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Polly Letsch, LCSW
Clinical Social Work/Therapist
I provide non-judgmental, person-centered, objective therapeutic treatment for individuals of all ages to improve social, emotional, mental and other areas of functioning.
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To me, queer is an umbrella term for the LGBTQ+ community. To me, it just means that you fall somewhere on the spectrum of gay, bisexual, pansexual etc. However queer can hold different meanings and connotations for different people. For example, the word queer used to be used as a derogatory slur, like the word 'faggot', because queer also meant 'strange' or 'odd'. However, many in the LGBTQ+ community have now reclaimed the word queer and use it in affection to describe themselves and their LGBTQ+ friends. In fact, some say that the Q in LGBTQ stands for queer, while others say it stands for questioning. Whichever way, queer can mean many things, depending on who you ask, but is generally a term that refers to someone on the LGBTQ spectrum.
While the general definition might include something considered out of the mainstream or odd to the majority, would there really be any definitive answer to that question? Wouldn't everybody, in one way or another, be considered queer or odd by others, at times? ... I'm not so sure there can be one definitive answer to this, as personalities are entirely unique and individual. One person's experience, while similar in some ways to others, cannot possibly be entirely parallel. And would any definition claiming to be as definitive REALLY include all the unique idiosyncrasies that would be all inclusive under the term?
September 14th, 2019 8:58pm
Queer is an umbrella term for sexual and gender minorities who are not heterosexual or cisgender. Originally meaning "strange" or "peculiar", queer came to be used pejoratively against those with same-sex desires or relationships in the late 19th century.The meaning of 'queer' has changed a lot over the past few decades. From being a slur, to being reclaimed by some LGBT people and rejected by others, 'queer' means many different things to many different people. ... Like the word Gay used to mean “happyâ€, queer used to mean “strange†or “differentâ€. Queer is a word that describes sexual and gender identities other than straight and cisgender. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people may all identify with the word queer.
Queer can mean a whole lot of things to different people, but generally queer being the q in lbgtqi+ has a balance of meaning. When one begins to understand that he/she may not be opposite sex attracted, their process can go a whole myriad of different directions. There's a lot of possible denial. For example 'I can't be different to my community, that will make life hard' So one could try convince oneself to not be anything other than heteronormative. Or sometimes when one decides "ok, I am same sex attracted" it could still not fit exactly right, we could be Bi or even come to the conclusion that we aren't actually attracted to anyone. So that process of figuring out who we are could lead a person to label as queer - "im not sure yet but I am definitely not straight." Another meaning of queer can be how we behave irrelevant of our sexuality. I grew up identifying as straight, but was perfectly happy wearing dresses, having long hair, and behaving in non traditional "man" type ways. It had nothing to do with me feeling like a woman or at that stage being attracted to men or women, i just wasn't concerned with sticking with my cultural gender norms. So i could have been labelled a little bit queer. A little bit off the traditional. So one can behave queer. One could label as queer as being in between understanding and conclusion. Or one could label as queer to announce to others that you dont want to be boxed into any of the other labels.
I'm queer, and I think that that experience for me has really been about learning to be myself. There is so much that I hide from the world that I'm able to show when I'm around people in the LGBTQ+ community. It really is a community. I can talk to anyone and they know exactly what I'm going through and are able to offer excellent advice. I bonded with some of my best friends through being able to talk to them about whatever I need, and listening in return. They understand. It's called a community for a reason.
I think that the queer experience is about learning who you are and how to be yourself.
The word queer, is such as huge umbrella term, the word queer to me doesn't have a specific meaning, I mean if you were to look up the word in the dictionary I am sure they would have a definition, but for me, queer is just how I identify, I don't identify with any specific labels, with my gender or my sexuality and romantic preferences, being queer for me is that I am different, I don't like certain people, I like who I like, my gender isn't specific, I feel how I feel, people can identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, non-binary, asexual, anything but the letter q in LGBTQIA+ is there for a reason, for people who don't identify with those other labels, or dont WANT to identify with labels, being queer is being you, and you should always be you.
Do you know the Hufflepuff house from Harry Potter and the Hermes house from Percy Jackson? Being Queer is kind of like being in those two houses. On one hand, you may not know what your identity is yet, but you know you are LGBTQIA+. That is like being in the Hermes house (house of tricksters and travelers) when you first arrive at Camp Half Blood in Percy Jackson. And on the other hand, you may already know you don't quite fit the definitions of any of the other identities and are just sort of your own thing. That is like being in the Hufflepuff house, a house for people who do not quite fit into any of the other houses, at Hogwarts in Harry Potter.
Queer by definition is to be strange or odd, courteous of Google. But in my eyes to be Queer is so much more then that. As a member in the queer community I see it as amazing. It is not strange to me and I get excited when I see someone on the scale. Sure, it is not very seen in my community, some consider it bad, but it is amazing. Queer means to me as confidence. I mean it is hard being different, I know that for a fact and the people in that community can sometimes question even themselves, I know I have. I also see it as strength. I mean you gotta be pretty strong in what you believe in, in order to be you. There is so much more that queer means to me. Queer is stunning and amazing and if you are queer then you are amazing. If you are not and support it, thank you so much, I really appreciate it. Remember this, I would rather be hated for who I am then loved for who I am not, I don't know the author, sorry. You are beautiful and amazing!!
October 26th, 2019 6:27pm
Being queer in my opinion, is anyone who isn’t cisgendered and/or heterosexual, it is anyone who isn’t the average person, who has something different about their sexuality and/or gender. Eg, gay, lesbian, genderqueer, transgender. However some people, particularly the older generation of the lgbtq community may not like being called queer and do not identify with that label which is totally fine, as for years it was used as a slur against our community. So, in short, queer people are anyone that is in the lgbtq community although not everybody identifies with this term, so be respectful of people’s boundaries.
Being queer means being any person in the LQBTQ+ community. You can be gay, lesbian, asexual,trans, or anything from that community and you will be queer.a term predominantly used by the LGBTQ community to stake a contrast from mainstream, heteronormative society.queer is an umbrella term that can be used by anyone under the LGBTQ spectrum. Queer conveys both an orientation and a sense of community. The word queer is sometimes used as a derogatory term but the reclamation of the word is like, ‘This is who I am. We don’t need to be like everyone else; let’s celebrate our differences, and don’t try to put me in any sort of box of who you need me to be because I’ll continuously try to break down the boxes.†It is worth noting that while the word queer is generally celebrated, some LGBTQ folks still prefer to avoid it due to its discriminatory history.
Being queer simply means that you don't follow societal norms, with your gender identity or sexuality. It used to be used as a derogatory term against member of the LGBTQ+ community, but has since been "retaken" by the community. The use of the word Queer by the LGBTQ+ community is often used to show that they don't care if people call them names, and they are proud of who they are. Though it can still be a difficult word to use/hear for some people, it is a word of empowerment for others. If we go back to basics, Queer simply means homosexuality, however it has a much more powerful meaning to so many.
February 26th, 2021 12:30am
Someone that is given the wrong gender at birth, feel attraction to other genders than the opposite gender. Basically the LGBTQ+ community are all queers. It’s an umbrella term used for sexual and gender minorities other than heterosexual and are not cisgender. In the late 19th century, queer was an insult hurled at people in same - sex relationships, and trans genders. Queers original definition meant “strangeâ€, “oddâ€, “peculiarâ€, “bizarreâ€, “unexplainableâ€, “weirdâ€, so to many people it was considered an insult. It’s not commonly used as an insult anymore though, which is great. I hope I explained it well enough.
To be queer means something different for everyone. Growing up as a mixed Belizean/Mexican, homophobia and transphobia are prevalent in all parts of my family. So, to be queer for me means to be unafraid. I have chosen not only to come out, but to speak up against hateful rhetoric when I hear it in my family. To be queer for me means to be an advocate, for myself and the rest of the community. I am happy as a pansexual individual who is completely out. My sister, who is also panssexual, is completely out to my family. We both exist as a paradox but also as advocates.
Queer is a word that describes sexual and gender identities other than straight and cisgender. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people may all identify with the word queer. Queer is sometimes used to express that sexuality and gender can be complicated, change over time, and might not fit neatly into either/or identities, like male or female, gay or straight. Moreover, queer is a word that clarifies that I’m not straight and ties me to the larger queer community, but it doesn’t categorize me as gay. All in all, queer could used to describe an individual who is not heterosexual.
I think that being Queer means knowing that we fit into a "category" of lifestyle that defies a current social norm.
Queer is knowing that there will be some people who, when they discover we life in a way that feels comfortable to us, makes them UNcomfortable.
When asked what Queer means, I always think to myself "other" -- kind of like when you get a multiple choice exam, and none of the given answers will do.
Being Queer is a way of seeing oneself in the world that challenges the status quo, the hierarchy, the patriarchy, and the typical structures that keep our society stuck in a past moment in time.
Well the definition of it is odd or strange. But you shouldn’t really define yourself to be of a person of peculiarity. But in a way it could mean a lot of things. Depending on the context the word is used. So there isn’t really an exact answer I must say cause there could be a lot, depending on opinions. But if someone is queer it doesn’t necessarily mean there an outsider but a person with different tastes. I may not be a person to acquire this answer to its full potential but this is what I have insight on.
November 7th, 2020 12:39pm
In the modern sense, queer is used as an umbrella term for people who either have a non-straight sexual identity, a non-binary or trans gender identity, or a combination of any of those things. It is the ‘Q’ in LGBTQ+.The queer community is the community of people who do not identify as cis and/or hetero.
Queer is a flexible term, which means different things to different people.The queer community is the community of people who do not identify as cis and/or hetero.
Queer is a flexible term, which means different things to different people.The queer community is the community of people who do not identify as cis and/or hetero.
Queer is a flexible term, which means different things to different people.
November 19th, 2020 10:47pm
Queer is an umbrella term often used to describe people who are not heterosexual or cisgender. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people may all identify with the word queer. It also includes intersex, asexual and non-binary people as well as others who are not sure of their sexual or gender identity or they don't want to "put themselves in a box", aka don't want to label themselves but they want to indicate that they are not straight and/or cisgender. Queer is sometimes used to express that sexuality and gender can be complicated, change over time, and might not fit neatly into either/or identities, like male or female, gay or straight.
The term "queer" has a different meaning to everyone. Queer, by definition, is a word meaning eccentric or odd in nature. Queer was used as a slur for the longest time, but now people use this term as an empowering label. In the LGBTQ+ community, "queer" is an umbrella term for any sexuality or gender identity that is not heterosexual or cisgender. I happen to be one of those people that uses queer as an empowering label rather than an offensive slur. I have reclaimed the slur and used it as a term that identifies me with my community. I love being queer, and I wouldn't change my identity for the world. Have pride. Always. ðŸ³ï¸â€ðŸŒˆ
December 13th, 2020 6:13pm
Queer is a word that describes sexual and gender identities other than straight and bisexual. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people may all identify with the word queer. Queer is sometimes used to express that sexuality and gender can be complicated, change over time, and might not fit neatly into either/or identities, like male or female, gay or straight.
The word “queer†has history to it that’s hurtful — “queer†used to be (and sometimes still is) used to put down or disrespect LGBT people. But more and more, people use the word with pride to identify themselves. So don’t call someone “queer†unless you know they’re cool with it. The best thing to do is ask what labels people prefer.
For me, being Queer is a broad term. Basically in the simplest term is to be "not straight." Personally, I use it because I feel like there's so many different labels that I feel like I fit under, but none of them were 100% accurate. Using Queer felt unrestrictive which is why I go by that label. There's a long history behind this term since originally queer meant "weird" or "strange" and was used as a slur against LGBTQIA+ individuals. This is one of the terms being reclaimed by the LGBTQIA+ community. Whether you choose to find a more specific label or go with a broad umbrella term or just not label yourself at all, you are valid!
Being queer means not identifying with what society has dictated as "normal"- being heterosexual and identifying your gender as your sex assigned at birth. Being queer can mean being LGBTQ, identifying with pronouns other than she/her or he/him, or anything you believe it to be! Although the word 'queer' was originally used as an insult and a slur, many members of the LGBTQ community have reclaimed it, and it's meaning is fluid and changes from person to person. While one person might consider it to mean being attracted to the same, none, or multiple genders, another person might think it only refers to nonbinary people or those who don't fall under the binary idea of gender, and yet another person might think it's a combination of the two! All three people would be right! Happy Pride month :))))
September 3rd, 2021 12:33pm
In literal terms, Queer means something which is weird or isn't normal. But nowadays people who don't have those mainstream sexual orientations of being Straight or Cisgender have been using it as an umbrella term for their sexualities. It could be a person who is a member of the LGBTQ+ community.
This term could be used mostly by people who do possess sexual desires towards same genders or different genders at once. The term was first coined during the 19th century and has been used extensively by people showing sexual desires towards their own gender. Many people are now openly accepting their sexualities which is a great start towards a better world
it means to like the people of your same gender and have affection towarsd the same, it is similar to gay people. To Pasciucco, queerness encompasses an intersection of identities. She adds that the term queer indicates an “individual who self-identifies as either Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (also sometimes called “questioningâ€), intersex, and or asexual, aka the LGBTQIA+ community. For Pasciucco herself, she also utilizes the + sign when referring to the queer community, to indicate pangender or pansexual individuals, and even those in alternative relationship communities, such as polyamory, kink, or non-monogamy. so that is the defenition of it
Queer is a word that describes sexual and gender identities other than straight and cisgender. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people may all identify with the word queer. Queer is sometimes used to express that sexuality and gender can be complicated, change over time, and might not fit neatly into either/or identities, like male or female, gay or straight. The word “queer†has history to it that’s hurtful — “queer†used to be (and sometimes still is) used to put down or disrespect LGBT people. But more and more, people use the word with pride to identify themselves. So don’t call someone “queer†unless you know they’re cool with it. The best thing to do is ask what labels people prefer.
June 6th, 2021 2:35pm
Queer is a political identity, for anyone who is not cisgender or straight, it also includes questioning individuals and Intersex individuals, so it's an umbrella term for everyone LGBTQIA+.
It means your sexual orientation, sexual behavior, gender identity, gender expression or biological sex, is a cause of your oppression or you are politically conscious about the systematic oppression and represent your queerness through your vote and political activity.
Personally it is a declaration of your radical acceptance towards everything LGBTQIA+ and their rights, it's a label which unites us. Previously it was used as a slur against us, but we reclaimed it and gave it a positive meaning, It's still highly inappropriate for any cisgender and straight person to use it, only LGBTQIA+ can identify with the label.
To be Queer can be a personal affiliation, unique to ones identity within the spectrum of LGBTQ+. I consider myself queer as a general term to describe my gender & sexuality, It makes it easier for me to not have to go into any specific detail about myself in that regard & also has a personal affiliation to me as a sense of being. In my local LGBTQ+ scene in Australia, people describing themselves as Queer can be a quick identifier of someone who is like me, experiences the same adversities as me & most likely will be a safe person for me to go to.
March 3rd, 2021 5:08pm
Being queer for me means experiencing your sexuality or gender in a way that mainstream society doesn't regard as the default or norm. My queerness is something that I have always felt. I could articulate or understand that it was related to my sexuality but I have always felt different in some way. Queerness can also be linked to a sense of community. The LGBT+ community in my school have been a great support to me in my journey. Unfortunately being queer to me also linked to hating myself and my sexuality as I have internalised much of the bigoted rhetoric I have heard from others and in TV. Whilst this is something I struggle with, I found connecting with my community very healing as well as coming out to important people in my life
March 25th, 2021 4:35am
being queer is being anything but straight, basically. i have a friend who identifies as queer. some days she’s interested in only women. the next she’ll be interested in men and women. it can be a bit of a vague or loose term. i can call myself queer if i’d like. i’m lesbian, so it would fit. the simplest way i can put it would be ‘not straight’. this could be someone like me, who has a certain sexuality. this could also be someone who doesn’t know their sexuality, but knows they aren’t straight. hope that helped you a bit!
To be queer is whatever you want it to be. The word used to be a slur, but it has been largely reclaimed by the 2SLGBTQ+ community and has become an umbrella term for many identities. Not everyone likes this term, identifies with it or uses it, but if you do, that's totally okay! I usually ask the people I'm speaking with if they're comfortable with the term before using it to reference the 2SLGBTQ+ community.
I identify as queer, and for me, it means unsubscribing from the gender binary, cisheteronormativity (the norm of being cisgendered and heterosexual/straight), and mononormativity (the norm of being in monogamous relationships). It is a form of resistance, autonomy, agency and love!
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