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How do I stop trying to compare myself to my older sibling?

Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Mar 12, 2019 more
There are several techniques. One may be challening your thoughts. When you have a comparative thought, stop yourself and gently compassionately remind yourself that you're not doing that anymore. Immediatley thnk of something good about yourself if you can, and move on with your day. Repeat. It will take some time, but it is possible to cease these habits. You will find that you may be comparing yourself in subtler and subtler ways, until it is barely on your mind. This again is just one of many possibilities. It's also possible that a deep understanding of why you compare yourself to your older sibling can lead you to clues as to how to change your perception.
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Profile: WolfImmortal
WolfImmortal on Sep 7, 2015 more
Comparison leads to suffering. There's no human being on planet earth who's not better than you in some aspect. If you compare yourself to others, you are bound to get sad, envious, frustrated or angry. We are different human beings with different DNA & genes. Comparing yourself with someone is like comparing apples with oranges. Compete with yourself! Be the best version of yourself!
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Apr 26, 2015 more
Never try to compare with anyone. You should know that you're special for who you are and not worry about what others are doing. Be the best at what you're doing.
Profile: ClaireyMarie
ClaireyMarie on Jul 20, 2015 more
You need to realize that you and your sibling are not the same person. Your older sibling is not you, and you are not them. I'm sure you are both different in many ways, and I'm sure you have strengths that they do not, and vice versa. You are perfect the way you are, and you will do things the way you are meant to. No one feels good enough when comparing to other people, it's important to do things the way you feel best, and to be who you are. No one is better at being you than you are. :)
Profile: HelpfulNick95
HelpfulNick95 on Jul 7, 2015 more
I personally often have this problem with my younger sibling who's in high school because he's smarter than me. Eventually I realized that he is who he is, and I am who I am, and I love who I am. The best thing to do to make sure you don't compare yourself to others is just simply love who you are. You don't need outside influences to make yourself better. You have everything you need to do that yourself, inside of you. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses, but not necessarily the same strengths and weaknesses.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Feb 22, 2015 more
You want to be happy with yourself, it should not be about living up or becoming them. You are you and you are unique and special in your own ways. Find something you love and help yourself find you and define yourself as your own person. :)
Profile: Raziam
Raziam on Mar 22, 2015 more
It may help if you start to think of yourself as an independent person. Ask yourself what you enjoy doing, what your dreams are and where you'd like to see yourself in the future. Knowing what you love and what you want to do with your life is the best way you can separate yourself from comparing to others, especially your siblings.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Sep 28, 2015 more
Learn that comparing is unfair. They're older, but it doesn't make you any different as a human. You are amazing the way you are. You shouldn't compare yourself.
Profile: Audrina1990
Audrina1990 on Feb 9, 2016 more
Each and every one of us is a individual and no comparison can ever be made to another person as every single one of us is different. I am sure you possess skills which are unique to you and not your siblings, and vice versa. You have to find your individuality and express it as such.
Profile: Premisintheair
Premisintheair on Feb 22, 2015 more
Never to compare yourself with anyone, cause what you can do, your Sibling may not & vice-versa so be what you are & have respect to your older one like that u will have a name in your family
Profile: Drimezan
Drimezan on Aug 17, 2015 more
Always remember this: You are unique in your own way. You are special in your own way. And people will love you for who you are than pretending to be someone you are not. Most of the time, we compare ourselves to other people because there is something that we want from them that we do not have on ourselves. It causes envy, jealousy and bitterness to creep in your mind and in your heart and is very destructive especially in our relationships. Yes it may be true that sibling rivalry will at some point happen in our lives but to counter that is to first acknowledge your strengths and weaknesses and love yourself. Once you do, love your sibling just as you love yourself. It may sound difficult at first but it takes practice to love someone but you would have to choose to love before it would happen.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jan 26, 2016 more
It's natural to compare yourself. Comparing is not always a bad thing though! It can be a motivation , like friendly competition to excel in all areas of life! But it can also make you feel as though you are not as good as your older sibling , and I understand how that feels. Perhaps you could try and write down all your strengths and remind yourself that the two of you are different ... like apples and oranges you can't really compare !
Profile: YourEllieMae
YourEllieMae on May 1, 2018 more
See yourself as a different person than your sibling. You are your own person with your own gaols and your own thoughts. Comparing yourself to your sibling is like comparing and apple to an orange: same family but different fruits.
Profile: enjoyiableParadise16
enjoyiableParadise16 on Mar 12, 2015 more
Well I'd say first off learn what you can do. It is easier to look on what you feel on the inside anyway so acting like what they do interferes with what you do will make you think that you are worse than the, when actually it is difficult to compare two human beings as we are all equally amazing!
Profile: optimisticPond54
optimisticPond54 on May 9, 2015 more
Every man or woman is different. Just because you are family, doesn't mean you should necessarily be the same. You are all different!
Profile: Ksha97
Ksha97 on Aug 4, 2015 more
I also have qualities that make me unique , I am also a human being, breathing in the same air and with the same color of blood, Maybe , I have qualities that my older siblings don't have, I must explore then , rather than comparing myself to my older siblings
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Aug 4, 2015 more
Possibly discovering what it is that your comparing would be a great starting point (is it looks, size, hair, knowledge.......). Once you have pinpointed this you could work on these areas that you feel you need to be better at although we are all our own person and we all have good points and bad points.
Profile: ActiveListener0809
ActiveListener0809 on Aug 31, 2015 more
Try to shift the focus into comparing yourself to the person you were the day before. This way you can compete with yourself.
Profile: Beenthereseenthat
Beenthereseenthat on Sep 15, 2015 more
You are your own person thoroughly. Always remember each one of us is unique and has a special quality to ourselves. Sometimes its hard not to compare ourselves to others we might look up to. Remember to always appreciate yourself for your own qualities. Chances are, your older sibling tries to compare themselves to you also. Try to focus on what you love about yourself and what makes you unique. Be proud of those things.
Profile: cherishedFireworks66
cherishedFireworks66 on Jun 13, 2016 more
Try to remember that you are two very different people. You would both be good at your own thing. And don't forget that your siblings success doesn't invalidate youes.
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