Moderated by
Stacey Kiger, LPC
Licensed Professional Counselor
My belief is that therapy is not about giving advice, but joining you on your journey
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When you have flashbacks it is worth trying various grounding skills you can look up this online. You may also be able to get medication to reduce the frequency of flashbacks and it is worth speaking to a therapist who might be able to give you some tips.
Flashbacks are a way that your body is telling you that you have unhealed trauma. The way to stop it is to heal the trauma, not an easy thing, but healing can be done. It's going to be ok.
Flashbacks occur usually from a traumatic experience that has imprinted on your mind. When you get yourself in a similar situation you can flashback to this traumatic experience. Going to a psychologist and discussing your flashbacks and the traumatic experience can help. They can give you strategies to learn to manage situations that have triggered a flashback.
Talk to someone, a lot of times talking about traumatic memories helps. If you can't talk about them, channel your flashbacks into creativity. Paint, make music, dance, and who knows, maybe one day you will forget all about them.
Flashbacks can be horrible, You just need to try and focus on something that takes your mind off the flashbacks!
Remind yourself that the worst is over, and you survived it. These are just feelings, and memories of an event that occurred in the past. You were strong, and overcame this moment. You can overcome these memories too. Take a deep breathe, notice your surroundings, and tell yourself that you are safe now.
You cannot force flashbacks to disappear but you can teach yourself how not to dwell on them when they come and replace them with alternate thoughts.
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