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Why do you think people are content to wallow in self-pity when the release of forgiveness is available?

Profile: Candid0211
Candid0211 on Jan 30, 2018 more
Because forgiveness implies action. Once forgiven one tends to look for ways to move on and take action towards future. Self pity on the other hand is a safe zone. There is no need for action all misfortunes can be assigned to a blame and person can easily obliviate the need to do something about the situation. In short it's comfortable.
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Profile: glowingHug2732
glowingHug2732 on Apr 13, 2020 more
Hello I think because self-pity can offer a false sense of security, which in turn blinds the possibility of forgiveness. Personally, I sometimes get upset and feel sorry for myself too, rather than choosing forgiveness. Therefore, I can empathize with you on the reality of this question. Sometimes one can get upset that their feelings obstruct reason and mercy. In response, it is important to understand that wallowing in self-pity is quite normal, as human beings are flawed beings. It is ok to feel sorry for oneself because each and every circumstance is valid. Could you tell me more as to why you think this question? What are you feeling or going through when asking this question?
Profile: endearingLion70
endearingLion70 on May 29, 2018 more
Forgiveness is difficult, self-pity is east. Most people will choose the easy way over the difficult one
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jul 23, 2018 more
People have different ways of coping with certain things. The mind is a wonderful device; everyone's brains is different and it processes the same issues and problems differently depending on the individual.
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