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Why do parents think they know everything?

118 Answers
Last Updated: 01/03/2022 at 11:11pm
Perfect therapy for people who need help. I would like to say, I never can imagine it could be possible to heal people like that
Ta Tania
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Anna Pavia, psicologa psicoterapeuta psychotherapist psychologist counselor

Licensed Professional Counselor

I feel my work as my personal mission and I love it. My work with clients is nonjudgmental, supportive. I am a very good listener. I use several approaches. Amo il mio lavoro.

Top Rated Answers
January 22nd, 2016 10:46am
I think if you think your parents know everything, that in some way you feel controlled by them. They aren't quite letting be yourself. They are not letting you make your own mistakes and that's a difficult thing, because mistakes are learning experiences. And our experience is what makes us a person and if you are not allowed learning experiences, how can you ever be the person you want to be. So I see why you are struggling with this. Because it is painful when you can't be yourself. It is painful to feel controlled. Parents might think they know everything, but you know everything about you.
April 22nd, 2016 4:29pm
Some people believe that the older you are the more you know. This, however, is not usually true. There are rather a lot of ignorant old people out there. Everyone can not know everything. One person might know one thing while another might know another. And just because the other is younger the older one will refuse to believe them because 'they are young and do not know what they are talking about'.
January 28th, 2016 6:12pm
As a child, I am qualified to answer this. Also as a parent I am qualified to answer this. Then, again, as a grandparent, I believe I have the qualifications to answer this. Which one would you prefer to hear from? As a child, I didn't like to listen to advice my parents gave me, because I wanted to explore the world on my own. As I aged I saw the wisdom and value of listening to my elders, because many have been through the same things I was and did. Either that, or they had first hand knowledge of a given situation. Having children of my own made me realize that everything I took for granted that my parents tried to educate me or correct me on I was now dealing with with my own children. As a grandparent, I now get to see my own offspring run the same course. Parents will always know more than their children do. This does not necessarily mean book smarts, but rather it means life experience. The reason this is true, is for the simple fact that parents have had much more practice at real life than children. This by it's very nature make a parent more qualified in the practical sense of the matter. Life is simply about the stages of development. While infants crawl and teens run, adults learn to pace themselves. Most adults who are parents have learned it is how fast you run the race that life seems to be when youth is in full bloom. No, rather, it is the manner in which you tackle the hurdles that give you the bumps and bruises that teach you to have respect for the challenge that life more often than not, is.
January 15th, 2016 5:26pm
Because they're your parents, they want to seem superior to you. I've been there trust me. Just remember that they were kids once to so they aren't completely blind. Once you move out you won't have to deal with it as much
January 17th, 2016 5:51am
As I read the question, I couldn't help but chuckle. Many parents think they know everything, but isn't the same true of toddlers, teenagers, young adults, and even grandparents? The reason that people, in general, think they know everything is that it is an intrinsic human trait. Survival is not only where you get your next meal, it is also your perception of the world and what you think is right. Everyone thinks they know everything, and everyone is wrong. That is one of the most freeing thoughts I have.
April 21st, 2016 11:55am
Maybe they don't and they pretend to know everything. Let them think they do, they themselves will eventually realise how much do they don't know. You opposing them will only make them pretend more as a defense. And it's not like they don't know anything, they do know some things but yeah not everything.
Anonymous - Expert in Family Stress
February 9th, 2016 10:12pm
No one knows everything, however your parents may believe that they are more qualified to make decisions because they have more experience. This doesn't necessarily mean they are correct. Sometimes people are blind to their mistakes or flaws.
November 4th, 2017 3:11pm
It probably because their parents did this. They shouldn't be acting like this. I see a lot of the other answers supporting the parent's side but most of the biggest issues and new discoveries occur now. It is why most parents are homophobic and racist. If something happens now, they do no believe it's true, because it didn't happen in their time. I once showed the monty hall riddle to my dad and he dismissed it as fake simply because he didn't understand it.
January 27th, 2016 7:51pm
Ha! This is an excellent question! I ask myself this question everyday. Why? Okay. This is what I think: Because they believe they've been through it all; every experience, every heartache every form of emotion and as a result they want to protect us (their children) from the feelings they've experienced. They can do this in a rather bossy way, mind you, because sometimes they seem to not know how to express themselves effectively but I think they try. Thing is, what they fail to understand, is that although we are their kids, we are all different individuals and would in fact handle things differently. Remember this though; it is their natural instinct to protect us. So the most we can do as their children is try to understand.
January 13th, 2016 9:05pm
Parents only think that because they have lived longer than you and been through alot and dont want you to go through the same.
March 28th, 2016 2:40am
Parents think they know everything because they've spent more time on this planet than their children, they generally think they've lived through it all.
January 27th, 2016 11:43pm
They think so because according they too have gone through the life-cycle that we are going like from being a kid to growing teen n then mature , but they never tries to understand this generation and technology gap that has actually being created.
January 17th, 2016 7:14pm
Because they just want to look out for you and protect you (even though what they probably think is wrong ;-) )
January 14th, 2016 6:00am
They only want the best for you, they were there from your first moments of light and will be there for you indefinitely, we are all faced with hard decisions, seeing a child grow up is hard for a parent, just be patient and love the time you spend with them !
February 14th, 2016 6:05am
They don't necessarily know everything. They have just experienced more situations that they have learned from.
February 17th, 2016 12:52am
Parents think they know everything because they are older and have experienced more in their lives then their children.
April 16th, 2016 3:44am
Parents think they know everything because they think they have all the answers and solutions toward that person's problems and struggles they may have.
March 27th, 2016 5:49pm
Because parents are much older, they've gone through a lot more. They try to use their limited experience and their biases to guide us towards what they think is right. A lot of the time, however, it isn't. At the end of the day, it's always important to respect and to consider what they're saying- but only you can make your decisions.
March 27th, 2016 7:18am
Because they know that they've been in your situations once and most parents don't want to have you, their kid, to repeat the same mistake as they did in the past when dealing with the same situation.
March 23rd, 2016 11:10am
Sometimes parents advice us on what to do because they do have so much more experience than us! We should take time to listen to what they have to say too, instead of assuming that they are not right. :)
March 18th, 2016 11:45am
Parents always want to act like protectors and guides, using their experience as the answer to all of the things their children encounter in life. Sometimes that's true and their knowledge saves the day, but each generation lives in a different world and faces different challenges. It's hard for parents to assume that.
March 4th, 2016 11:52pm
They lived their life, and they're trying to warn their kids about the mistakes they have made to keep their kids from making the same ones.
March 24th, 2016 5:23pm
because they are older than you and are raising you. they think they know whats best for you and just want to love you at the end of the day
February 25th, 2016 6:24am
Your parents were your age once, and have experienced your same issues. They want to keep you from making the same mistakes they did, as well as provide you with a better childhood than they had. They speak from experience, and wish to help you with their knowledge.
March 20th, 2016 8:33pm
because they are parents and they were child too some year before n they too hv such parents who thinks the same
March 20th, 2016 8:14pm
Because they have lived, made mistakes and learnt from them, good and bad. It can be frustating, but more often than not, it comes from a good place
March 20th, 2016 2:53pm
Parents generally want what's best for their kids. Therefore if you try to go and do anything that may end badly our has ended badly for them in the past, they will attempt to stop you.
March 20th, 2016 12:31am
I think because parents are older and have been through the same things that we're going through now, they believe they have all the answers, and that you'll get through everything just the way they did. In a way I guess they don't expect you to be born with the knowledge, and feel obligated to be there for you every step of the way because they love you.
March 13th, 2016 8:26am
It could be for different reasons. Perhaps they want to be controlling over you, perhaps they think you're too immature to make some of your own decisions, or perhaps they are trying their best to look out for you.
March 16th, 2016 5:20pm
Do you ever look back on something you did as a young kid and groan in embarrassment? This will continue for your whole life -- when you're forty, you'll hopefully look back on the way you were at thirty and groan. It's a good thing because it shows that you're growing as a person! So, a grown adult with a job and a family looks back on their teenage years and cringes. They've learned so much since then, and the problems of twenty or thirty years ago seem insignificant compared to what they're dealing with now. However, what parents sometimes forget is that, for a young person, these problems are not insignificant. Ever wonder why a baby cries so hard over a little fall or a small disappointment? To someone older, it seems like not such a big deal. But to a baby, that may be the worst experience they've ever had in their life so far. Same goes for adults and teens. For example, an adult might remember their high school relationships and last. But to a teen, it's their first love and their first experience of heartbreak. Adults get so caught up in their reflections on their own life that they forget that the problems of their kids, which may not be so big in the grand scheme of things, are still emotionally just as affecting as the problems of an adult.