Why do bullies find it necessary to pick with the quiet folk?
34 Answers
Last Updated: 08/03/2021 at 7:14pm
Moderated by
Stacy Overton, PhD.
I am an enthusiastic life-long learner and also a professor of counseling. I have a passion for peoples stories and helping to guide and empower the human spirit.
Top Rated Answers
May 20th, 2015 8:54pm
because theres a fair chance the quiet ones wont say anything back to them or tell a teacher about them
Because they are cowards who can only deal with someone weaker than themselves. They are not brave enough to mess with tough ones.
Because we quiet folk are awesome and the bullys wish they could be as independent its a hater thang with the bullys
Bullies are insecure in nature and they want to extend their insecurity to someone who isn't going to come and bite them off
November 9th, 2015 4:53pm
Bullies pick on quiet folk because they wont stand up for themselves like wolves they hunt in packs otherwise they would lose their power.
Bullies are often insecure themselves, so they look for people that they think are insecure too. Quiet folk are not always insecure even if bullies think so. The best way to combat bullies is to show them that their actions do not affect you and that you are strong.
They do this because they feel you are vulnerable and you give the image that you won't fight back. So what you can do is stand up taller, keep your head high, show confidence. If people bully you, fight back. You can get in their face and they will be so surprised they might stop bullying you. False confidence is better than no confidence.
Bullies feel the need to pick on the quiet kids because those are the ones that will cause the least amount of trouble about it. Most quiet kids that are bullied will stay silent about it, and will never say anything. Bullies know this and will exploit it as much s they can.
In my opinion it's because they have nothing else better to do, have no life and need to grow up. I grew up as a shy girl especially in school and I was being bullied everyday. One day outta nowhere enough became enough for me and I just stood up for myself and they were shocked. Don't get me wrong it didn't keep anyone from picking with me on down the line, but it got better.
January 25th, 2016 8:44am
Bullies have nothing to do. They bully people in order to be pleased by seeing someone feel bad. You don't have to worry about them. You've to worry about people that get bullied and help them out.
April 8th, 2019 8:33pm
I wouldn’t say “necessary†more like an easy target. Because for one, many bullies might find that the quiet ones are easier to target, because they might not be able to speak up for themselves. I know personally that lots of bullies get jealous and pick on the quiet ones to boost the ego that they don’t have, they do that to make themselves feel better and make the quieter ones feel worse, which is obviously isn’t right, but bullies also pick on them because they also might be the “odd ones†or the “loners†so they feel like the quiet ones are an easy target.
They want to pick on someone who's weaker and will be less likely to fight back, and if you're quiet and introverted you're less likely to be with other people, which means you're less likely to have allies to back you up.
Bullies find it necessary to pick with the quiet folk because they think the quiet folk would not tell anyone about it, or that the quiet folk doesn't have any feelings, when, in reality, the quiet folk most certainly does.
July 6th, 2015 9:43am
I think people feel that quiet people are more weak and since they're usually not popular, they don't have anyone to stand up for them and they won't stand up for themselves either. They also usually don't have a large influence on the people around them so the bullies don't have to fear getting in trouble with groups.
Most bullies have had someone bully them in the past. Which probably made them feel weak, so in order to appear strong, they bully other people. The quiet folk are the least likely to argue back and therefore are an easy target for bullies to appear strong.
January 4th, 2016 7:35am
Because they think the quiet person will just allow them to do it and the won't say anything........
Bullies think the quiet are the easiest targets. They won't go after someone that they think can beat them. Bullies want to ake people afraid of them and they won't look for a challenge.
Bullies find it necessary to pick with the quiet folk because bullies themselves are weak individuals that cannot act on those that will "make a big deal" out of the bullying act. They see quiet people as weak people and therefore they become targets, even when quietness is a kind of strength, a kind of barrier, within itself.
Because they think the quiet people are the lest likely to resist or fight them back. They wouldn't pick on someone tougher than them.
September 14th, 2015 4:49pm
Most of the time bullies don't know what they're doing. They can't live with themselves alone and need someone else to fule their life. And someone who is not very outspoken and difficult is alot easier to deal with.
I think that bullies have insecurities and have some how learned that behavior. It is often an attention getter. They often pick on the quiet kids because they feel as if they will not stand up or speak up for themselves. This is not always the case though.
September 16th, 2019 4:16am
they like the thought of having power over them. Bullies are most likely treated the same in their respective homes, and bullying others is kind of their outlet.
March 2nd, 2021 11:48pm
Bullies often find people they see as easy to pick on, someone actually told me to my face once that I was that kind of person, easy to pick on. And those quieter people tend to talk less, which also makes it easier to be picked on because unless someone witnesses it themselves, or don't care to report it, the victim has a high chance of not telling someone. I'm this way, luckily I'm not getting bullied right now (most likely because we're online).
The quieter folk also tend to have less friends and may be less popular depending on a number of factors. Either way, the less friends they have, the more likely they won't get confronted when picking on this person.
I hoped I answered your question :)
A lot of times, bullies are just more extroverted people who are judgemental of others while still being insecure about themselves. They may be personally struggling with something and don't know how to feel good about themselves except by picking on quiet people who most likely won't say something back to them. They look for easy targets to let out their insecurities and frustrations on, which is why they pick on quiet people. It's not right, but just know that bullies are broken people as well who are in need of support themselves. I'm sorry to those who have turned to bullying as a way to feel good about themselves and those who have been bullied themselves, please reach out for this is a judgment-free zone.
August 3rd, 2021 7:14pm
People who find satisfaction in bullying others tend to get some sort of high off the power and control it makes them feel. They aren't really as powerful as they try to make themselves feel and are often trying to compensate for some part of their life that is less than satisfactory. To get that powerful feeling, bullies will pick on someone that they don't think will kick up much of a fuss. They get a high off of that feeling of someone else submitting to them, so they don't tend to pick on people who are likely to say something and stand up for themselves, thus messing up that feeling that they have control. In short, bullies are usually insecure and seek a feeling of power by picking on those least likely to resist the bullying.
Because they know that quiet folk won't strike back and thus the can establish their superiority easily.
Bullies prey on weaker individuals well that's how they have described it! Very sad but bullies will pick on anyone who aren't able to speak up for themselves or confront the bully at all.
The quiet folks are the easiest to bully, tease or harass because they won't fight back, argue or complain so they can be easy to victimise.
September 16th, 2015 2:09am
I think overall bullies pick on quieter people because they're so much more of an easy target. They assume quiet people most likely won't want to cause trouble, and won't ask for help because they're too weak and afraid. Though that may not always be the case, in a way it makes bullies feel higher and more superior.
August 18th, 2015 6:53am
Because bullies think that the quiet ones won't stand up for themselves and are an easier target. They don't know how the quiet people really are, so they're just taking false hope and taking a chance with it. They know the more talkative people and don't ever find a reason to bully them because they probably are friends with the talkative people.
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