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Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jul 25, 2018 more
well many way at first dont stay alone, share your feeling with your friend and family , take your time to be sad , accept your feelings , forgive , let it go , build your life and care about yourself , dont use alcohol to deal with sadness , make your lose motivation to do something good in life .
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Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jun 5, 2018 more
Talk to someone about it and preferably something that is going through or has went through the same thing.
Profile: Rebekah
Rebekah on Dec 17, 2019 more
Grief is hard to deal with; there is no right or wrong way to cope with it, as it effects each of us differently. Sometimes, it's easy to cry it all out, and spend time away from others as you mourn the loss. However, others decide to spend all of their time with loved ones, and to talk about their deceased loved one with fond memories - each person takes it in different ways, and I cannot emphasise enough that there is no right or wrong way. Some ways are healthier than others, but with time, you should be able to see which way works best for you, be it bottling up your grief and carrying on (not the best way) or talking about the pain/suffering that you're experiencing: you'll find your own path eventually.
Profile: EnchantingPillow
EnchantingPillow on Mar 29, 2022 more
Acceptance. Acceptance is the first step to cope with grief. Accepting that your loved one is gone forever is very hard and only people who have gone through a similar situation can understand and sympathize with you. Reminiscing good memories you spent with your loved one who passed away also helps. It works as a distraction when you are in denial of your loved one passing away. It also helps so that you are not too immersed in the sadness of losing them. This way, you will feel like your loved one is still alive within your memories. I understand that even though coping with grief is very hard, but we should remember that even though our loved one has passed away from this world, they will always remain within our memories and hearts.
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