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Profile: peacefulSoul8
peacefulSoul8 on Feb 13, 2016 more
Live a great life and be happy!! Exercise work on yourself and be happy without him!:) That is the best revenge ever.
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Profile: joyfulTree84
joyfulTree84 on Mar 2, 2016 more
Don't. Just forget and move on. Karma will get them back and the best thing will be when they see a gem like you with someone who truly deserves you. Then they'll cry😊
Profile: Llanah
Llanah on Mar 6, 2016 more
Revenge is a bit of an unhealthy behavior.. a bit toxic. There are better ways to go about getting back at an ex. For example, show them how strong and happy you are without them. The world is a vast place more
Love yourself and live better than you did when you were together. Cliche as it sounds, hating people is really like drinking poison yourself and hoping someone else will die from it. You deserve better than revenge.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Feb 18, 2016 more
I know this is probably not what you want to hear but the smartest thing to do would be to not seek revenge on your ex.
Profile: pleasinglyPoetic
pleasinglyPoetic on Apr 9, 2016 more
Be happy, and let them go. Do not hold onto your hatred, for it is like a hot coal; should you decide to pick it up to cast it at another, you yourself will be burned. Hatred, and revenge, only corrupt. Live your own life now, rather than shackling yourself to theirs by your violence.
Profile: Fredrik
Fredrik on Feb 24, 2016 more
Happiness. When I was younger me and my ex split. I was angry at her for some reasons and I wanted to get back at her. My wise friend told me to let it go and I did. I kept going to school and started a new class. Where I found my new girlfriend. I wasn't thinking back at my ex or thinking forward. I was just going forward without thinking too much. I was happy with her and she made me smile all the time. I was happy. I later heard that my ex had seen me with her and she got quite jealous of the fact that I didn't get "revenge" or tried to be mean to her. I got revenge by simply being myself and as luck would have it, I met my new future. don't dwell on the past or try to get revenge. Learn to move on and become happy with how things are!
Profile: IreneDreamer
IreneDreamer on Mar 16, 2016 more
The best way to get revenge is to be successful. There is no way to be happy if you think of harming or causing pain to someone. But if you are positive and want the best for you and those around you positivity will come back to you :)
Profile: Oluwa
Oluwa on Feb 17, 2016 more
The best revenge on an ex is too show them that you can live your live without them. To just get on with your own life, to focus on you and your own happiness only!
Profile: courageousHand17
courageousHand17 on Mar 1, 2016 more
When we concern ourselves with getting revenge on anyone who we feel has wronged us, we are still giving them power over us because we are still concerned with them instead of focusing on ourselves and our happiness. As difficult as it may be, sometimes we have to forgive someone not for them, or not even because they deserve it, but to allow ourselves to move on. I have felt wronged by several people I have had feelings for in the past. When I reached a point where I had focused on myself so much that I no longer let myself antagonize over the lives of those who wronged me, I felt much happier and much more free. Even when they weren't particularly deserving of it
Profile: cimone
cimone on Feb 19, 2016 more
Why would you want "revenge"? You wanting revenge, is your ex just winning still. The greatest way to win, is to move on, be happy, surround yourself with people you love, enjoy friendships, and just live. I promise your ex will be mad as hell to see you living life, unbothered, and moving on from them.
Profile: BradUK
BradUK on Apr 9, 2016 more
There is a good solution to this, which is the right thing to do, yet can also make the ex-partner feel like they made a mistake. Focus on yourself, grow as a person and become who you want to be; whilst being accepting towards your ex-partner. I know this might not seem like revenge, but it will make them wonder why they made he decision they did, supposed to confirming their decision. Best of luck and much love!
Profile: Aemelliah
Aemelliah on Apr 13, 2016 more
do better much better,be prettier than before,be happier than before,dont show them you care,have more fun but not too much fun,work that body out, DO BETTER,FEEL BETTER,ACT BETTER,JUST BE BETTER
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Apr 17, 2016 more
The best revenge on an ex is when you forget them, or at least what they did to you. That's a sweeter feeling than holding on to the pain. more
Being happy with yourself, enjoying your life, doing the little things you haven't done before. Kill them with kindness!
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Apr 24, 2018 more
I do not believe that revenge is the goal you are wanting. I highly suggest identifying why you are so angry at your ex. Talk it out, write a letter to them but don't send it, 'air out your dirty laundry' as one might say. Find healthy and productive ways to get out those intense emotions! Although revenge in and of itself isn't the best solution here, feeling that way is completely normal and almost expected depending on your situation. But you don't want to do anything to cause harm or pain to them, even if they have done things to you. Take a deep breathe, let it out to a trusted peer or friend, and try and find a healthy channel. Maybe you can channel that anger into some beautiful art, or a burst of poetry that scratches the paper in intensity.
Profile: gaglyphoenix16
gaglyphoenix16 on Apr 13, 2016 more
To ignore him/her completely. That'd make him/her mad because he/she isn't given attention. All exes do is to get attention and make you feel sorry for no reason and best is to avoid them.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Feb 12, 2016 more
There is no best way to get revenge on an ex because you shouldn't be doing that in the first place.
Profile: blindParadise96
blindParadise96 on Mar 4, 2016 more
I would say the absolute best way is to move past him/her. Show them that you were happy before them and will be after them. They don't determine your happiness.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Nov 27, 2017 more
The best way to get revenge on an ex is to simply be happy with yourself and move on. Getting revenge just shows you still care, what will get to them the most is to see you happy in life without them. 😌
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