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Profile: theflyingtoaster
theflyingtoaster on Sep 15, 2015 more
I think everyone wonders what is going to happen, and why we are here, and what our purpose is. All I have to say is, is going to get better. Everything is going to work out, and don't worry.
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Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Sep 21, 2016 more
I quote, "We do not fear the unknown. We fear what we think about the unknown." So maybe, just maybe, you're stressed because you have this idea of what's going to happen. I've been there, and I can tell you, it's not as bad as you think. It's okay, and you're going to be fine, just like the star you were meant to be.
Profile: Chevy81
Chevy81 on Aug 17, 2015 more
Future might be very scary because we'll never know what might be happen there. Spending some time to thinking about future might be helpful to arrange our plans to work on, but overly thinking about future might drain a lot of our energy that should be used to work on our plans. Overly thinking about the future could affect our sleeping pattern, too. Try to relax our mind before going to sleep might help. Doing meditations, reading non-intense books, listening to soothing musics, taking a warm bath while sipping a cup or maybe 7 cups of warm tea (well, I guess 7 cups are bit too many XD)
Profile: HealingLotus
HealingLotus on May 6, 2015 more
You feel stressed about your future, because your future is important to you, you care about your future. Also you don't trust that everything will be ok and work out alright. It's called "not trusting the process/journey" of life.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Feb 16, 2016 more
To be fair , life is pretty stressful. And people are always making it harder on you whether its parents , friend or teachers. But I can assure you that you will make it. I believe in you
Profile: Heart2Heal
Heart2Heal on Sep 8, 2015 more
Usually because the future is the unknown. There are some expectations that you have on yourself and expectations from others (family, friends, societies) that shapes our judgement and perception in life. The thought of failing or not meeting the expectation can easily make one stress further of their future instead of looking at the present and creating their own future.
Profile: lovepassion
lovepassion on Mar 31, 2015 more
People are always stressed about the unknown, and the future being just that. You need to put faith in yourself that you will be OK. Work toward your future everyday, and that way you will feel confident that it will be a good one.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Oct 27, 2015 more
Waking up worried shows that your mature- your giving tings a thought and thats great! You may be nervous, anxious or something but your looking ahead- so what if people call you a worry wart or something? Your looking towards the light of tomorrow for a reason and you should smile about it and run towards it
Profile: Carolina79123
Carolina79123 on Jan 5, 2016 more
Fear of future is a normal thing. Everyone is afraid of a future in some point of life. However, if this happens every day, it's not a good sign. You need to know why you're afraid of a future. But remember, that the future is right now and that there's a solution for everything :)
Profile: cuddlyBerry82
cuddlyBerry82 on Jul 19, 2016 more
You would wake up stressed about your future if you are ambitious. Being ambitious is a good thing, but over thinking and worrying about it will not help. Make plans and schedules to effectively achieve and succeed in the future.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Nov 28, 2017 more
We are so compelled to wanting to do well, that we constantly question whether what we are doing now is enough to create the Person we ought to be in future. We question whether or not we are going to be successful or not, and this is the very act that leads to endless days of stress.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jun 26, 2018 more
Because you aren't putting the plan to get there into action if you were you'd be bust working and not stressing.
Profile: frostyMoon72
frostyMoon72 on Apr 6, 2015 more
Anxiety is a real kicker and it is very easy to worry about something you have no idea about like the future where there are so many possibilities
Profile: aremedy4memory
aremedy4memory on May 16, 2015 more
possible family or general anxiety about the meaning of life and what you want to do
Profile: DipityEnigma
DipityEnigma on Jul 14, 2015 more
Because the future holds so many possibilities and it often seems like our present situations can dictate our future. We fail to realise that we have more control over our future than we are lead to believe.
Profile: 1IKnowHowYoufeel1
1IKnowHowYoufeel1 on Sep 14, 2015 more
I have ADHD and I am in all honors ect. classes, yet I sometimes fail and I worry that I will not be able to make up my classes and I won't graduate.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Oct 26, 2015 more
I used to have this problem as well. Every morning I thought about the bad things that could happen in future but I understood that it just became aa bad habit for me and was because of boring unexciting life.Bringing fresh new goodexperiences in your life may change your views.
Profile: olimaar
olimaar on Oct 27, 2015 more
You're nervous about what could happen. You've heard of all the unfortunate outcomes and you're afraid of what could happen.
Profile: gingerfluff
gingerfluff on Mar 7, 2016 more
Because you haven't made the conscious decision to live in the present yet. I like this quote: "If you want to conquer the anxiety of life, live in the moment, live in the breath."
Profile: StayPositiveFriend
StayPositiveFriend on Sep 12, 2016 more
The future is a scary place because it is filled with unknowns. If it makes you feel stressed then try not to focus on too many things at once. Analyse the different things you are concerned about and focus on each one individually. Once you have identified a concern think about where would you want this situation to be to make you feel happy about it instead of stressed. When you have a destination you can then find the steps needed to get there. Write all of this down as a list of solutions to the problems that are making you feel stressed. Having a list of solutions rather than a head full of problems should be a lot less stressful!
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