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Can I be attracted to a gender but not in a sexual way? Like I want to be with them but not have sex with them?

Profile: lovecathy
lovecathy on Apr 26, 2015 more
Yes, of course you can. A common misconception is that there are things you can't feel when it comes to your sexual orientation or your relationships with others. Asexuality, for example, does not mean an absence of romantic interest in others, just the absence of a sexual one. Of course you can also like one gender sexually and the other romantically, or both romantically and only one sexually, and so on. The list is long.
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Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jan 11, 2015 more
Yes, there are differenttypes of attraction besides sexual attraction. It is very possible you might be experiencing one of those other attractions towards that gender. Some other attractions you can experience are: romantic attraction (wanting to do romantic things with them), aestethic attraction (appreciating the way they look as you would admire a sunset), sensual attraction (more related to your senses, like cuddling and touching)...A great and simply way an awesome listener called Erynn showed me to visualized this attractions is through a drawing made by a tumblr user (here: ).
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jun 23, 2015 more
yeah, thats what happen when we make friends. we want to be with them but not make out with them. but sometimes we emotionally attach our self with this person so much that we want to spend our lives with them, want them closer to us and get emotially attach to them.......not physically.....
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Apr 16, 2015 more
Yep! some people don't experience sexual attraction and a label for that is Asexual. Now, Sexual attraction and Romantic attraction are two separate things (not many people realise this) There are endless combinations of this people can be asexual and homo-romantic, Bisexual and Aromantic (aromantic is not feeling romantic attraction), graysexual and heteromantic...the list goes on.
Profile: LucidRain
LucidRain on Jun 22, 2015 more
This is perfectly normal. Romantic and sexual orientations can be seperate. It is definitely possible for someone to be romantically attracted to a gender they are not sexually attracted to.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Apr 26, 2015 more
Yep, that's romantic love. It's lot like what you descibed, wanting a relationship but not necessarily for the sex or because of physical attraction. There's sexual and romantic love, and we can feel them exclusively for no gender, one, or multiple. We can also experience them separately, eg. Liking women but wanting to get into a guy's pants. There more online if you're curious. Good luck with any and all of your relationships.
Profile: PhoenixMozza
PhoenixMozza on May 8, 2015 more
there are different types of attraction, to list a few: sexual attraction, romantic attraction, aesthetic attraction and sensual attraction. Sexual is when you feel attracted to someone in a sexual way, and romantic when you feel attracted in a romantic way, and while these two types of attraction come together a lot of the time, some times they don't. Aesthetic attraction is when you're attracted to someone's looks but not necessarily in a sexual way, and sensual attraction has to do with the senses (wanting to touch, smell, see, etc a person)... so yes, you can
Profile: QuidditchWitch
QuidditchWitch on Dec 22, 2015 more
Yes, and these feelings may change as you develop relationships with individuals within that gender. You love a person, not their gender segregation, and this love will more than likely develop into a sexual love. It's like saying you don't like all chocolate because you're not keen on Turkish delight, you know?
Profile: AllTheCucumbers
AllTheCucumbers on Feb 16, 2015 more
Of course. This is called asexuality, but some asexual people are still interested in developing romantic relationships with other. Asexuality is completely normal and healthy variant of human sexuality. As any other sexual orientation, it cannot and does not need to be changed. If you'd like to know more, this site may help:
Profile: Mac21
Mac21 on May 3, 2015 more
Definitely! Some people are attracted to people in a romantic way but not a sexual way and that's normal for them! It doesn't mean that you're strange or weird or anything like that!
Profile: GoldenDragonEyes60
GoldenDragonEyes60 on Apr 30, 2015 more
That's a perfectly normal feeling that many people experience in life. It's alright to want closeness with someone without feeling the need for a sexual bond.
Profile: usefulPassion85
usefulPassion85 on Nov 7, 2016 more
Absolutely. Sexual orientation and romantic orientation are not always the same. For example, you might identify as male, be sexually attracted only to females, but be romantically attracted to all genders. If you want to claim a label for that, you would be a heterosexual, panromantic male in this particular example.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Aug 5, 2015 more
Yes! There are several different types of attraction. Sexual attraction, in which you feel you want to partake in sexual activities with a particular person, is just one type, and not everyone experiences it. There's also a romantic version of it, a platonic version (like a friend crush), an aesthetic version (where you really admire someone's appearance), and more. If these terms don't quite explain what you're feeling, there may be other attraction types that explain it better, or maybe it's time to make up a new word! Just remember it's the language that hasn't caught up to you, yet. There's nothing wrong, invalid, or broken about you or how you feel.
Profile: novastardust
novastardust on Feb 27, 2018 more
Absolutely! This would be classified as romantic attraction. People sometimes find it helpful to identify with a romantic orientation label that's different from the one they use for their sexuality (ex: biromantic asexual). You might want to look into that if you feel like you're attracted to a gender romantically but not sexually :). more
yes you can for example im a panromantic asexual meaning i cam fall in love with people but not in a sexual way
Profile: maxh
maxh on May 23, 2015 more
Yes! Romantic attraction often correlates with sexual attraction, but not always. The genders one feels sexually attracted to sometimes have no overlap with the genders one feels romantically attracted to.
Profile: Aayla
Aayla on Jul 17, 2018
LGBTQ+ Issues Expert more
Yes. Sexual orientation and romantic orientation don't always coincide: one may have romantic feelings for someone even without being attracted to them in a sexual way, or viceversa. A man that is sexually attracted to both men and women but only falls in love with women, for example, would identify as a heteroromantic bisexual. There can be many different combinations, and you can identify as hetero/homo/bi...romantic and hetero/homo/bi...sexual according to what you feel.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jan 13, 2015 more
Of course you can! That is called romantic attraction, and is something different from sexual orientation altogether. For example, I identify as an asexual panromantic, which means I don't really want to have sex no matter what, but I'm able to form a romantic relationship with people regardless of gender. As you can see, the two are entirely separate. Hope I helped!
Profile: trisjlistens
trisjlistens on Jul 28, 2015 more
Yes, of course that's perfectly fine. And I also think that is a good kind of attraction for you are using your heart and not your mind or your desires. :)
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Oct 31, 2015 more
Yes, of course. You could be asexual if you find yourself not having any sexual feeling for anyone, but let's say you are attracted to both females and males, and not sexually but just romantically, you are most likely biromantic
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