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What does it mean if I like the same gender but not sexually. Like I'm a female and I like other females but not sexually. What sexuality is this? Or is it even a sexuality?

Profile: Listeningsarinn
Listeningsarinn on Dec 3, 2019 more
It is a sexual orientation, actually it is kind of sub category which is being biromantic, homoromantic, hetroromantic or etc which in your case is the one we call being homoromantic. To explain it better it can be said that if you don't have sexual attractions in any other gender identities but you are attracted in females emotionally. Then you would be asexual, homoromantic (which is the most common kind of being homoromantic). But you could also be straight or bi+, homoromantic too. Wish you all the bests in every step of your life *-*
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Profile: miraculousForever7367
miraculousForever7367 on Mar 22, 2021 more
Liking peope of same gender not in sexual grounds can come from many other emotions for example out of respect, romantically or as a friend. This can be a part of finding one's sexuality thus one cannot say it makes part of which sexuality but definitely it can be one, such as asexual or bi romantic. Thus, this is normal and one can take time to understand emotions but has to be carefull all the while. Transparency towards other person is most important which telling them about you. And remember loving others is always good, be it anyone... :)
Profile: PranavThePooh
PranavThePooh on Sep 21, 2021 more
It does not need to be a sexuality, it could be a form of love! There are many types of love. Sexual love is just one of them. The Greeks had 7 variations of love - Eros (Romantic), Philia (Friendship), Ludus (Playful, Flirtatious), Storge (Unconditional, familial), Philautia (Self Love), Pragma (Committed, companionship), and Agape (Universal). Since you like other females, but not sexually, you wouldn't have to label it as any sexuality (since there is no sexual attraction). It can just be a form of love, and love has infinite forms :) Could be romantic, platonic, friendship, aesthetic, anything!
Profile: HappinessIsAFirefly
HappinessIsAFirefly on Jan 17, 2022 more
There is a difference between romantic and sexual orientations. Since most people's romantic and sexual orientations align, they can comfortable refer to themselves with just their sexual orientation: heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, etc. However, some people's romantic and sexual orientation do not align, for example, someone who is bisexual and heteroromantic (attracted to both sexes sexually, but romantically attracted to the opposite sex only). So, what's the difference? Sexual orientation refers to the people you want to have sex with. Romantic orientation refers to the people you want to have romantic encounters with: dating, cuddling, kissing, emotional intimacy, etc. In short, yes, you can be a female who likes other females but not sexually. You may be heterosexual (sexually attracted to males, assuming you are) and biromantic (romantically attracted to both, again assuming you are romantically attracted to males).
Profile: AMomentInTime1830
AMomentInTime1830 on Apr 12, 2022 more
I’m not sure if this relates to sexuality. If sexually you are not attracted, but rather just enjoy female friends or company I think in terms of sexuality you would be heterosexual. Maybe thinking about why you are questioning this is the better question. Are you curious or having thoughts regarding your sexuality? Maybe you find more in common with females and find yourself more on the same level… engaged in interactions of meaning? Either are perfectly fine and perfectly normal. Try to listen to yourself, do what feels right for you and the questions will likely answer themselves.
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