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How do I deal with the pressure my parents put on me to be who they want vs. who I am?

Profile: HaleyM
HaleyM on Mar 22, 2015 more
Life's not fair; no doubt you know that already, so expecting to get your way all of the time is unrealistic. When you parents pressure you, they do so because they are passionate about You . Show your parents that you understand at least some of their passion by being willing to compromise. Try to find a middle ground into what you'd like, and what they would like. Showing you understand them will make them want to understand you.
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Profile: MyPositiviTea
MyPositiviTea on Feb 1, 2016 more
coming from an asian background and always having this in the back of my mind growing up, definitely put a lot of pressure on me. all in all, i take care of myself first. without my happiness, and my piece of mind, i wouldnt be able to have a clear mind to communicate to my parents about compromising, or ultimately following my own dreams.
Profile: Harry53
Harry53 on Jan 14, 2015 more
That kind of pressure, especially if it begins at an early age, can be tough to deal with. Children and teenagers naturally want to please their parents, and receive positive rewards and feedback when they do. Conversely, when they resist the pressure parents place upon them to act or be a certain way they may receive negative consequences such as anger, or parental disapproval, and that often makes resisting this pressure very difficult. When you find it difficult to be who you truly are it can be very helpful to tell yourself that no matter how hard it is for you now to resist the pressure from your parents, it will be even harder living a life that is not satisfying or fulfilling because you have accepted the one your parents have chosen for you and not the life you would have chosen for yourself. If your parents truly love you, they may not be willing or able to admit it, but in the long run they will be thrilled to see you living the life that is right for you!
Profile: gracefulForever57
gracefulForever57 on May 23, 2015 more
you need to tell your parents how you feel they put pressures on us because they want us to succeed so they do whatever it takes. tell them that you love them but that's their dream not yours
Profile: niamh333
niamh333 on May 2, 2017 more
It can be really difficult when your parents expect something of you, regardless of whether you want it or not. They most likely have your best interests at heart but sometimes they don't express it that well. Be clear with them who you are and what you want, and be consistent. If you have say a job in mind, or a life path, share your plan with them. This will let them know that you are serious and have thought this through. It may also help to explain to them how you're feeling, and that the pressure they're putting you under is hard to deal with. Most importantly, always be yourself, even when it is difficult. You are amazing exactly the way you are, and your parents will come to realise that sooner or later.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jun 29, 2015 more
Treat your parents with respect, and never be close-minded to their ideas, but adopt a sense of mature independence that shows them that you're confident in who you want to be, and this will send signals that not only are you able to handle your own choices with your life, but you're happier living as who you want to be.
Profile: djcuddles123
djcuddles123 on Jul 26, 2016 more
Stay true to yourself and overtime they'll accept you. No matter how hard it may be, always remember you are perfect the way you are.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Aug 4, 2015 more
Talk openly with your parents. Tell them that you feel pressurised. i am sure they will go easy on you
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Oct 25, 2016 more
I deal with the pressure by trying to explain to them that I might have different views and priorities from what they might expect me to have.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Apr 1, 2015 more
Finding a happy medium is important. Listening to your parents may be helpful but as an adult you must be true to yourself.
Profile: SweetlySerene85
SweetlySerene85 on Apr 10, 2015 more
It's always a hard one to determine how to draw the line between yourself and who others want you to be! It may seem like a headache, but with a little time and a little chatting with them(if they're the kind of people you can talk to), I'm sure it can be worked out. I used to have some preconceived notions about what my parents wanted me to do and I did my best to do them. But it always flopped and it sucked because then I felt like a horrible failure. My point is, sometimes parents aren't the best at communicating what they want for their children. Sometimes they're too pushy and don't realize that you're growing up and going to be an adult with real thoughts and feelings like any other person living. Talk with them if you can. If you can't, try to keep a journal. Writing down how you feel about the frustrations it causes you is a good way to get feelings out and it helps you be mentally clear later. Find friends to vent with and always make the decision to just be your best self. Good luck!
Profile: OceanCalm16
OceanCalm16 on May 17, 2015 more
Open a dialogue that takes as a bridge between who they want you to be and who you are. Open up to them. Allow your parents to understand you. But also understand them. Both of you need to feel heard. You need to reassure them and make them feel included and heard just as much as you need to feel accepted.
Profile: NoraHelp
NoraHelp on Sep 22, 2015 more
Be who you want to be but have a speech in mind if your parents complain and make a compelling argument.
Profile: Greatlistener87
Greatlistener87 on Mar 21, 2016 more
At the end whatever decision u make, u will be the one that will have to live with it. So it is good that you can explain to your parents that the choices that you make will be the choices you have to live it when they are not around.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on May 17, 2016 more
Stand for your life or follow the followers, your life is yours not them, You have to choose who you are because at the end they will not care about what you feel and your parents will leave you one day with their choices and your pain. You have to choose for yourself and never let others choose for you.
Profile: Jynx13
Jynx13 on Jul 11, 2016 more
I have found the best way to deal with this is calm, open discussions with your parents. It is never good to approach this as if you are blaming them for doing something wrong. It also helps to be patient. Your parents are trying to do the best they can for you.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Oct 24, 2016 more
Always be true to yourself. Don't do things or not just to make others happy, even if it's your parents. Because you will become miserable and unhappy... and it will be hard to find your true self again.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Oct 25, 2016 more
Gratefully, all of society's rules are made up. The only rules are the ones you set for yourself. The optinos are limitless, which is beautiful and frightening! Your parents are being good-intentioned, but not supportive to your personal well-being. Remain calm, open-minded and honest during conversations like these with your parents (and all others). Explain to them, "I appreciate what you are trying to set forward for me, but I'd like to find my own way, follow what I think is best for my well-being, make my own mistakes, and know that I can count on you for advise along the way." Try to think of ways you would be agreeable to your parents being involved, like maybe if you would be agreeable to them limiting where you go to college, or similar. If they are being head-strong and not open to negotation, well, there isn't much you can do but follow your own dreams respectfully. We cannot control what other people think, do, or how they react, and often others good-intentions are not in our best interest.
Profile: Teddy522
Teddy522 on Jun 12, 2017 more
You may feel like you want to please your parents, and even feel pressured into being someone you`re not. Your parents should love you for who you are, and more often than not, they just want the best for you. Stand up for what you believe it, keep hold of who you are, as being who we truly are is one of the bravest things we can ever do.
Profile: lovelyHope33
lovelyHope33 on Jul 25, 2017 more
I deal with the pressure my parents put on me by taking time out of my day to have some mindful meditation - I try not to focus on what they say for too long. I'd rather follow my own path than the one they want to shape for me. They sometimes accept it, other times its not about acceptance its just basic understanding. Talking definitely helps, or they wouldn't know how I felt.
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