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How do I know if I am transgender?

302 Answers
Last Updated: 11/06/2020 at 8:15pm
How do I know if I am transgender?
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Top Rated Answers
Profile: calmWaves10
August 10th, 2015 12:00am
If you feel uncomfortable with your current gender role, you're more than likely transgender, and if you feel you're not aligned with your exact biological sex and your assigned gender at birth.
Profile: LoyalLouie
January 10th, 2016 12:35am
Since gender is all about societal and cultural norms of what is to be considered male or female you can ask yourself some simple questions: How do I feel about these norms? Does my behaviour, style of clothing etc. fit them? I think it's much about how you feel about gender and if you want to express non-concorming. That's at least a very important point for me.
Profile: Reptevia
January 9th, 2016 12:08pm
This is a difficult thing to explain. You know how you feel. I never felt my that I was the right gender growing up, but I also never felt that bone deep need to be the other gender. I was something in between. As I grew older I grew to understand this feeling and its meaning. I found myself relating to those who are gender fluid. I am neither male or female and I both. I think a person can just tell, it is a feeling from inside and only you know it for sure.
Profile: felidaebay
June 20th, 2015 12:27pm
If you find yourself asking “Am I transgender?” more than likely it means you are not feeling aligned with your exact biological sex and your assigned gender at birth. Perhaps you feel some discomfort about your assigned gender at birth and, basically, the assigned gender role expectations that you’re having—your discomfort with that can vary. It can be small, it can be very wide.There is a myriad of different questions you may be asking yourself and it is important to research and explore those questions to make sure you're on track. Just remember! You don’t necessarily have to have a very specific idea of what it means to be transgender. It’s something that branches across a spectrum and exploration of that spectrum is key.
Profile: mountainPass10
January 28th, 2016 1:52am
i identify as agender and I found out by truly thinking deeply about what gender pronouns I feel most comfortable with and how I want to be viewed by not only others but by myself
Profile: brilliantPudding22
December 11th, 2015 10:21pm
If you don't fit general societal standards of gender identity, you're a transgender. For example if you're a female who has a penis.
Profile: Gardeviola
November 7th, 2014 3:52pm
Well, do you feel like you are the gender that isn't what's in your pants all the time? Then you are transgender. Do you only feel like this some one the time? You are probably fluid. Do you feel like neither gender? You are non-conforming, agender, or some other form.
Profile: BigSweatersAndHotChoc
June 20th, 2015 4:56pm
To be transgender you have to have dysphoria. This means that you have a strong hatred for certain sex-defining parts of your body (breasts, genetalia, body hair etc.) because you feel you should have been born without them. This may only be for one feature (e.g you hate having a penis but like your beard) or for all of them. Some transgender people even fail to recognize these parts (forget they are biologically fe/male Remember that being transgender isn't a choice; if you know you don't like a certain feature of yourself, ask yourself why. Are you a trans guy or do you just hate how big your breasts are? Would you want them off entirely or just reduced? Do you dislike your squared shoulders because they you hate how masculine they make you appear or because they feel disproportionate to the rest of your body? If the answer is the latter, with your dislike for these characteristics being more aesthetic aesthetic, you're probably not transgendered. It is a very personal question that only you can answer.
Profile: DanielaJoyful
July 17th, 2015 11:01pm
For each person there are 2 kinds of genders. The one you see in your pants and the one you believe in your heart. Sometimes they match. Other times people need to correct their physical body in order to match how they feel they should be. Sometimes your physical body has male sex organs, but you feel like you aren't a male. Maybe you're female instead, or maybe you feel both genders or even no gender at all. Sometimes your body tells you you're female but in your head you don't feel like a female. It's possible to feel like a male, both genders, or neither gender at all. It's all how you feel. What ever body you would be comfortable in is what you should be.
Profile: kurotenshii
July 9th, 2015 4:33pm
You will feel like your gender inside doesn't reflect the gender you were born as. You will usually have the opposite gendera characteristics and will tend to be considered different when compared to others of your same gender. Talking to a counselor or therapist can help you understand these thoughts and feelings.
April 15th, 2018 8:51pm
Discovering who you are is a long process and you may not get it for a while. Generally if you feel uncomfortable with you gender and it doesnt feel right OR you feel extremally happy when associated with another gender, you could be trans! Good luck discovering yourself and make sure to be patient!
Profile: Jake
June 30th, 2015 9:00pm
There is no answer that can fit for everyone, but I will give you a bit more information. Being trans* can mean a lot of different things. Most often those who are trans* do not feel that their biological sex matches up with their gender. You can find more information on trans* and gender identity topics here:
Profile: TomorrowsFaith
January 13th, 2016 5:00am
Often when you know you are transgender is if you feel increasingly uncomfortable in the body you were born in ( Say you were born female, you'd feel male, vice versa for being born male ). You often feel unsure of who you are, and being called by he / she depending on bodily gender, makes you feel wrong. Sometimes it can be seen as just simple feeling male at times, or female at times, but most transgender people will have Dysphoria, the literal meaning being; a state of uneasiness or generalized dissatisfaction with life.
Profile: kindDreamer93
January 10th, 2016 1:47pm
You can find out by exploring who you are, try looking at articles, videos and blogs, you will know it deep inside once you found it.
August 18th, 2017 9:25pm
No one can tell us whom or what we are, It's something we have to discover for ourselves. The best way to work this out is with the professional guidance of a Gender Therapist. Gender Therapists(GT) specialize in Helping us figure out if were Transgendered. Then if WE decide we are and wish to transition, our GT helps us with every phase of that and beyond. A good Gender Therapist is our best and most useful resource, and I Treasure mine. :)
Profile: AlexCaresAboutYou
August 19th, 2017 7:48pm
Figuring out your gender identity is a very personal experience, so there's no one surefire way to know if you're transgender. For me, realizing that I'm transgender was a process, but there were some things that helped. Going on YouTube and listening to other trans people's experiences to see how much I related to them definitely helped, as did being able to find a few people who would let me experiment with my name, pronouns, and gender presentation around them to find what felt right, But like I said before, it's a very personal journey and something everyone needs to figure out for themselves
July 3rd, 2015 10:15pm
If you were born a male (sexually), but you feel like a women you are transgender. If you were born a female (sexually), but feel like a man you are transgender. Things like sex changes, hormone treatments, or anything really is just part of it. You can do nothing about it and you will still be transgender.
Profile: ElliesLight
June 19th, 2015 12:58am
Being transgender only means that you do not obey the social construct of your given gender. It notably has nothing to do with your body (That would be transsexual). You are transgender when you decide that you do not feel fully comfortable with your birth given gender. Many transgender folk will alter their appearance non-surgically (ex: with chest binders or different hair styles), ask for different pronouns than what they were given, or - shocking to many - do nothing at all.
Profile: Spn2001
December 18th, 2016 3:29am
This can be different for different people but I would say you never truly know. Transgender is an umbrella term and literally means that you do not identify with your birth given sex, gender in a spectrum and therefore you can be trans gender and not necessarily feel 100% like the opposite gender. Transgender is not just mtf and ftm. If you're not sure if you are or are not transgender, then you probably are maybe not identifying as the opposite gender but somewhere on the scale. maybe try dressing as the opposite gender for a month, have people use different pronouns for you and see how it makes you feel, experiment with gender rolls.
Profile: Kenai
September 30th, 2016 4:21am
That's something that a counselor or therapist specializing in gender identity might really help with!
March 31st, 2018 8:36pm
If you feel as though you are not in the right body. Like the person you are in the mirror is not the person you feel you should be.
Profile: PhoenixMozza
May 8th, 2015 12:56pm
This is a question only you can answer. If you feel like you're not the gender you were assigned at birth, you may be transgender, however a lot of people, specially people of non binary genders feel the word transgender doesn't truly describe them, and choose not to go by it, and that's completely fine as well, and doesn't invalidate any gender
Profile: Fireflies57
September 11th, 2016 6:15am
You are the best judge of you. If you feel like you are trapped in the wrong body, then you might be. In the end, only you can decide, and whatever you do decide, there are people who are willing to help!
Profile: SpiritOasis
June 19th, 2015 2:59am
To know you are transgender is to know that your biological and your emotional as well as psychological state are not compatible. Like oil and water, your body is not in tune with your mind and feelings.
Profile: PileOfRubbles
June 19th, 2015 7:33pm
You don't. I guess you have to feel it. How do i know i exist. I don't but i do feel alive. So... if you are sure of your feelings trust them
Profile: MusicalVision
August 16th, 2015 8:20pm
Well, that question can be answered only by you. Do you feel like being transgender? Are you comfortable being one? Are you questioning your gender identity? Try to explore yourself and you'd know the answer. Good luck sweetie
Profile: Maxwallride
August 16th, 2015 11:35am
Discovering that you are transgender can be a very confusing and challenging time. Someone that is transgender will feel like their gender does not match the body that they were born into. For example, if a transgender person was assigned female at birth, they will feel like they are not a female and instead are male, or nonbinary. They may feel that what they see in the mirror does not match who they really are on the inside and might feel very distressed over this. They may be uncomfortable being called by their birth name and when people use she/her/hers pronouns when referring to them. They may want to transition towards being the gender they feel they really are. This means that they may take steps towards changing their appearance, name, pronouns, and other aspects of their life. A female who feels like they are male may feel a lot better by binding their chest, adopting a male or gender neutral name, and asking people to refer to them using he/him/his pronouns. If someone has a feeling they may be transgender, it may be helpful for them to talk to a healthcare professional who works with transgender people, and read about the experiences of others. It could also be beneficial to experiment identifying with the gender they believe they are.
Profile: LadySkeleton
July 21st, 2017 5:47am
There's a very simple way to tell. Imagine if there is a pill. If you take the pill, it can automatically change you body into that of your preferred gender with no repercussions. But no matter what you will never be able to change back to the sex you were beforehand. Would you take the pill? For myself, the answer was an immediate yes. That's how I knew, there wasn't any doubt in my mind that I would take the pill.
Profile: BodawayHonaw
January 3rd, 2015 12:13am
Basically being Transgender means feeling as if you don't belong in the body you where born with. You dont feel as if your gender role is one you fulfill. There are many online resources that could go more in depth. If you would like feel free to contact me.
Profile: KendallNichole
December 30th, 2014 5:20am
"Here are some questions you can ask yourself to help with figuring out your gender identity: Do you think the gender you were assigned restricts the way you live or the things that you do? What about the clothes you wear? Was the gender assigned to you the one you feel most comfortable with? What is gender? What makes a woman a woman or a man a man? Do you feel forced to act in certain ways because of your gender?" You can read more about this on (