wants me to do.
Profile: JaketheTransguyFTM
June 9th, 2016 6:09pm
You are gay because you were born like that. Because you were made to like boys/girls. You are gay because you are you.
June 9th, 2016 2:11pm
Your sexual orientation is something you are born with and there`s nothing to be ashamed of.Embrace it.
Profile: Pattyyourgirl
June 9th, 2016 8:39am
I think it depends on the situation. Some people are born that way and some people have tendencies to be like that and the environment they were born in took a big part on that. Either way, sexuality isn't something you can control so it's not you're fault that you're gay.
June 2nd, 2016 8:12am
Being gay is nothing to be ashamed of. It is a way you were born. Being born LGBTQ+ is nothing to be ashamed of. I was born bisexual and transgender. There is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. Learn to be proud, even if those around you are putting you down. Love yourself as you are.
Profile: SelfLoveLight
May 27th, 2016 9:07pm
Because it's your preference. Simple as that. Having a preference doesn't mean anything regarding your personality or if you're a good person or not. That's just a preference.
Profile: NobleCat
May 29th, 2016 8:11pm
For a scientific answer, there are biological and environmental factors at work. For example, the hormones you're exposed to as a baby would be an environmental one.
Profile: Panna717
May 29th, 2016 11:11pm
There is no reason that's just how you were born, it's nothing to be ashamed of. Be yourself and surround your self with supporters
Profile: SarahLove
June 1st, 2016 8:32pm
You have your own preferences as a unique human being, that's why! :) Although you could think you were born that way or that you made yourself that way, it's just one more thing that makes you who you are. The reason doesn't much matter. It's just who you are.
June 2nd, 2016 1:41am
It's a natural thing! Not everything can be explained, and sexuality is one of them. You can try 7 cups' guidelines for the LGBTQ+ Hotline.
Profile: Helpfulhedgehog21
June 2nd, 2016 6:39am
Because just like a straight person, it is just how you were born. The fact that you are gay is just one of many things about you.
Profile: TashHereToCare
June 4th, 2016 2:32pm
Being gay is not a flaw. It makes you unique among many people. No one can choose to be gay or not. It is a blessing given by god...
Profile: dancingBeauty97
June 5th, 2016 10:50pm
There's no reason exactly to "why." You love who you love and there's nothing wrong to that. You are amazing the way you are!
June 5th, 2016 4:51am
I am Bi because I like girls and boys. I can be whoever I want to be. Not pretend to not be me. ::::
Profile: MatthewTheMagical
June 8th, 2016 10:54am
You're gay because you have a sexual attraction to men. Nothing wrong with it! being gay is fine!!!.