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How do I know if I'm gay, lesbian, or bisexual?

Profile: WangSejabin
WangSejabin on Jun 19, 2015 more
If you feel repulsion for or even just disinterest in the opposite sex, you might be gay/lesbian. If kissing both boys and girls is equally exciting, you might be bisexual. It is something you figure out for yourself. No need to rush
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Profile: VickieLynn
VickieLynn on Jun 20, 2015 more
I personally am straight. But I have gone through the dilemma of trying to find out what sexuality I was. I feel that whatever you are drawn too is what is right for you. Nothing wrong with being different :)
Profile: RiverStone
RiverStone on Jun 20, 2015 more
More times than not, if you look at someone of the same sex and something inside of you finds that person attractive, you may be something other than straight. If you find yourself focusing on a celebrity that is the same sex as you, that could definitely be an indicator. When I was younger, I thought my fascination with certain celebrities was just me being a fan of their music or acting. No. Turns out they were crushes. Look at some pictures of those people, do you find yourself attracted to them?
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jun 20, 2015 more
You just knoww it, but maybe you dont want to accept the fact that you are not as your parents want you to be, as the world want you to be. But, you are who you are, and thats the best thing you can do for yourself, be you.
Profile: brirose23
brirose23 on Jun 20, 2015 more
You will know because you will have an attraction, whether is be sexual or romantic, to that gender.
Profile: gradientaesthetic
gradientaesthetic on Jun 24, 2015 more
You feel attracted to members of your same sex, or, in the case of bisexual, by your same sex and the opposite gender, or even more, as there aren't two genders only. You have to understand what's sexual attraction in the first place, and learn to differ it from romantic attraction. more
you just know. dont worry about the labels too much, focus on how you feel and what you look for in a partner.
Profile: XanrikTheHighblood
XanrikTheHighblood on Jun 24, 2015 more
Are you attracted to any other sex out of the opposite of yours? If yes then you are at least Bisexual
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jun 25, 2015 more
Do you like guys, girls, or both. Its often hard to decide but overall it doesn't matter. You like whoever you like and thats okay!
Profile: caringParadise45
caringParadise45 on Jun 25, 2015 more
It has to come from your gut basically. The expert on you is you and is completly normal to feel attraction whether is the normative one or not. Human sexuality is a full gray scale there is not a black and white. Talk to others that you really trust and start navigating the path of finding yourself and knowing where you feel comfortable
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jun 25, 2015 more
You can't really know I do suppose. But if you love someone if you are male to male, female to female or male to female it doesn't matter because love is love. That also applies to the pansexual community.
Profile: amiableAmy
amiableAmy on Jun 25, 2015 more
First, know that you need not put a label on your sexual identity if you don't want to. Sometimes we can feel that a single word does not accurately reflect our feelings, and that's okay because sexuality can be very complex for many people. You never owe anyone an explanation for sexuality. But if you're looking to identify your own sexuality in order to gain a better understanding of yourself, & you feel that you can articulate it with conventional labels, then that's a perfectly good thing to do. When trying to label out your own sexual preferences, first look at your own gender, then look at the genders of people you find yourself attracted to both sexually & romantically. Then compare it to the definitions for these labels (you can use this glossary as a jumping off point: Importantly, remember that sexuality can be fluid, it can change & develop through experiences e.g. you can identify as bisexual but have a stronger preference for men over women. Just because you select one label now doesn't mean you can't change it after new self-discovery.
Profile: Braveryxx
Braveryxx on Jun 26, 2015 more
There are four types of attraction. There is sexual attraction, the most referred to, romantic attraction, sensual attraction, and aesthetic attraction. Sensual refers to your senses, and aesthetic refers to what you find pretty. Like, flowers, for example. What a lot of people don't know is that you can have different orientations for each attraction. You can be straight, for example, when finding people 'hot', but find that you are homosexual when looking for a romantic relationship. So I suppose you should ask yourself, 'what gender do I find sexually attractive?' And then, 'what gender do I want to be in a romantic relationship with?' Remember that sexuality can also be fluid. Meaning that it can change from one sexual orientation to another. This does not make it invalid, or a phase. In short, sexual orientation is very complicated, but the only person who can really answer the question is yourself. You are the person who knows yourself best.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jun 27, 2015 more
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jul 2, 2015 more
It depends on how you feel for others. If you have feelings for another person who happens to be the same gender, then you might be. Just be okay with who you are and realize that if you are gay, lesian, or bisexual, you are a great person.
Profile: pinnk
pinnk on Jul 2, 2015 more
You are whatever you feel you are if you feel like you like girls and you're a girl you might be a lesbian if you're a boy and you like boys you might be gay don't limit yourself like that you're what you're
Profile: optimisticKoala39
optimisticKoala39 on Jul 2, 2015 more
Well sexuality lies on a spectrum, it is not all black and white but a rather gray area. I would say to look at your previous romantic interest. Look at your previous sexual behavior or desires. And try to discern a pattern of behavior.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jul 3, 2015 more
A male who is only attracted to other males is classified as gay. A female who is only attracted to other females is classified as lesbian. A male or female who is attracted to both male and female is bisexual.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jul 8, 2015 more
It is just something you know. Like you know if you like eggs or not. This is coming from a lesbian and a genderfuid person. It's not something you suddenly become, it is something you were born as. Sure when you hit puberty and those "feelings" come into you and you get confused don't stress, it happens to all of us, even some straight people. Just take life as it comes. You love who you love :)
Profile: handtohold
handtohold on Jul 22, 2015 more
I don't think it matters if you know the categorization of your sexual orientation. You feel what you feel - I think it's fine to just take every person as they come - am I attracted to them? Would I like a relationship with them? Would I like to have sex with them? Could I forge a meaningful connection platonic or otherwise? However if it does make you more comfortable to give yourself a title or group or category to be apart of - there are many methods of doing so. I would suggest you check out some of the videos on sexuality on the YouTube channel "sexplanations" x
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